want price per unit before the price

  • Posts: 418
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  • Hikaserial Subscription Hikashop Business
9 years 11 months ago #195394

-- HikaShop version -- : 2.3.5
-- Joomla version -- : 3.4.0
-- PHP version -- : 5.5.x


We want the line price per unit. before the price instead of behind. but not to be shown in the listing of products.
can u tell me how to do that! i attached two images one of the products listing and one of a product itself.
I can not seem to figure it out. Please help.


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9 years 11 months ago #195397

1. If you want to remove the "price" column of your product listing, you'll just have to set the "Display price" option to NO through your product listing content menu/module configuration page.
2. What do you exactly mean by : "We want the line price per unit. before the price instead of behind" ?

Last edit: 9 years 11 months ago by Mohamed Thelji.

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  • Hikaserial Subscription Hikashop Business
9 years 11 months ago #195528

1. we don't want to remove the price in the listing. only the text price per unit.
we alterd the table that's why the text price per unit is now underneat the price. normaly it will be after the price. like this: $ 40,- per unit.
2. in the product itself we want this textline per unit (we will translate this text in dutch to: onze prijs) to be before $ 40,-
so that it looks like: onze prijs $ 40,- instead of $ 40,- onze prijs

Hope u can help

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9 years 11 months ago #195535


So to in the view "product / listing_price" you can replace the code:

			if(isset($price->price_min_quantity) && empty($this->cart_product_price) && $this->params->get('per_unit',1)){
					echo '<span class="hikashop_product_price_per_unit_x">'.JText::sprintf('PER_UNIT_AT_LEAST_X_BOUGHT',$price->price_min_quantity).'</span>';
					echo '<span class="hikashop_product_price_per_unit">'.JText::_('PER_UNIT').'</span>';
			if(JRequest::getCmd('layout') == 'show' && isset($price->price_min_quantity) && empty($this->cart_product_price) && $this->params->get('per_unit',1)){
					echo '<span class="hikashop_product_price_per_unit_x">'.JText::sprintf('PER_UNIT_AT_LEAST_X_BOUGHT',$price->price_min_quantity).'</span>';
					echo '<span class="hikashop_product_price_per_unit">'.JText::_('PER_UNIT').'</span>';
To display it only on the product detail page, and move that whole code earlier in the view to display it before the price.


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  • Hikaserial Subscription Hikashop Business
9 years 11 months ago #195896

A little late,
but thanks for this solution. i couldn't figure it out.
it works!

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  • Hikaserial Subscription Hikashop Business
6 years 9 months ago #292640

A little question,
It seems that the code you gave me does not set the text per unit in front of the price any more since the new version of hikashop.
How can i do it now?

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6 years 9 months ago #292643


There was two modifications in the message from Xavier.
The first one was to add JRequest::getCmd('layout') == 'show' so that the per unit would only display on the product page, not on listings.
If you applied that change, it's normal that it didn't change the location of the per unit text.
The second modification was to swap that block of code with the code before it :

echo '<span class="'.implode(' ',$classes).'"'.$attributes.'>';

				echo $this->currencyHelper->format(@$price->price_value_with_tax,$price->price_currency_id);
				echo JText::_('PRICE_BEFORE_TAX');
				echo $this->currencyHelper->format(@$price->price_value,$price->price_currency_id);
				echo JText::_('PRICE_AFTER_TAX');
			if($this->params->get('show_original_price') && !empty($price->price_orig_value)){
				echo JText::_('PRICE_BEFORE_ORIG');
					echo $this->currencyHelper->format($price->price_orig_value_with_tax,$price->price_orig_currency_id);
					echo JText::_('PRICE_BEFORE_TAX');
					echo $this->currencyHelper->format($price->price_orig_value,$price->price_orig_currency_id);
					echo JText::_('PRICE_AFTER_TAX');
				echo JText::_('PRICE_AFTER_ORIG');
			echo '</span> ';
and that is the modification you want to do.
This code hasn't changed since 3 years ago so the modification is still valid and it's still in the same view file you need to do it.

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