How to create discount every day from 11.00 to 13.00?

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8 years 4 months ago #253689

-- HikaShop version -- : 2.6.4

At the moment I enter to the admin panel every day and change the date of discount every day.

But how could I create discount every day from 11.00 untill 13.00? Is it real?

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Хочешь получить купон на скидку Hikashop? Спроси меня как!

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8 years 4 months ago #253708


I don't see an easy solution. What you could do is remove these restrictions, and edit the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/currency.php and add some custom code afrer the code:

$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.hikashop_table('discount').' WHERE '.implode(' AND ',$filters);
			$discounts = $this->database->loadObjectList();
(twice in the file) so that you would remove the discount from the $discounts array if you would be outside of the hour range where the discount should be effective.

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8 years 4 months ago #253781

don't you plan to add some functionality in hika 3.0 that could do this tasks?

Many shops have discounts on weekends or in some hours everyday...

Я не явлюсь официальной службой поддержки!
Я здесь добровольно!

Хочешь получить купон на скидку Hikashop? Спроси меня как!
Last edit: 8 years 4 months ago by progreccor.

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8 years 4 months ago #253799


Not for HikaShop 3.0. We're working on a lot of things for HikaShop 3.0, but not that.
Ideally, some mass actions on discounts/coupons could be a nice way to do that in the future.

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8 years 4 months ago #253889

Really do not have enough functionality to create automatic actions, discounts and coupons. For example, I can not realize the automatic issuance of coupons for a discount or assignment of certain discounts to the buyer, depending on the number and amount of its orders. I search among the developers of third-party modules, but also did not find the solution.
I hope that someday this will be implemented in hikashop. It can also be regarded as a request or a proposal to include in future versions :)

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8 years 3 months ago #253908


Yes. Thank you for your feedback.
There is actually a way already to have coupon codes generated automatically based on the products/orders. You can do that with the AcyMailing integration and the filtering system of AcyMailing:

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8 years 3 months ago #253994

nicolas wrote: Hi,

Yes. Thank you for your feedback.
There is actually a way already to have coupon codes generated automatically based on the products/orders. You can do that with the AcyMailing integration and the filtering system of AcyMailing:

Thank you for your advice! I installed the component AcyMailing and activated the appropriate plugin for hikashop, but when I go to the section filters, component gives me a few errors, see screenshot.


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8 years 3 months ago #254004


On the line 1070 of the AcyMailing - HikaShop plugin, there is no code which could produce that first error, and the others don't come from HikaShop.
So for the first one, I guess you should update HikaShop.
For the others I don't know. You should contact AcyMailing.
However, even with these warning messages, you should be able to configure filters. Just do as if they weren't there.
And if they are bothering you, you can turn off the "error reporting" setting of the Joomla configuration as these errors are not critical.

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8 years 3 months ago #254127

nicolas wrote: Hi,

On the line 1070 of the AcyMailing - HikaShop plugin, there is no code which could produce that first error, and the others don't come from HikaShop.
So for the first one, I guess you should update HikaShop.
For the others I don't know. You should contact AcyMailing.
However, even with these warning messages, you should be able to configure filters. Just do as if they weren't there.
And if they are bothering you, you can turn off the "error reporting" setting of the Joomla configuration as these errors are not critical.

Perhaps you do not quite understand me correctly. If I plugin options of integration AcyMailing and HikaShop turn "yes" in the option "Display the HikaShop filters on massactions" then there are data errors, and i can not select any filters. If the specified option is disabled if the filters are working, but there is no hikashop. See screenshots.

I have installed hikashop version 2.6.4

And if I disable the settings Joomla error messages, then yes, the error does not appear, but the filter performance is not affected, they are also not available for selection if the "yes" option is enabled in the above plugin.


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8 years 3 months ago #254131


I am sorry but your current question is far away from the original topic.
So please create a new thread for different problems.

Thank you for your understanding.

Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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8 years 3 months ago #254204

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