Question about coupon problem

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7 years 9 months ago #268851

I don't like to begin moaning or bashing the support here, but I have to say that I am disappointed (at least).

I upgraded to Hikashop 3 in January. Upon installing it, I found out it caused a number of serous issues. I had to uninstall it the same day and revert back to Hikashop 2. A few days ago I decided to install the latest version of Hikashop 3, and check if the issues have been ironed out. Yes, most problems have indeed been fixed. Thanks.

BUT there is still a huge issue, concerning a completely wrong calculation in the coupon discount, when taxes apply.
I emailed you on Thursday morning, asking for your assistance. I emailed you 2 more times in the process. Today it's Saturday. I've received no reply. I wouldn't bother if this was about a slideshow, or another type of add-on. But this is about an e-shop. And when an e-shop has flaws, then it's getting more serious.

I have already emailed you a number of screenshots that describe the issue.
I am going to describe it again, in brief, here.

In the Hikashop configuration, the discounts have been set to apply BEFORE TAXES.
I've created a 50% discount for product X, whose price is 10 euros.
In Hikashop 2, the discount was calculated correctly: 5 euros.

Now look what Hikashop 3 calculates:

If the calculations were correct, the discount should be 5 euros. The Total cost should be 5 * 24% = 6.2 euros and NOT 4.71 euros!

Instead of 5 euros, Hikashop 3 calculated 6.20 euros in the 50% discount!
How come? It applied the VAT to the discount! This is wrong.

Please advise promptly. And please don't throw the ball in my court.
It's not about the money I spent on a product version that I am not using. What I want is this version to work properly.


Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Jerome.

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7 years 9 months ago #268865


We generally reply under 24 hours but it can require more time depending the message.

Your email was huge and really really difficult to understand ; with partial screenshot, some not working screenshots, etc.
See :

More than that, you reply to your own message to add more points ; with still, not a single information about the configuration.

Due to the massive amount of text, not a single information regarding your discounts (but that's the main part of your issue, right ?) ; I'm afraid that our support team is not able to give you any useful answer. So the email is still in the queue but nobody is able to handle it.
Not a detail about the HikaShop version number, how your store is configured...

I admit that you try to do your best and your message have titles and some kind of sections.
But there is way too much text and too few real information that can be used by a support team to understand and give you a solution.

You have the right to be disappointing but in order to give a fast and good support ; we need "tools" to do it.

And I can say the exact same thing right here and right now ; you open a ticket in our forum in order to have an answer but you do not provide any useful information !
We do not have the website (even in "private"), not the HikaShop version number, not your discount configuration, not a clue to see or reproduce the issue, nothing...

So okay, I will do that ungrateful job and tell you what you don't want to read and don't want to know.
Telling you that you can claim that you did not have your reply under 48 hours (because yes, it has been 48 hours since your email) ; but we cannot give you any answer.

If you want to fix an issue and a bug, I'm sorry but you will have to do it correctly ; following the rules !


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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7 years 9 months ago #268869

Hi Jerome.

I am afraid I cannot understand you. I am sorry but I do not consider this a very professional reply.
Since you took this kind of aggressive attitude, I will reply accordingly. But with facts:

1. "Not a detail about the Hikashop version"? Excuse me? I wrote you that I downloaded the latest Hikashop version. I expect you to know what is the latest version of the software you are developing!

2. You also wrote that I provided many screeshots etc. As you probably saw, I replied to an email sent to me by Nicolas. And it was Nicolas who asked me to provide all these screenshots.

3. Why didn't you reply back to me, if there was anything you did not understand? This is what I am doing when I receive a request from a customer, that I do not understand.

Your reply is frankly unacceptable. I've been selling software since 2005, I never talked to a customer like you just did.

Back to the issue:
I believe you read my first post. I provided a single screenshot that shows the issue. I hope it's not confusing too, OK?

Now please proceed with the rules: read my post and provide support to your customer.


Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by panefs.

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7 years 9 months ago #268871

Now that I am reading your reply one more time, I am getting more surprised and angry, with your aggressive style and your unfair points!

It appears that you didn't pay a minute to read the 2 emails I sent you: had you done so, you would find attached the screenshots showing the coupon &product configuration (as per Nicolas' request). You would read my Hikashop version and the name of my site; I even created an account for you to login and try the coupon for yourselves.

Please let Nicolas handle this issue. And try not to attack the next customer who will turn to you for assistance.

Someone who's been serving customers for 12 years.

Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by panefs.

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7 years 9 months ago #268892


If you want assistance from Nicolas, send an email with the corresponding requested elements so the bug request can be handle by the support team.
You started that forum thread with a complain on the fact that you did not receive an answer from your message after 48 hours.
I gave you an explanation and I'm sure that you do not appreciate it. I'm used to it, I'm generally the guy who gave the bad news.

Now if you have a bug with HikaShop ; please open a thread with the basis elements which allow the support team understand, reproduce and fix the issue.
These elements starts with your HikaShop version number.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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7 years 9 months ago #268895

OK, let's stop it here because it is apparent that you did not read everything I wrote in my first post.
Anyway, Nicolas has already responded to the email I sent you 3 days ago, saying that he is investigating the issue.
I don't know if you are the guy who is 'giving bad news' or whatever. What I know is that you have been unreasonably aggressive to a customer. That's unacceptable.

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