HikaDeal features (groupon like)

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9 years 6 months ago #213437

Is HikaDeals going to have a back end for customers and companys (merchants)?

I ask this because i know a lot about this sites from backend...lol, i have experience at this, Groupon and other clone scripts have many back end functions because coupon sites require a different aproach, this is highly important for client decisions on buying this type of softwares, i understand hikashop is different from a groupon software but these are some of the most required functions for daily deals:

For admin:

  • Add comission percent for each offer or merchant: for example 28.5% or 35% this helps the admin for faster calculation of sales per commision at backend (maybe the most important thing from all this list)
  • Coupon editor: to make the global design for the printed coupons (this allows to decide the information each coupon will have like for example: coupon code, politics for redeem that coupon, description, name of the company, direction, phone, the exact time when the coupons was bought)
  • Allows salesperson to create deals and view their sales.
  • Add google maps for offers
  • Discounts in offer panel: the discount amount should be added on each offer but in each offer panel, not as actually discounts work on hikashop by adding this discount sepparatedly as a rule
  • Make refund (if a customer requires a refund it can be done by using the exact gatheway used for buying, for example: 2 checkout) ..highly important as many gatheways have different policys for refunds, so this should work form the exact gatheway used for buy
  • Sell limits (if a company offers only 50 coupons, the admin may define 50, but if 49 have ben sold, the last person insteed of been able to buy 4 or 5 coupons in a single buy may only select 1, this is very very important) some groupon clone sites have problems with this as the last person may buy 100 coupons even do 1 is only available
  • minimun buy: defines the lower ammount of coupons that may be sold to enable the offer
  • slideshow with all functions: displays per company or per offer the feature, daily, most sold, less sold offers in main content area but insted of showin only a picture of the offer, it also show all the information each ofer should display in preview: time countdown, coupons sold, discount, savings, price and a view offer button
  • user banning: for suspicious users logged into the page
  • Buy products from admin account (third person): this allows sales by phone, if a buyer doesnt want to buy online, can talk to the site and buy the products by give their credict card number, then the admin can use a main account to buy the product online for the client and send the coupon by the site email to the client email, but the name of the buyer will be the name of the site or the name of the client and that coupon will appear into the admin account, that way that coupon can be bought by using the same process (important and very few scripts have it)
  • export sales and information: this will include the user name who bought the product, each coupon code, price, commission percent for that company, total amount of money before and after commision, name of the product or code, email of the buyer (this is only for admin, not for merchants available, as clients information should be private and only for admin) this is important for a coupon site to run good
For companys (merchants):
  • Backend admin for companys to allows merchants to view/update coupons status by acces using their passwords.
  • allow company to search and check coupons as "used" (this allows to verify coupons by searching with the coupon code) this veryfication is very important because some users copy-paste printed coupons and then use 1 coupon multiple times affecting the merchant - highly important, once the coupon is checked, no one can use that code again
  • Scan QR code on coupon and update coupon status.
  • export list of coupons sold (very very important) this allows restaurants for example, to print and give a list of the coupons sold to a manager to easyer the process of checking coupon codes, remember in commerce not every employee has acces to this panel for checking or in case they dont have internet working for a wile or dont have laptops, this way the checked list can be checked on the merchant account latter (this export, and also the merchant backend, shouldnt say any private information of the client who bought the product, thats only for admin export, merchant should only know: name of buyer, time of buy, product bought, code of coupon).
For Users (buyers):
  • Buy without been logged (this is important because this works on easy buys, if new customers have to loggin sales will be lost)
  • Coupons sold: Displays on each offer preview (in the module i guess) the exact amount of coupons sold at the moment, it allows people to see if many others found the offer attractive or if its a limited offer to 50 sales if 45 have been sold and you only may buy 5 or u have to hurry to buy or will over soon.
  • Buy as a gift (without price): allows customers to buy a coupon with a different name and add the email of their friend so it goes to that person / this buy mode shouldnt display the price the buyer paid (this last is very important as some clone scripts show the amount paid and clients dont like to buy as gift because of that
  • Share deal via facebook, twitter and email.
  • choose city: this is a little module that allows users to select were they live so admin displays offers people will find atracctive by cattegorizing them for location
  • Buy latter function/ email reminder: activates an email reminder that will be sent to that client (even not logged) when 24hours is the remaining time of an offer by asking for the client email, works automaticaly
  • Referral for a friend: allows to add the email or facebook account of a friend so he or she receives the offer preview as a referral from some one who bought or saw the offer

All this is only my inside knowledge of a daily deals site, with common issues, it doesnt mean u must have it all, just sharing my knowledge per free lol, something might help you or not.


Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Rocco fx.

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9 years 6 months ago #213448


Thank you for your feedback.
I'm not the one responsible for the development of HikaDeal so I'll let Mohamed, who is in charge of that project answer you in details about your points.
Note that most of them are already available by default in HikaShop and such HikaDeal will be an extension of HikaShop, that's already taken care of.
For example, for the limit on the number of items to a defined number, you can already do that in normal products with the "quantity" field and of course if you set 50 there, it's not possible to buy more than 50, even if there is only 1 product in stock left.
Another example is the buy without being logged is already supported thanks to the guest checkout feature in HikaShop.

PS: I've created a new thread for your message as this was going too much off topic.

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9 years 6 months ago #213461

Thanks for creating another topic Nicolas,

I was just sharing my "inside" info about this type of sites, i do understand hikashop has many nice features and its easy to use, i only shared my knoledge because one of the resons because not many companys use joomla or hikashop for daily deals is because almost all features i wrote in my message are necessary for that type of groupon sites in a daily basis, and joomla only has modules, a couple of components and a couple of templates wich dont cover many of this or u cant edit their appearence easy, or hasnt been built right, buggs, etc, thats why many companies preffer buying a full groupon clone, script, system or a couponic clone as they cover many of this aspects and are suitable for customers.

I belive there is a big opportunity for joomla to explore this type of ecommerce.


Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Rocco fx.

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9 years 6 months ago #213453


Nicolas mixed up HikaDeal and HikaAuction.
I am in charge of that project (when Mohamed is in charge of HikaAuction).

HikaDeal won't have features of HikaMarket ; if you need a multi-vendor system, HikaMarket is the solution.
HikaDeal won't have features of HikaSerial ; if you need to generate coupons / unique content / serial, HikaSerial is the solution.

HikaDeal is a small component of deal system.
You propose a product with a price which change depending the number of orders made with that product.
The deal order are not processed automatically or are processed using a special/compatible payment plugin.
So if a user bought a product at 40$ but later the deal change to 30$, the user will finally pay 30$ or will receive a partial refund of 10$.

Now it is possible that we will propose a pack with HikaMarket + HikaDeal + HikaSerial ; that combo should propose almost all features you listed.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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8 years 3 months ago #256118

Hi Jerome,
I'm too interested.
Please, What about this "HikaDeal" and the pack with HikaMarket + HikaDeal + HikaSerial ?

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8 years 3 months ago #256137


HikaDeal development has been postponed due to some missing payment methods with the support of "authorize/capture".
The goal of a deal is to let the customer pay but the money won't be capture until the deal is finished (and completed).
So if the deal is not made ; you do not have to perform a refund (manually...).
Today, taking the all price of the product for a "reservation" is not appreciated by customers (and I fully agree).

So, when HikaShop will have more plugins with the support of the "authorize / capture" feature ; it will be possible for us to propose a fully finish component.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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8 years 3 months ago #256155

Hi Jerome,
many thanks for explanation. Please,

Jerome wrote: Hi,
...when HikaShop will have more plugins with the support of the "authorize / capture" feature ; it will be possible for us to propose a fully finish component..,

What does it mean ?
Is HikaShop working on it ?

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8 years 3 months ago #256156


Yes ; but the most complicated part is to find payment gateway which support it.. And there is a very few.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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8 years 3 months ago #256213

One thing to keep in mind with authorize & capture payment processing is that the authorization against the customer's credit card will usually drop off after about 10 - 12 days. The time period varies by credit card processor. So if you run a deal for longer than 10 days, you could find yourself with a percentage of previously authorized transactions that fail to capture when the deal closes.

~ Deb Cinkus, CEO

Polished Geek: more with monday․com
eCommerce Business Process Automation Experts

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8 years 3 months ago #256215


Depending the payment gateway, the authorize/capture is not working the same way, have different "authorization period", etc.
It is really hard to find a real consistency there..


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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