Proper products bundle

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2 years 2 months ago #348038

Feature to join 2 or more products in one bundle/pack.
- Posible diferent VAT of products. Product A have 22% VAT, Product B have 5% VAT.
- On product page should be no option selection.
- In cart should be represented products separate with its own VAT.
- Stock is handeled.

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2 years 2 months ago #348039


This is in reference to your previous thread here:

This feature request poses me trouble on several aspects:
- while I agree with you it is cumbersome to use the workaround I proposed on that other thread, especially if you have many products like that, and you still want to use options for other things (since it means having to write a lot of CSS), it is still a solution which can work for most people with that need.
- there is already a feature called "bundle" in HikaShop. Having yet another product grouping mechanism in HikaShop seems too convoluted and will complexify the use for other merchants (I believe anyone would agree it's already complex enough like this). And it already allows the grouping of different products in one. However, at the moment, it only handle the stock. Adding an extra option to it to handle the prices/taxes is possible. In fact, that's something I have in my todo list. However, it will mean having one product in the cart, not several. So I feel this won't help you either.
- I feel it would be strange for the customer to add a product in the cart, only to be presented to two products in the cart afterwards, without explanation of what's going on.

Basically, what you want is a mechanism to add two products at once with only one add to cart button.
What you could do is to create a Joomla article page for that product page, and add the HTML of an add to cart button to the article like this:

<a class="index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=updatecart&data[XX]=1&data[YY]=1&add=1" calss="hikabtn hikacart">Add to cart</a>
where XX and YY would be the id of the two products you want to be added to the cart.
This will match with the 4 requirements you have in your message and seems simple to implement.

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2 years 2 months ago #348107

Thank you for explanations.
You said...- there is already a feature called "bundle" in HikaShop. Having yet another product grouping mechanism in HikaShop seems too convoluted and will complexify the use for other merchants (I believe anyone would agree it's already complex enough like this). And it already allows the grouping of different products in one. However, at the moment, it only handle the stock. Adding an extra option to it to handle the prices/taxes is possible. In fact, that's something I have in my todo list. However, it will mean having one product in the cart, not several. So I feel this won't help you either.

That bundle feature is ok, but with one fatal problem. 2 products with diferent VAT. We are legal obligated to show corect VAT on checkout. So if you have todo list like you said, we just wait for that.

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2 years 2 months ago #348119


Yes. this option would automatically take the prices and the taxes of both products for the price and taxes of the main product. So if the tax rates are different for both products, it would show it as separate tax rates on the checkout/order/invoice.

Still, I think the add to cart button HTML in a Joomla article should be a simple alternative for the time being.

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  • Hikaserial Subscription Hikashop Business
1 year 4 months ago #356297

I have the same problem too. I have to sell a subscription and a book together with a discounted final price. They have different VAT, but this is not a problem because the invoice is issued separately because in Italy we have to produce the electronic invoice. My problem is that using the option the second product does not appear except as a mandatory choice rather than as an additional product. Furthermore, purchasing the subscription activates the subscription period. Does this also happen like this?
I don't know if I explained myself. We migrated from Virtuemart to Hikashop. In Virtuemart there is a plugin that allows you to create bundled products. Here it seems a bit complex as a system. But we are new to Hikashop so perhaps it is not very clear to us how to do it.

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1 year 4 months ago #356300


Can you complete your message with these elements in order to better understand the current situation :
- A typical product setting screenshot (take a good care to show us everything)
- An Url link (to see the context and better understand the nature of your products and needs)
- Describe precisely what seems complex or blocks you in your configuration


Last edit: 1 year 4 months ago by Philip.

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1 year 4 months ago #356307

The site is still under construction. I'll first send you the screenshot of what it looks like now in Virtuemart.
We would like to achieve the same thing or give me the same result.
In Virtuemart however we had to build a complex circuit for sending activation codes etc. Here, since we have the Subscription module, we make sure that the user logs in and that the subscription is activated in his name.
In the single product we have no problems and it works perfectly. But in the bundle where we sell the subscription and the paper book together it becomes a problem.


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1 year 4 months ago #356309


We believe that the simplest way to enable us to help you as best as possible is to provide us with access to your backend as soon as possible.
This will allow us to better understand your intentions and potentially what is wrong.
When possible send us this:
- An Url link to your backend (administrator)
- A backend user references (with maximum Acl)

You will use our Contact us form to provide these elements, and don't forget to add an Url link to this topic in your message.

Last edit: 1 year 4 months ago by Philip.

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1 year 4 months ago #356330

ok. Look the attachement.

[Moderator:] Next time for safety reason, use our Contact us form as requested to provide secrets References.
We have save its on our side.

Last edit: 1 year 4 months ago by Philip.

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1 year 4 months ago #356356


Can you double-check your provided references, because when we use it we just get this message :
"Warning : Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet."

And please can you describe more precisely what did you mean by "together it becomes a problem", AND point which product you try to configure with Bundle.
Plus, if you could describe what is blocking you or does not correspond to your needs in using the Bundle.


Last edit: 1 year 4 months ago by Philip.

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1 year 4 months ago #356360

I confirm that the data sent is correct.
Enter your username and password, not your name.
"Together becomes a problem" means that the products do not appear separately in the order or at least I was not able to make them appear that way. So having 2 different types of VAT is not good.
The products I would like to appear together are the ones with the SKU
libabb and abblib. As I showed you in the Virtuemart screen, there I had a plugin that allowed me to create a bundle as you can see.
We create ecommerce sites in Magento, but for this customer who uses Joomla and only has 3 products: book, subscription and combined book+subscription, we chose you both for the subscription module and for how the component is structured, but we gave granted that there was a method to create bundles of let's say "standard" products.

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1 year 4 months ago #356432

Hi Nicolas,
we managed to create the product in a "bundle", combining the two products that I had indicated previously. They now appear separately in the cart. But there are two important problems that I think you can help us solve.
1. On the product page (Screenshot1) the combined product appears as a possible option and not as a "mandatory" combined product. We read your response to the "bundled products how to" ticket where you said: "If product Y is added as an option to product X, the customer will be able to purchase product
And if you have Product Y in an unpublished category, Product Y (DEAL) is only available if a customer purchases Product X. Product Y is not available as a standalone product and can only be added to the cart with Product X.
We did this, but product Y, in our case sku abblib appears as an option not as a mandatory purchase.
2. By proceeding with the purchase by going to the checkout (Screenshot2), the option to delete one of the two products remains active.
In this way, if I delete it and proceed with the purchase, I successfully purchase only one of the products which has a discounted price to be sold together (Screenshot3) and this, obviously, is not good.


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1 year 4 months ago #356479

Sorry Nicolas, but this issue is becoming very important. If we don't fix it we have to go back to Virtuemart and I guarantee you I really don't feel like it.

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1 year 4 months ago #356477


In order to get what you required, we can sugget you a "trick", you can use a variant in order to remove the "No".
Removing the No can be done for the option itself (not for all the options) by adding a characteristic with only one value to the option product and having only one variant, follow me step by step :
1. Create a Characteristics, let's say "Product options" (by example) with variant "Mandatory" & "No"
2. In your product options create, add your characteristic "Product options", SAVE
3. In your new variants Tab, Add only ONE Variants with "Mandatory"
Result :
Your product options selection will be now without any No choice, even if the product option itself is alone (It will be required).

Hope this will help you to achieve your needs.

Last edit: 1 year 4 months ago by Philip.

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1 year 4 months ago #356492

The first part of the problem has been solved. Thank you. (Screenshot1).
Now we have to solve the second one which is much more important.
When you add the 2 combined products to the cart it is still possible to cancel one of the two. (Screenshots 2 and 3)
So if you go to checkout you will only find one of the 2 products with the discounted price (Screenshot 4) and you can complete the order (Screenshot 5) by purchasing only one of the two products with the discounted price. You understand that this is a problem. So what can be done to continue the matching obligation also in the purchasing process?
I'm thinking of actually creating a single product with a single price, but the problem is that I would have to make it a subscription with an absurd price and then correct it manually and for the book I would always create shipping manually, but this becomes a problem since the combined orders are hundreds.
Do I need to create a specific script? What I don't understand is why there isn't a module that includes bundled products. All e-commerce programs provide this. Even Virtuemart which is a crap program.

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1 year 4 months ago #356495

Maybe I think I have a solution. In Virtuemart we had the same problem where we hid the buttons to cancel products both in the cart and in the checkout. And we have added a "Cancel Order" button in Checkout. Now I'll talk to my developers and let you know. But please make it a bundle module. :))

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1 year 4 months ago #356501

So, we solved it. The only thing missing is the correct script to cancel the order on the checkout page. You should tell us. We have inserted a button as a custom field (Screenshot1)

<button style="margin-top:20px;" type="submit" class="hikabtn hikabtn-danger hikabtn_checkout_next" onclick="return window.checkout.confirmDelete(this);"><span class="btnIcon hk-icon fa-2x" style="font-size:16px !important"><i class="far fa-trash-alt"></i></span> Cancel order</button>
but obviously it doesn't work. You should indicate the command to insert in onclick.


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