USA States in CSV export

  • Posts: 232
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  • Hikaserial Standard Hikashop Business
9 years 11 months ago #194319

-- HikaShop version -- : 2.4.0
-- Joomla version -- : 3.4.0

When I export an order as a CSV file the US State is being exported as:


How can I use the standard State shortcodes so the above would be:


Are these stored in a db table somewhere I can change? I need to replicate this:

For each state in the database.



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9 years 11 months ago #194355


You could potentially replace the content of the view "order / export" in the backend template by something like:

while(ob_get_level() > 1)

$config =& hikashop_config();
$format = $config->get('export_format','csv');
$separator = $config->get('csv_separator',';');
$force_quote = $config->get('csv_force_quote',1);

$export = hikashop_get('helper.spreadsheet');
$export->init($format, 'hikashop_export', $separator, $force_quote);

	$maxProd = 0;
	$productFields = null;
	foreach($this->orders as $order){
		$nbProd = count($order->products);
		if($maxProd < $nbProd){
			$maxProd = $nbProd;
				$productFields = array_keys(get_object_vars(reset($order->products)));

	if($maxProd && !empty($productFields)) {
		$first = array();
		$o = reset($this->orders);
		foreach($o as $key => $val) {
			$first[] = $key;
		$o = null;
			foreach($productFields as $field){
				$first[] = 'item'.$i.'_'.$field;
	} else {
		$first = array_keys(get_object_vars(reset($this->orders)));

	/* Added */
	$db = JFactory::getDBO();
	$db->setQuery('SELECT b.zone_namekey, b.zone_code_3 FROM '.hikashop_table('zone_link').' as a LEFT JOIN '.hikashop_table('zone').' AS b ON a.zone_child_namekey = b.zone_namekey WHERE a.zone_parent_namekey = '.$db->quote('country_United_States_of_America_223'));
	$usStates = $db->loadObjectList();
	$stateCodes = array();
	foreach($usStates as $usState){
		$stateCodes[$usState->zone_namekey] = $usState->zone_code_3;
	/* EO Added */

	foreach($this->orders as $row){
		// Let's apply the right date format... an human one!
		if(!empty($row->user_created)) $row->user_created = hikashop_getDate($row->user_created,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
		if(!empty($row->order_created)) $row->order_created = hikashop_getDate($row->order_created,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
		if(!empty($row->order_modified)) $row->order_modified = hikashop_getDate($row->order_modified,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');

		if($maxProd && !empty($productFields)){
				$prod =& $row->products[$i-1];
				foreach($productFields as $field){
					$n = 'item_'.$i.'_'.$field;
					$row->$n = @$prod->$field;

		/* Added */
		foreach($row as $key => $value){
				$row->$key = $stateCodes[$value];
		/* EO Added */



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  • Posts: 232
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  • Hikaserial Standard Hikashop Business
9 years 11 months ago #194478

thanks for the reply.

Which file in the backend do you mean precisely? Can you provide the file path?

I think I found it:



Last edit: 9 years 11 months ago by ltempest.

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  • Posts: 232
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  • Hikaserial Standard Hikashop Business
9 years 11 months ago #194484

I have modified the export file in the /administrator/components/com_hikashop/views/order/tmpl/export.php location to your code but it is still not exporting the State as the three character zone version.



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9 years 11 months ago #194492


I guess that you are using the export from the mass action, right ?
I was thinking of the export from the orders listing interface in backend.

So you have to edit the file "plugins/hikashop/massaction_order/massaction_order.php" and in the function "onProcessOrderMassActionexportCsv()"


/* Added */
	$db = JFactory::getDBO();
	$db->setQuery('SELECT b.zone_namekey, b.zone_code_3 FROM '.hikashop_table('zone_link').' as a LEFT JOIN '.hikashop_table('zone').' AS b ON a.zone_child_namekey = b.zone_namekey WHERE a.zone_parent_namekey = '.$db->quote('country_United_States_of_America_223'));
	$usStates = $db->loadObjectList();
	$stateCodes = array();
	foreach($usStates as $usState){
		$stateCodes[$usState->zone_namekey] = $usState->zone_code_3;
	foreach($params->elements as $k => $element){
		foreach($element->address as $l => $data){
			foreach($data as $m => $value){
				if($m == 'address_state' && in_array($value,array_keys($stateCodes))){
					$params->elements[$k]->address[$l]->address_state = $stateCodes[$value];
/* EO Added */

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9 years 6 months ago #210150

And this is why I've bought 3 copies of your shopping cart software Hikashop Business for my clients and getting ready to purchase another one soon for another client. It is your customer support that defines how good your product is.
Thank you for your help.
Digital Creations USA, Inc.

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