Hikashop Orders to Xero Invoices - My Working PHP Code

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9 years 10 months ago #199472

This is not strictly a bug, but rather intended for anyone wanting to use my code as a template from which to work. I've edited the backend order->export view.

I have some logic that is strictly for my own needs relating to courier waybills, currency, custom products, international shipping method names, admin fees etc. Please adapt to your own needs.

If any PHP programmers have any tips for better/efficient/elegant factoring, please let me know as I am still new to coding.

Bruce Atkinson

 * @package	HikaShop for Joomla!
 * @version	2.3.5
 * @author	hikashop.com
 * @copyright	(C) 2010-2015 HIKARI SOFTWARE. All rights reserved.
 * @license	GNU/GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
while (ob_get_level() > 1)
$config =& hikashop_config();
$format      = $config->get('export_format', 'csv');
$separator   = $config->get('csv_separator', ';');
$force_quote = $config->get('csv_force_quote', 1);
$export      = hikashop_get('helper.spreadsheet');
$export->init($format, 'Hikashop Order Export ' . date('Y-m-d H:i'), $separator, $force_quote);
if (!empty($this->orders)) {
    $headerRow   = array();
    $o           = reset($this->orders);
    $o           = null;
    // Add dynamic keys
    $headerRow[] = 'InventoryItemCode';
    $headerRow[] = 'Description';
    $headerRow[] = 'Quantity';
    $headerRow[] = 'UnitAmount';
    $headerRow[] = 'AccountCode';
    $headerRow[] = 'TaxType';
    // Add static keys
    $headerRow[] = 'ContactName';
    $headerRow[] = 'EmailAddress';
    $headerRow[] = 'POAddressLine1';
    $headerRow[] = 'POAddressLine2';
    $headerRow[] = 'POAddressLine3';
    $headerRow[] = 'POAddressLine4';
    $headerRow[] = 'POCity';
    $headerRow[] = 'POPostalCode';
    $headerRow[] = 'POCountry';
    $headerRow[] = 'InvoiceNumber';
    $headerRow[] = 'Reference';
    $headerRow[] = 'InvoiceDate';
    $headerRow[] = 'DueDate';
    $headerRow[] = 'Currency';
    // WRITE ROW
    function compileContentLine(&$static, &$variable) {
        // set dynamic key values
        $contentRow[InventoryItemCode] = $variable[InventoryItemCode];
        $contentRow[Description]       = $variable[Description];
        $contentRow[Quantity]          = $variable[Quantity];
        $contentRow[UnitAmount]        = $variable[UnitAmount];
        $contentRow[AccountCode]       = $variable[AccountCode];
        $contentRow[TaxType]           = $variable[TaxType];
        // set static key values
        $contentRow[ContactName]       = $static[ContactName];
        $contentRow[EmailAddress]      = $static[EmailAddress];
        $contentRow[POAddressLine1]    = $static[POAddressLine1];
        $contentRow[POAddressLine2]    = $static[POAddressLine2];
        $contentRow[POAddressLine3]    = $static[POAddressLine3];
        $contentRow[POAddressLine4]    = $static[POAddressLine4];
        $contentRow[POCity]            = $static[POCity];
        $contentRow[POPostalCode]      = $static[POPostalCode];
        $contentRow[POCountry]         = $static[POCountry];
        $contentRow[InvoiceNumber]     = $static[InvoiceNumber];
        $contentRow[Reference]         = $static[Reference];
        $contentRow[InvoiceDate]       = $static[InvoiceDate];
        $contentRow[DueDate]           = $static[DueDate];
        $contentRow[Currency]          = $static[Currency];
        return $contentRow;
    function checkIfInternational($ShippingName) {
        if (strpos($ShippingName, 'International Courier') !== false) {
            $variable[AccountCode] = 260;
            $variable[TaxType]     = 'Tax Exempt';
        } else {
            $variable[AccountCode] = 200;
            $variable[TaxType]     = 'Tax on Sales';
        return $variable;
    foreach ($this->orders as $orderRow) {
        // skip if order is "processed"
        if ($orderRow->order_status === 'processed') {
        } else {
            // STATIC VALUES
            $static[ContactName]    = $orderRow->billing_address_firstname . ' ' . $orderRow->billing_address_lastname;
            $static[EmailAddress]   = $orderRow->user_email;
            $static[POAddressLine1] = $orderRow->billing_address_street;
            $static[POAddressLine2] = $orderRow->billing_address_state . ', ' . $orderRow->billing_address_post_code . ', ' . $orderRow->billing_address_country;
            $static[POAddressLine3] = ' ~ SHIP TO: ' . strtoupper($orderRow->shipping_address_firstname) . ' ' . strtoupper($orderRow->shipping_address_lastname) . ', ' . $orderRow->shipping_address_telephone . ($orderRow->shipping_address_telephone2 == NULL ? '' : ' OR ' . $orderRow->shipping_address_telephone2);
            $static[POAddressLine4] = strtoupper($orderRow->shipping_address_street);
            $static[POCity]         = $orderRow->shipping_address_state;
            $static[POPostalCode]   = $orderRow->shipping_address_post_code;
            $static[POCountry]      = $orderRow->shipping_address_country;
            $static[InvoiceNumber]  = 'OIK' . $orderRow->order_number;
            // prepare order weight for reference
            $totalProducts          = count($orderRow->products);
            $totalWeight            = 0;
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalProducts; $i++) {
                $orderProduct     = $orderRow->products[$i - 1];
                $hikaProductClass = hikashop_get('class.product'); // get hikashop product class
                $hikaProduct      = $hikaProductClass->get($orderProduct->product_id);
                $totalWeight += $hikaProduct->product_weight * $orderProduct->order_product_quantity;
            // prepare shipping class object and courier service required for reference
            $hikaShippingClass = hikashop_get('class.shipping');
            $orderShipping     = $hikaShippingClass->get($orderRow->order_shipping_id);
            if (strpos($orderShipping->shipping_name, 'Courier (L') !== false) {
                if ($totalWeight < 1) {
                    $serviceRequired = '| Service: LOF | ';
                } else {
                    $serviceRequired = '| Service: LOX | ';
            } elseif (strpos($orderShipping->shipping_name, 'International Courier') !== false) {
                $serviceRequired = '| Aramex waybill no. 00000000000 | ';
            } else {
                if ($totalWeight < 2) {
                    $serviceRequired = '| Service: OVN | ';
                } elseif ($totalWeight < 6) {
                    $serviceRequired = '| Service: AIR | ';
                } elseif ($totalWeight >= 6) {
                    $serviceRequired = '| Service: ECO | ';
                } else {
                    $serviceRequired = '| ';
            $orderNotes = trim($orderRow->notes);
            $orderNotes = ($orderNotes !== '') ? ' ' . $orderNotes : $orderNotes;
            $static[Reference] = $serviceRequired . 'Mass: ' . round($totalWeight, 2) . 'KG | Pieces: 1' . ' | Reference: order:0' . $orderRow->order_id . ' - ' . $orderRow->user_email . ' | Parcel Description: Educational Text books | Special Instructions: Please phone receiver before delivering.' . $orderNotes . ' |';
            // prepare order date format
            if (!empty($orderRow->order_created)) {
                $order_created_date      = hikashop_getDate($orderRow->order_created, '%Y-%m-%d'); // Assign Hikashop getDate function result to variable
                $order_created_date      = new DateTime($order_created_date); // Change variable to DateTime object
                $order_created_date      = $order_created_date->format('d M Y'); // Change output format of datetime object to 01 Mon YYYY
                $orderRow->order_created = $order_created_date; // Assign this date to $orderRow array
            if (!empty($orderRow->order_modified)) {
                $order_modified_date      = hikashop_getDate($orderRow->order_modified, '%Y-%m-%d'); // Assign Hikashop getDate function result to variable
                $order_modified_date      = new DateTime($order_modified_date); // Change variable to DateTime object
                $order_modified_date      = $order_modified_date->format('d M Y'); // Change output format of datetime object to 01 Mon YYYY
                $orderRow->order_modified = $order_modified_date; // Assign this date to $orderRow array
            $static[InvoiceDate] = $orderRow->order_created;
            $static[DueDate]     = $orderRow->order_modified;
            $static[Currency]    = 'ZAR';
            // PRODUCT ROWS
            $TaxType             = checkIfInternational($orderShipping->shipping_name);
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalProducts; $i++) {
                // prepare dynamic key values
                $orderProduct			     = $orderRow->products[$i - 1];
                $variable[InventoryItemCode] = $orderProduct->order_product_code;
                $variable[Description]       = $orderProduct->order_product_name;
                $variable[Quantity]          = $orderProduct->order_product_quantity;
                $variable[UnitAmount]        = $orderProduct->order_product_price + $orderProduct->order_product_tax;
                // Check if children at risk
                if ($orderProduct->order_product_code === 'R10_donation_to_children_at_risk') {
                    $variable[AccountCode] = 250;
                    $variable[TaxType]     = 'Tax Exempt';
                } else {
                    $variable[AccountCode] = $TaxType[AccountCode];
                    $variable[TaxType]     = $TaxType[TaxType];
                $export->writeLine(compileContentLine($static, $variable));
            // SHIPPING ROW
            // prepare dynamic key values
            $variable[InventoryItemCode] = 'Shipping - ' . $orderShipping->shipping_name;
            $variable[Description]       = $orderShipping->shipping_name;
            $variable[Quantity]          = 1;
            $variable[UnitAmount]        = $orderRow->order_shipping_price;
            // Check if international
            $variable[AccountCode]       = $TaxType[AccountCode];
            $variable[TaxType]           = $TaxType[TaxType];
            $export->writeLine(compileContentLine($static, $variable));
            // ADMIN FEE ROW
            // prepare dynamic key values
            $variable[InventoryItemCode] = 'ADMIN-FEE';
            $variable[Description]       = 'Admin fee';
            $variable[Quantity]          = 1;
            $variable[UnitAmount]        = $orderRow->order_payment_price;
            // Check if international
            $variable[AccountCode]       = $TaxType[AccountCode];
            $variable[TaxType]           = $TaxType[TaxType];
            $export->writeLine(compileContentLine($static, $variable));

Last edit: 9 years 10 months ago by GSW00d.
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6 years 2 weeks ago #303400

Did you get this to work and export then import a bunch of invoices into Xero?

Last edit: 6 years 2 weeks ago by twhcreations.

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