Opciones de producto

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4 years 3 months ago #325703

-- url of the page with the problem -- : www.hermanosgaliano.es/comprar/bolsas-personalizadas-blancas
-- HikaShop version -- : 4.4.0

Buenos días.
Con la útlima actualización de HIKA estamos teniendo problema con las páginas de producto con opciones.
En la versión anterior, cuando se seleccionaba un producto la página solo mostraba las opciones compatibles con ese producto.
Ahora, con la nueva versión, muestra todas las opciones, por lo que en muchos casos la combinación que selecciona el cliente no se puede hacer.
¿Cómo puedo solucionarlo?

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4 years 3 months ago #325707


I don't see the problem on my end. Could you check that the "Display out of stock products" setting of the HikaShop configuration is turned off ?

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4 years 3 months ago #325730

Hola Nicolás.
No puedo desactivar la opción de "mostrar productos agotados" porque tengo activada la opción de avisar cuando el artículo esté disponible.
Si se agota un producto y no lo muestro un cliente puede pensar que ese producto no existe. Si se deja mostrado, el cliente puede pedir que el sistema le avise cuando haya stock.

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4 years 3 months ago #325733


Well, the display of variants is also linked to that setting.
I would still recommend to temporarily turn off that setting and check that it works properly, which would indeed confirm that it works properly.
That would mean that the issue was rather with the way it was done before since it wouldn't show variants without stock even though you had that option activated.

To change that, you'll likely have to change the line:
$isNeeded = $variant->product_published && ($variant->product_quantity != 0 || $waitlist || $wishlist);
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/product.php
It's this line which decides in the variant will appear or not based on whether it is published, it has stock and how the "enable wishlist" and "enable waitlist" settings of the HikaShop configuration are configured.

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4 years 3 months ago #325747

Buenos días Nicolás.
He desactivado la opción y no funciona.
Siguen apareciendo combinaciones no posibles.
Te paso pantallazos.


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4 years 3 months ago #325748

Hola de nuevo.
¿Qué variación habría que hacer en esta línea de código?
$isNeeded = $variant->product_published && ($variant->product_quantity != 0 || $waitlist || $wishlist);
Un saludo.

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4 years 3 months ago #325758


Try changing that line to :
$isNeeded = $variant->product_published && ($variant->product_quantity != 0);

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4 years 3 months ago #325776

Hola Nicolás.
Lo siento, pero no funciona.
Siguen apareciendo opciones de producto que no están disponibles.
En la anterior versión esto funcionaba con normalidad.

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4 years 3 months ago #325806


Then I don't know. I would need a backend access to check your settings and a FTP access to do some debugging to check what's going on.
Could you provide that along with a link to this thread via our contact form ?

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4 years 3 months ago #325818

Buenos días Nicolás.
Acabo de enviarte los datos de acceso.
Te recuerdo los principales prolemas:
1.- En productos con diferentes combinaciones Hikashop muestra opciones no disponibles
Por ejemplo, del tamaño 8x54x4 solo hay disponible 25.000 - 50.000 - 100.000 unidades configuradas en el backend, y solo con 1 opción de personalización (1.png)
En el front, cuando se selecciona esa medida aparecen opciones no disponibles (2.png).
2.- Con la actualización ha desaparecido el texto para subir archivo ajax, apareciendo un botón "x" (3.png). Si haces click en X te muestra el texto (4.png).


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4 years 3 months ago #325938

Hola Nicolás.
Ya envié los datos para el acceso.
¿Has podido comprobar lo que te comentaba?
Es muy importante para nosotros.

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4 years 3 months ago #326010


Sorry for the delay. There was the weekend in the middle.
I checked the situation on your website, and the option "show out of stock products" was activated and the modification I had provided previously was not in place.
So I changed both as needed and as far as I can see the characteristic dropdowns now only display the available options, as expected.

In fact, this issue comes from a fix we made on that line of code so that when the "waitlist" option is activated the variants without stock are still displayed so that the customer can select them to get the button to ask to be notified.
Before that would not be possible.
So I've made and tested a different modification:
$isNeeded = $variant->product_published && $variant->product_id != $variant->product_parent_id && ($variant->product_quantity != 0 || $waitlist || $wishlist);
That way, the variant will be skipped in all cases if it doesn't exist (when the product_id is the same as the parent id, it means that all the data of the variant comes from the main product and it isn't actually a real variant).
So we'll add that patch on our end, so you won't have to reapply any change to the code in the future when you update HikaShop.

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