Error message, site does not work after installation of Hikashop business

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4 years 1 month ago #328039

-- HikaShop version -- : 4.4.0
-- Joomla version -- : 3.9.23
-- PHP version -- : 7.4.13
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Chrome 87.0.4280.8
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : LAYOUT DEFAULT_TYPE_STANDARD NOT FOUND

I have upgraded the Hikashop starter verion which was up to date to the business version. I dragged the zip file to the installation upload box.

After the installation I get a message that all files are installed properly. When look at the preview of the site sometimes it works, but wehn I refresh I get this error message.

A restore from a previous backup with Akeeba does not work. The only thing that works is clear the entire public directory and copy file I backed up on my computer to the server.

I have tested on a local server, with the same result.

What goes wrong.

I have had two files. One with a zip extension and one with a gz extension. Result is the same.

I also send s support request, but did not get a reply that the mail was sent.


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4 years 1 month ago #328043


I checked your website and I don't get that error message.
Instead I get that error:
The page you are looking for was moved, removed, renamed or might never existed."
So this indicates that there is a fatal error on the page.
It's likely linked to a view override you have on your website but it will be hard to say without more information.

So here is what you should do:
- activate the "error reporting" and "debug mode" settings of the Joomla configuration and access that page again.
You should get an error message with more information about what is wrong. Please provide all the information of the error message, so that we can better understand what's going on.
- Since it's likely a view override, check if your have the folder templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/com_hikashop/ on your website (via FTP or the file manager provided by your hosting). If you do, rename it in order to deactivate all the view overrides. If the website works fine after this, it will confirm that the issue comes from one of the view file overrides in that folder. So you should repeat the operation and rename the files one by one to identify the one causing the problem so that you can keep it renamed, without impacting the customization in the other view file overrides you have.

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4 years 1 month ago #328047

It is correct, I copied a backup to the website since I was not sure how long it would take to get an answer. There is no com_hikashop directory under html in the path you described. I checked the files on the server and the localhost installation.

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4 years 1 month ago #328063

Status now is following
- Front page looks OK.
- I can scoll down and have the report printed with the page as a zip document included
- The categories, products page are messed up I cannot scroll down.
- Also the settings for Hikashop is messed up, I included a picture

Now I am very curious what caused this. Thanks for your support. Jos

Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Jerome.

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4 years 1 month ago #328069


This would seem to indicate that the file components/com_hikashop/views/product/tmpl/filter.php is missing on your website for some reason.
That file is only available with the Business edition.
So what's likely is that the Joomla installer was not able to add some view files from the HikaShop Business install package because of permission issues on some of the folders.
So here is what you can try:
- rename the folders administrator/components/com_hikashop and components/com_hikashop to something else via FTP so that Joomla can't find any files of HikaShop.
- install the HikaShop Business install package again. That will force Joomla to recreate all the folders of HikaShop with the correct permissions and allow it to put back all the files.
After that you should not have that error anymore.

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4 years 1 month ago #328077

Thanks Nicolas, this seems to work. Followed your instructions, renamed the directories and did a new install of the zip file. Fingers crossed it stays like this. Have a nice day Jos

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4 years 1 month ago #328078

I was to optimistic. Problem is that when you stay in your browser it seems to work. This is also why I installed it on the live server after testing it local. It seemed to work. Even when you close the chrome browser and open it again it works. As it there are files in cache. But i emptied the cache, that did not have an impact.

When you close the computer and open chrome same problem again, same error message. As you can see from the screenshot, the filter.php file is under the directory. I do see an error message "port closed before respons"Do not know what this means"

Since it does not make any difference if I test this on a server or local, I do get the same problems, I uploaded a version to the server that does work with the starter version of Hikashop. Further testing I will do local

Let me know what more info you need.


Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by jes060.

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4 years 1 month ago #328080


The error I had before was about the "filter" view.
This error "LAYOUT DEFAULT_TYPE_STANDARD NOT FOUND" I see now is not the same error and it doesn't concern the filter view anymore.
I actually don't know what that error means or even if it comes from HikaShop.
I think the best would be that you provide a backend and a FTP access along with a link to this thread via our contact form:
That way, we'll be able to directly look into the issue instead of wasting time going back and forth here.
Could you provide that ?

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4 years 1 month ago #328102

With the back end you mean the login for the administrator part of Joomla. Jos I first have to upload the not working files again, now I have the Hikashop business starter installed

Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by jes060.

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4 years 1 month ago #328104

Send you the requirred information via de contact us . At them moment I have the starter version of Hika working. You can add the business to see what happens. If I have to do that let me know. Jos

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4 years 1 month ago #328106


We got the information on the contact page. However, the user account you provided was refused by your website backend.
Please double check it.

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4 years 1 month ago #328108

please try again. I checked with ftp, it worked

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4 years 1 month ago #328109


Sorry but there are a misunderstood here, Nicolas was talking about access to the backend or the administrator part if you prefer.
And so, can you test your backend access (administrator).


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4 years 1 month ago #328122

Yes I checked both of them and the information given is working. Thanks

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4 years 1 month ago #328170


Can you provide a step by step process in order to reproduce your issue that we see in your screenshot, there :

We process several try but weren't able to reproduce this issue, can you provide as well the context issue (an Url link) and be specific.
Because if we can't see the issue in this context, solve it will be almost impossible.

Other point, you tell us that you update to HikaShop business is maybe the reason of your current issue, but when I browse your backend, it seems that your website is always in the Starter version, Isn't there a misunderstanding somewhere ?
On the same idea, I wasn't able to find the Filter module, and this is normal since you cannot have a filter with HikaShop Starter
Awaiting news from you to be able to progress.


Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Philip.

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4 years 1 month ago #328180


I started with Hikashop starter to see how it works. Everything was working great. Than I decided that I wanted to upgrade to Hikashop business, so I bought that. Tested on a local host, exact copy of the life site. Seemed to work. The minute I upgraded the life site with Hikashop business I got the error 500 message. Running on a local host it seems that when you keep the computer running it works. When you restart you also get the error message.

The live site is running with Hikashop starter, I do not want to keep it with the error message to long offline. The minute I upgrade to Hikashop business I get the errror message. I tried this morning again. This morning I used a backup of the present configuration on a local host. So that was a 100% copy of the live site. Installed Hikashop business and when I tried to ook at the frontend I got the error message. Do you have a local host where you can try. You can use a backup from Akeeba. let me know if this works for you.

Sorry I do not understand what you mean with the filter. Can you explain?

Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by jes060.

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4 years 1 month ago #328185

I sent you a share with two recordings. Size is too big to add as attachment

1st shows the website working with Hikastarter. Then I install Hikabusiness. Seems to work. Any other computer that tries to look at the site immediately sees the error message 500. With the computer I made the changes you have to reboot the computer. Sometimes this is not neccesary ( tested on localhost) when you wait long enough.

Second movie shows site with hikabusiness, but with error message. I restored the site to the working version with Hikastarter running a backup. I do waant it operational, not showing an error screen.

Summary, I have a working site with Hikastarter. The minute I install HikaBusiness I get the error 500 screen. You can see all steps and the working of the site in the video I shared

Feel free to ask.

Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by jes060.

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4 years 1 month ago #328230


Can you process this different tests in order to provide us more element to better understand what's going on.
1. Active Joomla Debug mode, in development level, and reproduce your error page.
=> You may have more data that can leads us to better understand the issue
2. Can you process some test with a default template like ProtoStar, does this change something about your error ?
3. Try to disable HikaShop via the Extensions->Mange->Manage menu of Joomla. If you still have the error after that, then it's not linked to the install of HikaShop.

Be more specific as possible about these different points and your returns, please.

Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Philip.

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4 years 1 month ago #328269

I have followed your instructions. Sent you a link, files are too big.
- report front and backend with Hikastarter
- report after I upgraded to business, both front and backend. Front does not show the reporting, also home button does not work
- I deactivated all Hikashop plugins. Homepage shows again. Categorie and productlisting not correct becasuse they refer to Hikashop
- tested also if changing to a default template made a difference, it did not

Some other background information
- I also tested starting with a business version of Hikahop. Then I imported the products I made before in Hikastarter. Added the same plugins, gave the same result.
- Tested this both on the life server and in a local host setting, no difference.

Looking forward to hear from you

[Moderator :] Please don't edit your message a long after posting it please, this mess up our ticket service, and drastically increase our response times.

Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Philip.

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4 years 1 month ago #328284


Sorry for this return but where did you sent the link to the different elements please ?
The only way to provide element are the Contact us form, please use it, and an to your message an Url link to this subject.
Awaiting your elements to be able to progress


Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Philip.

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