Trouble Getting VAT to work correctly

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4 years 1 month ago #328755

-- HikaShop version -- : 4.4.0
-- Joomla version -- : 3.9


The goald is that the channel islands do not pay VAT even though they are a state in the UK. This has been covered a number of times and I have followed a numebr of different methods all without success.

I have checked:

Please see attached images for configuration.


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4 years 1 month ago #328759


So basically you can't create a tax free order for customer that fill their billing address with channel island state, right ?
Please, provide an url link to your website, the point here is for us to better understand your context, the checkout workflow configuration, and the way you built your e-commerce solution.
From this idea, provide a step by step process to guide us to create an order with if needed the required product, the required address and so on...

Take care, maybe you have switch it off on purpose but your Tax rules restricted by Channel Islands (ID=95) is unpublished, for process some test this must be published.
Plus, note that your last screenshot the resolution makes the image frankly unusable.


Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Philip.

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4 years 1 month ago #328786


the unusable image is to show I don't have the zones / states unpublished - they are all in the UK VAT tax zone bar channel Island

The issue is that the defaul view for the shop is prices without VAT. The actual VAT is calculated correctly when a shipping address is added. But the shop needs to show prices with VAT as per the config.

The shop is live, I have changed the config so that it shows VAT but also charges VAT to channel Island. I have done this by adding the default TAX category to united kingdom.


Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by grayt7.

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4 years 1 month ago #328790


Well, it's a shame you didn't provide neither the URL of the website nor instructions to reproduce the issue there, as Philipped asked.
From your first message, what I can propose is this:
- in the "main tax zone" setting, you're normally supposed to enter a country or a state. So maybe the "UK VAT" zone is not well liked by the code. Try to select there one of the states you've added as sub zone of your UK VAT zone, it might help
- it could be that the products listings are configured to display the prices without taxes. And thus, even if the tax is applied you don't see it there, and you see in on the checkout as there is it always displayed in the cart view. So check the taxed price display setting of your categories/products listing menu items / HikaShop products listing modules. It's that setting which controls the display of the prices with or without taxes overridding the setting in the HikaShop configuration.

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4 years 1 month ago #328835


Well I can supply the URL but I would need to give you the login to reproduce the issue? Would you like me to use the contact form for that? As I said before the shop is live.

The Main tax zone - if you add in all the UK states but not include Channel Islands it would take a very long time? Is that the way you are meant to do it?

The configuration is set to dispaly tax, in eveything you have mentioned..Changing the Main tax zone to Coutnry (UK) does then work - so like above - how can you add UK country withouth channel island state as a country? That means anyone signing up from the channel islands will not find their state?

Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by grayt7.

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4 years 1 month ago #328837


Yes, you can use the contact form:
A user account will be helpful if it is needed. However, from what you're saying it seems that you need to login to access the shop ? In that case, it means you probably already have an address linked to the account, no ? In that case, the tax would be calculated based on that address and not the "main tax zone" of your HikaShop configuration. That would explain why it doesn't work like you want.
Also, we got your message with the user account, but you didn't provide the URL to access the website. Could you provide that too ?

In the "main tax zone" setting, you can and should only select one zone. The zone you want to be used for tax calculations when the current user doesn't have an address yet. So it should either be a zone linked to a tax rule (a state in UK) if you want the prices to be taxed on your products listings, or a zone not linked to a tax rule (another country zone) if you don't want the prices to be taxed on your products listings.

That means anyone signing up from the channel islands will not find their state?

The list of states you see on the registration form depends on the country selected by the customer, and before he selects one, or if you disabled the "address country" field, it's the "default" value of the address country field which is used to get that list, not the main tax zone.

Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by nicolas.

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4 years 1 month ago #328854

No, the shop is live and online - I will send the link - I really thought I send thte admin link, apologies.

Thank you!

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4 years 1 month ago #328875


We have process some adjustment in order to meet your needs, now I will details what we have done :
1. We have removed from your UK Country Zone the Channel Isles state
2. In your "Zero Rated VAT" we added the Channel Isles state.

Results :
=> When a user is logged and have the required Country & State in his Shipping Address, product price is now with the VAT, if it's an user from Channel Isles States then no VAT is added to product price.

From this, if you want display for all user (UK plus rest of the world AND unlogged) price with VAT, then you have to remove completely any Zone in the Default VAT.

Hope this will be more clear for you and help you to get what you requested, even if there are maybe some adjustments to proceed from what you need.

Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Philip.

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4 years 1 month ago #328905


Sorry but this did not work.

1. We have removed from your UK Country Zone the Channel Isles state

If you remove Channel Isles state then how does the user select it for their address?

I have had to add Channel Isles back in a state of United Kindom because it is a state of United Kindom and thats how people would search for the state they live in.

Any other ideas please?

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4 years 1 month ago #328928


Sorry, my bad I wasn't clear enough, my operation point was to show you the way, I know this will required adjustments.
My point was to show you, how to proceed, but I forgot a part of explanation.

In fact, you have to create a "custom zone" to use only for your Vat organisation, follow me to better understand my idea :
1. Go to your Zone listing
2. Look for "United Kingdom" (thanks to filter)
3. Select it, and copy it
4. Then edit it, modify his name like United Kingdom Tax, & of course remove the Channel Isle as I do previously
5. Use this "new" zone only for your Tax organisation.

=> The regular United Kingdom zone can be then used for address form
Hope this will be more clear with this and sorry again.

Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Philip.

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4 years 1 month ago #328963

I already did that and added it as TAX UK - it didn't work

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4 years 1 month ago #328972


What do you mean by "it didn't work" ?
I checked your website and I can see that you still have the "United Kingdom" country zone selected in your tax rule instead of the "UK VAT" tax zone:
Because of that, both tax rules match for users with an address in the Channel Isles state.
So change the zone to the "United Kingdom" country zone in your tax rule with the id 87 and it should work like you want.

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4 years 1 month ago #329004

Hi Nicolas,

thanks for the feedback

So change the zone to the "United Kingdom" country zone in your tax rule with the id 87 and it should work like you want.

I'm not sure how to see ID 87 when selecting a country?

If I change it to UK VAT then all the prices on the front end are shown without VAT. This is when I'm not logged etc. I need prices to show VAT on the front end please.

Last edit: 4 years 1 month ago by grayt7.

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4 years 1 month ago #329007


That's normal. In your "main tax zone", you've selected the United Kingdom country zone.
So when you're not logged in, the system will look for tax rules for that zone.
So on top of changing the zone in your tax rule to "UK VAT" instead of United Kingdom, you also need to change the main tax zone setting to one of the state zones of the UK VAT zone.
That's what I explained in a previous message here:

it should ... be a zone linked to a tax rule (a state in UK) if you want the prices to be taxed on your products listings

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4 years 1 month ago #329059

Hi Nicolas,

Yes that is exactly what I did, but it doesn't work. the VAT is removed from the front of the shop.

The main tax zone I set to the state: Suffolk. In the UK VAT zone Suffolk is in there.

But VAT is removed from the front end.

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4 years 1 month ago #329088


I checked your website and I can indeed see that it is indeed the case.
And that's because you have the geolocation plugin activated which overrides the main tax zone setting with the zone of the current country.
In that case, the solution we were talking about since the start of this thread is not possible.
In that case, the last resort is to use the order of the tax rules so that for users with an address in the channel islands, both tax rules will be loaded but the one directly assigned to them will be loaded first. That way, it will be selected for them, and you can keep the other tax rule zone to the UK country zone so that it will be taken into account for users with an IP in the UK.

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4 years 1 month ago #329108

HI Nicolas,

Thank you for checking. Also thank you for re-ordering the tax rules.

Now when I browse the site the tax is added to the products, which is great thank you.

However, when I login and have a shipping address to the Channel Isles the VAT is still added at checkout?

Many thanks

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4 years 1 month ago #329111


The order had to be the other way around.

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4 years 1 month ago #329137

Hi Nicolas,

PERFECT thank you.

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