-- HikaShop version -- : 4.4.5
-- Joomla version -- : 4.0.4
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Chrome
Hi there, sorry, me again...
I have setup the PayPal plugin, payments are made, e-mails sent etc.. But what doesn't work is, that
A) The shopping cart is not emptied upon return from a succesful PP-payment (the solution of emptying the cart upon creation works, but is not ideal, since it should also work in the case when PP confirms the payment, which obviously works, otherwise no e-mail would be sent). If the payment with PP doesn't succed, I don't want my customers having to refill the cart...
I don't get any Hika-Thank-You-Page upon return, which I thought having read is actually foreseen in Hikashop (Not talking about the PP autoreturn function, that doesn't work either, but that's not the issue here). When I return from PP, I land on the product page.
I searched the whole day for solutions, so you are my last resort, again...
(on the other hand I will update you if I find errors in the translations...)
Take care,