PayPal: Cart not empty and not Thank-you page upon return

  • Posts: 23
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3 years 1 month ago #338671

-- HikaShop version -- : 4.4.5
-- Joomla version -- : 4.0.4
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Chrome

Hi there, sorry, me again...

I have setup the PayPal plugin, payments are made, e-mails sent etc.. But what doesn't work is, that

A) The shopping cart is not emptied upon return from a succesful PP-payment (the solution of emptying the cart upon creation works, but is not ideal, since it should also work in the case when PP confirms the payment, which obviously works, otherwise no e-mail would be sent). If the payment with PP doesn't succed, I don't want my customers having to refill the cart...

B) I don't get any Hika-Thank-You-Page upon return, which I thought having read is actually foreseen in Hikashop (Not talking about the PP autoreturn function, that doesn't work either, but that's not the issue here). When I return from PP, I land on the product page.

I searched the whole day for solutions, so you are my last resort, again... :-) (on the other hand I will update you if I find errors in the translations...):-)

Take care,

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3 years 1 month ago #338674


When returning from PayPal, you're supposed to see the URL you entered in the "return URL" of the PayPal payment method in System>Payment methods.
If you left that setting empty, as it is by default, then you'll be returned to the default thank you page of HikaShop. It's possible that you don't see the thank you message here and thus get the main area of the page blank if your template is not displaying system messages.
So the only reason you would get a product details page upon return would be if you entered the URL of that product in the "Return URL" setting, or if you (or your template provider) have customized the "after_end" view file to redirect there instead of displaying the normal thank you page.
If you get to skip the normal process of the thank you page, it's normal that the cart is not being emptied as the emptying, it precisely done just before redirecting to the "return URL" or displaying the default thank you page of HikaShop.
This would then mean that fixing the return URL issue would fix the cart not empty issue.

What is the exact URL you end up on when going back ?

Also, as a side note regarding the carts, note that if you have several carts attached to your user account, the current cart will be cleared, and the next one in line will be loaded instead, so it can be confusing when you're running a battery of tests.

The following user(s) said Thank You: MartinSvejda

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3 years 1 month ago #338706

Merci, Nicolas.

So I added an URL in the PayPal settings in HS. But I still don't get there upon a succesful completion. I attached links to two videos to show my settings and what I do. And I have the multicart option deactivated since always, so not the problem.
This shows the URL I put in the return field, that I empty cart upon "confirmed" and that the buy was succesful, but it still returns to the checkout page.
This shows the URL I put in the return field, that I empty cart upon "created" and that the buy was succesful, and then actually empties the cart, but still doesn't go to the return page, but goes to the article overview page (as foreseen by default when cart empty).

I must be missing something, otherwise your shop works really well...!
Merci et tout de bon,

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3 years 1 month ago #338707

UPDATE: I created a page with a text for cancelled payments, I put it into cacelled-URL and guess what happened upon a succesful payment: It showed the cancelled page.
And cancelling at the PayPal-Site ALSO gets me to the cancelled page. Seems that both options in the HIKA-Plugin go to the cancelled URL...!!?

We are getting there... :-)

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3 years 1 month ago #338722


That's really strange.
It's as if something else was catching the URL to direct somewhere else.
Could you try again these different scenarios and open the "network" tab of the console of your browser just before your click on the buton to validate the payment ?
In there, if you could filter with the "Doc" mode, we would be able to see a list of the different redirects being done.
Something like that:
(with other URLs of course)
That would allow us to better grasp what is happening when you're leaving PayPal and going back to the website.

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3 years 1 month ago #338792

Dear HIKA-Team,

So below are the screenshots, their title should be clear on which case it is:

- Was the payment a success or was it manually cancelled.
- Upon which setting is the cart (theoretically) cleaned.
- Where did my site lead me to after the above happened.

Let me please know if you need further details.

Kind regards et excellente journée,


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3 years 1 month ago #338795


This indicates that the cancel URL is always used, even when the payment is a success.
Could you activate the "debug" setting of the payment method and do a payment test ?
After you're redirected to PayPal, please check the "payment log file" setting of the HikaShop configuration.
If you open it, you should see at the end some debug data of what information is sent to PayPal at the end of the checkout, when the customer is sent to the PayPal payment method.
In there, you'll have maybe parameters, including "return" and "cancel_return".
The "return" parameter will contain the URL where the customer is redirected to after the payment is a success. It should normally be a URL with "&task=after_end" in it, while the "cancel_return" parameter should have instead "&task=cancel_order".
On your screenshots, I can see that when you get redirected back to the website you go through the URL with "&task=cancel_order", as if the cancel URL was set in the "return" parameter, which is not the case in the code.
So I want to check that the data sent to PayPal is correct.
If that's the case, then I can only think that there is a setting in your PayPal merchant account where you entered the cancel URL and which overrides what HikaShop sends to PayPal.
If that's not the case, then it would mean that the code of the PayPal plugin has been modified on your end for some reason.

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3 years 1 month ago #338822


So that's what I got, incl. the messages after I press the return field in PP and it seems to be OK, as you said it should be. I even deactivated the auto-return-url in PayPal... And honestly, since I wouldn't know what I am doing, I didn't change anything in the PayPal plugin. All I do is at max CopyPaste CSS-code in the override part of the template and that only touches a little bit of layout stuff...
Helpless... But we will get there...
Can I reinstall the PP-Plugin to be sure nothing is modified in any way?

Thanks in any case

PayPal transaction id: 59F55345LX659215T
01.20.22 18:22:02 - paypal

    [cmd] => _cart
    [upload] => 1
    [business] =>
    [receiver_email] =>
    [invoice] => 87
    [currency_code] => CHF
    [return] =>
    [notify_url] =>¬if_payment=paypal&tmpl=component&lang=de&Itemid=224
    [cancel_return] =>
    [undefined_quantity] => 0
    [test_ipn] => 1
    [shipping] => 0
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    [charset] => utf-8
    [rm] => 2
    [bn] => HikariSoftware_Cart_WPS
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    [first_name] => Martin
    [last_name] => S.
    [address1] => Route de Lutry 1
    [address2] => 
    [zip] => 1073
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    [state] => VD
    [country] => CH
    [email] =>
    [night_phone_b] => 0763773300
    [amount_1] => 8.11
    [item_name_1] => Gesamtpreis

01.20.22 18:28:10 - paypal

    [option] => com_hikashop
    [ctrl] => checkout
    [task] => notify
    [notif_payment] => paypal
    [tmpl] => component
    [lang] => de
    [Itemid] => 224
    [mc_gross] => 8.11
    [invoice] => 87
    [protection_eligibility] => Eligible
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    [payment_date] => 09:28:03 Jan 20, 2022 PST
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    [charset] => UTF-8
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    [first_name] => John
    [mc_fee] => 0.83
    [address_country_code] => CH
    [address_name] => Martin S.
    [notify_version] => 3.9
    [custom] => 
    [payer_status] => verified
    [business] =>
    [address_country] => Switzerland
    [num_cart_items] => 1
    [address_city] => Savigny
    [verify_sign] => AxbqqD4TO9YGreYK60gJH86t-MiiA6ZWDk01EBl48LR80GD15iogd1Bw
    [payer_email] =>
    [txn_id] => 6AY453375H788583E
    [payment_type] => instant
    [last_name] => Doe
    [address_state] => VD
    [item_name1] => Gesamtpreis
    [receiver_email] =>
    [payment_fee] => 
    [shipping_discount] => 0.00
    [quantity1] => 1
    [insurance_amount] => 0.00
    [receiver_id] => AFGG5CYHMEVCJ
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    [mc_gross_1] => 8.11
    [mc_currency] => CHF
    [residence_country] => CH
    [test_ipn] => 1
    [shipping_method] => Default
    [transaction_subject] => 
    [payment_gross] => 
    [ipn_track_id] => 4cf688d80fca7

01.20.22 18:28:10 - paypal

stdClass Object
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                    [8@0] => stdClass Object
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                            [field_payment_id] => 

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                            [field_payment_id] => 

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                            [field_backend_listing] => 0
                            [field_display] => 
                            [field_shipping_id] => 
                            [field_payment_id] => 


            [shipping_address] => stdClass Object
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                    [address_title] => Mr
                    [address_firstname] => Martin
                    [address_middle_name] => 
                    [address_lastname] => S.
                    [address_company] => 
                    [address_street] => Route de Lutry 1
                    [address_street2] => 
                    [address_post_code] => 1073
                    [address_city] => Savigny
                    [address_telephone] => 0763773300
                    [address_telephone2] => 
                    [address_fax] => 
                    [address_state] => stdClass Object
                            [zone_id] => 3642
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                            [zone_name] => Vaud
                            [zone_name_english] => Vaud
                            [zone_code_2] => 
                            [zone_code_3] => VD
                            [zone_type] => state
                            [zone_published] => 1
                            [zone_currency_id] => 0

                    [address_country] => stdClass Object
                            [zone_id] => 204
                            [zone_namekey] => country_Switzerland_204
                            [zone_name] => Schweiz • Suisse • Svizzera • Svizra
                            [zone_name_english] => Switzerland
                            [zone_code_2] => CH
                            [zone_code_3] => CHE
                            [zone_type] => country
                            [zone_published] => 1
                            [zone_currency_id] => 0

                    [address_published] => 1
                    [address_vat] => 
                    [address_default] => 1
                    [address_country_orig] => country_Switzerland_204
                    [address_state_orig] => state_Vaud_3642



01.20.22 18:28:10 - paypal

    [scheme] => https
    [host] =>
    [path] => /cgi-bin/webscr
    [query] => 
    [port] => 443
    [host_socket] => ssl://

01.20.22 18:28:11 - paypal

01.20.22 18:28:11 - paypal

PayPal transaction id: 6AY453375H788583E

Last edit: 2 years 11 months ago by Jerome. Reason: [code] tag is nice

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3 years 1 month ago #338823

It cut the links, sorry... Again, so I put some brackets in the start

[return] => ( )index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=checkout&task=after_end&order_id=87&Itemid=224
[notify_url] => ( )index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=checkout&task=notify¬if_payment=paypal&tmpl=component&lang=de&Itemid=224
[cancel_return] => ( )index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=cancel_order&order_id=87&Itemid=224

Last edit: 3 years 1 month ago by MartinSvejda.

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3 years 1 month ago #338827

I now even created 2 new Sandbox Seller and Buyer account without changing whatsoever and the problem persists.
And not even buying from my cell phone from a different IP and browser helps.

Last edit: 3 years 1 month ago by MartinSvejda.

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3 years 1 month ago #338843


The return link is ok in the data being sent.
And if you open the link with your browser, you properly get redirected to the thank you page.
So all I can conclude is that PayPal is overriding the return URL and thus it must come from a setting in the PayPal merchant account.
Maybe this will help:
I would recommend turning off the auto return, since HikaShop will send the return to PayPal, there is no point in setting this in the merchant account. So please check there what the situation is.

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