How to not adding VAT for delivery outside Germany

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2 years 10 months ago #340703

-- url of the page with the problem -- :
-- HikaShop version -- : 4.5.0
-- Joomla version -- : 3.10.5

We sell to Swiss and Austrian bookshops who want us to invoice without VAT and the send us their ID. I was searching and trying, but not sure how to configure the system. Thank you for any tip.

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2 years 10 months ago #340713


Normally, there are a few things to do:
- you want to activate the "address_company" and "address_vat" custom fields in the Display>Custom fields menu.
That way, users will be able to enter their company name and VAT number.
- in the HikaShop configuration, you have a Vat number check" setting that you might want to activate if you want HikaShop to verify the authenticity of the users VAT number.
- Then, the rest will be in System>Taxes. There, you first want to use the "manage tax rates" button to configure all the possible tax rates for your shop. And then, back on the main System>Taxes menu, you can configure the tax rules to link a tax category with a tax rate for a specific zone for specific client types.
So based on these rules, the address of the user, the tax category of the products, the system will see if there are any tax rates it can apply on the products in the current cart. If no match is found, then no tax will apply, and if it finds a matching tax rule, it will apply the corresponding tax rate.
Finally, for the zone setting of your tax rules, you can select all the states and countries available in HikaShop, but you can also select tax zones that you can create in the menu System>Zones with country zones or state zones selected as "sub zones". So for example, if you want to have a "rest of the world" tax zone, you can select all the countries you want as sub zones of that zone.

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2 years 10 months ago #340835

Well I was trying to set the standard to 7% as in Germany for book.
But to 0% for Austria, IF DELIVERY address has a VAT Number and Company name is filled.
For Switzerland 0% IF DELIVERY Address has NO VAT Number but Company name is filled.
For Austria it seems to work, but not for Switzerland.
Any tip would be appreciated. See also screenshot.


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2 years 10 months ago #340843


The tax rules will match only if the tax category you configured in the tax rule corresponds to the tax category configured in the product.
So in your case, you want to use only one tax category for all your tax rules as all the products are taxed with the same tax rate at a specific location.
Different tax categories are useful only when you sell products with different tax categories (for example books at 5% VAT and services at 20% in the same country). In that case, you need different tax categories, one for books and one for services.

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2 years 10 months ago #340845

"- you want to activate the "address_company" and "address_vat" custom fields in the Display>Custom fields menu.
That way, users will be able to enter their company name and VAT number."
- in the HikaShop configuration, you have a Vat number check" setting that you might want to activate if you want HikaShop to verify the authenticity of the users VAT number.
- Then, the rest will be in System>Taxes. There, you first want to use the "manage tax rates" button to configure all the possible tax rates for your shop. And then, back on the main System>Taxes menu, you can configure the tax rules to link a tax category with a tax rate for a specific zone for specific client types."

I fear I am too stupid. As what I configured makes no sense I was reading in a comment.

I define the product without any rule, no VAT is calculated at all. If I define a rule, it takes only what is defined, no matter what country ...


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2 years 10 months ago #340847


On your screenshot, the "Steuerkategorie" should be the same for all three tax rules.
And in your products, the "Steuerkategorie" setting should also be the same.

Note also that there is no point in having 0% tax rates. It's the same as having no tax rule.
So the way you configured your tax rules right now, it will only add a 7% tax for products of the "default tax category" if the customer is located in Germany.
Everyone else won't get any taxes.
If you want taxes for others, you need to create tax rates and tax rules accordingly.

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2 years 10 months ago #340868

nicolas wrote: On your screenshot, the "Steuerkategorie" should be the same for all three tax rules.
And in your products, the "Steuerkategorie" setting should also be the same.
Note also that there is no point in having 0% tax rates. It's the same as having no tax rule.
So the way you configured your tax rules right now, it will only add a 7% tax for products of the "default tax category" if the customer is located in Germany.
Everyone else won't get any taxes.

Hmmm well, I tested it now. I located the customer in AUSTRIA, added a number in VAT and a name in company field. But the VAT was required to pay. The product has "standard tax rule" mentioned.

nicolas wrote: If you want taxes for others, you need to create tax rates and tax rules accordingly.

I want only people without VAT Number + Company name availabel to pay any tax, i.e. the 7% standard tax.
The other way round:
People with VAT Number and company name should NOT pay any taxes.

Thanks for any help.

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2 years 10 months ago #340869


This means that the system sees you as being in Germany.
Note that in the HikaShop configuration, you have the setting "Type of address used for tax". So based on what you selected there, the system will either use the billing address or the shipping address to define the current zone of the user.
So if you change your billing address to be in Austria, and that setting is set to "shipping", while your shipping address is still set to an address in germany then it's normal that your products are still taxed with the 7% tax rate of your second tax rule.

You likely want to do this:
- first, create a zone of the type "tax" with all the countries for which you want the 7% tax to apply for customers without a VAT number but a company name and add all these country zones as "sub zones" (so germany should not be included there since VAT applies for everyone there).
- remove your existing rules for Austria and Switzerland.
- create a new tax rule with that new tax zone selected, the client type set to "companies without a VAT number" and the tax category setting set to "default tax category".

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2 years 10 months ago #340874

nicolas wrote: Hi,

This means that the system sees you as being in Germany.
Note that in the HikaShop configuration, you have the setting "Type of address used for tax". So based on what you selected there, the system will either use the billing address or the shipping address to define the current zone of the user.
So if you change your billing address to be in Austria, and that setting is set to "shipping", while your shipping address is still set to an address in germany then it's normal that your products are still taxed with the 7% tax rate of your second tax rule.

This is correct!

nicolas wrote: You likely want to do this:
- first, create a zone of the type "tax" with all the countries for which you want the 7% tax to apply for customers without a VAT number but a company name and add all these country zones as "sub zones" (so germany should not be included there since VAT applies for everyone there).
- remove your existing rules for Austria and Switzerland.
- create a new tax rule with that new tax zone selected, the client type set to "companies without a VAT number" and the tax category setting set to "default tax category".

I tried to do, as you described. Please see the pics.
But now 7% is applied with or without VAT Number, no difference.

What I need is some configuration that in Austria
+company +VAT Number = NO VAT
+private = 7% VAT
+company -VAT Number = 7% VAT

And for Switzerland:
+ private = 7% VAT
+ company - VAT Number = NO VAT (no company with VAT Number in this case)

Thanks for any help.


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2 years 10 months ago #340876


In your tax rule, you need to select "default tax category" instead of "AUSTRIA" in the "steuerkategorie" setting.
And in the "steuezone" setting you need to select the Austria country.
Then, it will work fine for Austria.

And then, just configure a tax rule the same way for Switzerland and you'll be good to go.

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2 years 10 months ago #340884

Thanks for your help. But I still make a mistake. I configured the system now as seen on the pics. I also tried to use subcategories of default tax category. But in all cases, with or without VAT-Number, always VAT is calculated. There is no exception. Sorry seemly I have a blockage in my head.


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2 years 10 months ago #340885


The setup is getting better.
Note that in the "Kundenart" option, you want to select both "individual" (Privatperson) and "company without a VAT number" for the Austria and Switzerland tax rules.
Besides this the rest seems ok.
If it still doesn't work properly after this change, then please provide a backend access and precise information on how to reproduce the issue on your website so that we can look into it.
You can provide all this along with a link to this thread for reference via our contact form:

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2 years 10 months ago #340893

Austria and Switzerland are different cases. Because Austria is part of the EU we need VAT number to not invoice VAT. In case of Switzerland all companies may get delivery free of VAT.

I will prepare a test-client which I will send to the html-Adress with backend pw

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2 years 10 months ago #340898


So here is how it should be configured:
However, even doing that, it didn't work properly.
It took me a while to figure out what was going on.
The issue came from your shipping methods.
In them, there is a "override tax zone" setting. And there, you selected "germany" instead of leaving that setting empty.
And because of that, the system was always using the tax rules for Germany since that's the point of this setting to override the tax zone of the address entered by the customer.
So I suppose that's why you were confused with the tax setup, trying different things with tax categories etc.
I removed the "override tax zone" setting in your shipping methods however I might have missed one or two as you have many shipping methods. So please review them.
With that setting fixed, and your tax rules modified as I was saying, it seems to work fine, as far as I can test.

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2 years 10 months ago #340899

Thanks a lot! I will go tru all shipping configurations. We need so many, because there is no standard for DHL in the system ;-)
Best regards from ... Namibia right now.

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2 years 10 months ago #340905

Well ... what should I say ... I checked all delivery configuration that none has tax override activated, deleted in 2 cases these overrides.
After this I tried with a test-user AUSTRIA and WITH VAT NUMBER to place an order ...... well, it should NOT have VAT included, but it did. I deleted the VAT Number, but no changes.
Your configuration as I attach the screenshot implies, that only the named cases should have VAT added to the price of the item. But it seems not to work. No matter what country the client comes from, always VAT is calculated. (But we deactivated other countries now.)

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2 years 10 months ago #340906


Well... what should I say... I checked that exact case for my tests before writting my previous message and it worked.
And I went to your website just now and it still works fine.
Here is a screenshot:
I used the user account you provided with an address in Austria and a VAT number, and you can see that the tax is not added.

So I don't know what you're doing ? Or maybe we're not looking at the same thing.

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2 years 10 months ago #340912

Sorry again. Must be something with my test client. I am glad it worked and I will now try to see how it works with real clients.
Thanks for your help, and again sorry having being boring stupid.

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2 years 10 months ago #340914

No worries. I'm here to help.

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