Not goint to paypal

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  • Hikaserial Subscription Hikashop Business
2 years 8 months ago #342531

-- HikaShop version -- : 4.6.0
-- Joomla version -- : Joomla! 4.1.4 Stable
-- PHP version -- : 8.0.20
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Chrome
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : 0 Missing format specifier at end of string

My site was working well and HikaShop Paypal payment plugin works well until I upgraded to Hika 6 and PHP 8.0.20
When a user on the front end selects PayPal as payment and click to finalize payment => getting 404 error page and error:
0 Missing format specifier at end of string
My customers are not able to process payments any more.
Could you please help?


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2 years 8 months ago #342543


Please activate the "debug mode" of the joomla configuration and try again.
It will display the error message with more information which will help us understand the reason of that error and tell you what to do.

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  • Hikaserial Subscription Hikashop Business
2 years 8 months ago #342579

Debug activated:

Debug and Language debug activated:

Does it help?

Last edit: 2 years 8 months ago by alexmartin.

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2 years 8 months ago #342583


Thank you.
This error happens when HikaShop translates the translation key THANK_YOU_FOR_YOUR_ORDER_BEGIN used in the emails.
Looking online for this error for the sprintf function, I found this:
This indicates that in the text to be replaced there is a % instead of a %s (we always use %s not %c as in the link but it's the same) and PHP8 crashes instead of ignoring the issue.
So I looked at all the translation files we have for HikaShop and I found that both the Russian and the Malaysian translation files have an issue with that translation key.
I also looked for the website associated with your subscription on our end and it seems to be in Russian, which confirms that the issue is with the Russian translation file.
In it (file administrator/language/ru-RU/ru-RU.com_hikashop.ini, you have the line:
THANK_YOU_FOR_YOUR_ORDER_BEGIN="Спасибо за Ваш заказ %."
which should instead be:
THANK_YOU_FOR_YOUR_ORDER_BEGIN="Спасибо за Ваш заказ %s."
You can manually edit that file via FTP to do the change and it should then fix the problem.
We'll include the modification on our end too.

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  • Hikaserial Subscription Hikashop Business
2 years 8 months ago #342613

Yes the site is on Russian,
I have added your recommendation to public_html/language/ru-RU
( not to public_html/administrator/language/ru-RU - ther eis no such line)
Here is the results:


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2 years 8 months ago #342618


Ah yes, there is another problem in the Russian language file.
The line:

ACCESS_ORDER_WITH_LINK="Вы можете получить доступ к подробностям заказа, перейдя по ссылке ниже, после прохождения авторизации на сайте:<br /><a href='%s'>%s</a>"
should be
ACCESS_ORDER_WITH_LINK="Вы можете получить доступ к подробностям заказа, перейдя по ссылке ниже, после прохождения авторизации на сайте:<br /><a href='%1$s'>%1$s</a>"
change that and it will remove that error.
We'll add that change on our end too.

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