J2xml and hikashop import export

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9 years 9 months ago #200623

-- HikaShop version -- : 2.4.0
-- Joomla version -- : 2.5.28
-- PHP version -- : 5.x

It 's strange when i read hikashop , you claim that hikashop follow joomla standart and i think all component is create using joomla rule. The hks product are not base on article and i think is base on higher joomla object type . Since many extension are base on article , Does hks can with a little code can make hks products item instance manage by J2XML for categories/products . In a recent post i underline it is cubersome that each extension has it own category gui and now i can add its own table for categories !
joomla ......=>.._categories

1) I was thinking hikashop categories ll use in its own SQL table all the title name column and SQL type use in joomla categories but seem not to be compatible with joomla version . Since hks category is manage in the joomla BE/FE by HKS gui there also many others columns specific to hks ( custom fields) . This make me thing that J2XML ll never be compatible with hks categories ( mapping with name column and object type are diferents )

2) I try to find when a central SQL table for category ll be adding in the joomla core than can be share beetween component but find nothing using google .I think SQL editor for export import is still the efficient way to manage joomla data instead joomla data tool GUI extension for HKS ? . Does Joomla have a import export in its core that could be extended for any extension implemented ?

3) I find here also the keyword namekey that i don't understand when read the hikahsop documentation for attach hikaserial !!

4) I try to find by study others extension component how they manage the category joomla concept . I find no specific table for those component ...only hks seem to have a specific category table .I write in a post why so many component don't share category hiearchy beetween them . In a way they share the same table but not the item locate in it !!
the joomla table *_categories contain a column of name extension where the com_Name must be here . We can see com_content com_jevents com_banners but nothing about a com_hikashop !!!

here BE GUI for category from some Joomla Component extension .

5) hiakshop remove a lot of functionnalities from the default categories joomla concept when only focus on the GUI BE . The main things is that category has hiearchy even the joomla and hikashop has both an item call Parent ( red) . Joomla GUI here show field but don't say anything how this filed ll be use by the component .

here joomla and hikashop categories table ( don't know if this comparison make sense )

I hope this ll help user to understand how hikashop manage some basic joomla concept in a new way by
a- rename some default joomla item label
b-use new table
c-change joomla type for manage date for example
d-new gui be for same concept ( edit category , display->content menu item, and display -> content module ).
e- new behaviour in edit mode . For example we need in HKS GUI some time ( explicit write when using joomla BE) when be in edit mode save before be able to continue edit the extension !!!

All this post is not a problem but a comparison beetween before ( joomla way) and after ( hikashop way ) . It is helpfull to better understand new concept / way and share some informations about the problem about export import using Joomla extension tool ( core or third extension ) .


Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by lionel75.

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