-- HikaShop version -- : 2.6.0 Business
-- Joomla version -- : 3.4.1
I am having an issue with how points are being earned on purchase.
I want points to be earned as 1 point for 1$ on specific categories only.
When the plugin is configured to earn 1 point for each dollar, with no product category specified (see: Capture-user-point-plugin-config-01.jpg), everything works as expected. 3 admissible products in the cart for a total of $49.50 earns 50 points (see: Capture-points-no-category-in-config.jpg)
When I add a product category in the "Product categories" field in the configuration (see: Capture-user-point-plugin-config-02.jpg) , the points earned are more than the rate that has been set. 49.50$ earns 83 points, but should only earn 50. (see: Capture-points-with-category-in-config-02.jpg)
With same configuration settings as previous (with product categories), when I have 2 different products, but in the same category, points are ok. $33 earns 33 points (see: Capture-points-with-category-in-config-02A.jpg)
If I have 2 identical products, points are multiplied, and actually earn more than 1 point per 1$. $33 earns 66 points (see: Capture-points-with-category-in-config-02B.jpg)
The problem is amplified when I put 9 identical items in the cart. 148.50$ earns 1337 points. (see: Capture-points-with-category-in-config-9-identical-products.jpg).
If I test using 1 product in the desired category, and 1 product outside the desired category (deos not earn points), the behaviour is as expected: points on the coffee, but not on the tea. $33 dollars, but only 16.50$ is admissible to points, and 17 points are earned. (see: Capture-points-with-category-in-config-1-product-not-in-category.jpg)
It looks like the points are calculated by multiplying the number of products by the subtotal of the product line (9 x 148.50$ = 1336.50 points, which rounds to 1337).
I don't think this is the expected behaviour, and this should be fixed.