The billing address is displayed automatically on the PDF invoice thanks to this code:
<table class="addresses">
$addresses = array('billing_address','shipping_address');
foreach($addresses as $oneAddress){
if(empty($order->$oneAddress)) continue;
if ($oneAddress=='shipping_address' && empty($pluginsShipping)) continue; ?>
<td valign="top">
<legend><?php echo JText::_('HIKASHOP_'.strtoupper($oneAddress)); ?></legend>
$override = false;
if(!empty($order->order_shipping_id) && $oneAddress=='shipping_address' && method_exists($currentShipping, 'getShippingAddress')) {
$override = $currentShipping->getShippingAddress($order->order_shipping_id);
if($override !== false ) {
echo $override;
} else {
$addressClass = hikashop_get('class.address');
$view = 'order';
$view = 'address';
echo $addressClass->displayAddress($order->fields,$order->$oneAddress,$view);
<?php } ?>
so if you don't see the billing address in the PDF invoice even though you have it in the order, I can only think that you've modified the code in invoice.php and these modifications caused the issue.