-- HikaShop version -- : 3.0.1
-- Joomla version -- : 3.6.5
-- PHP version -- : 7.0
Hi Hikashop Team,
When I create a PDF invoice and I use a Chinese, Russian or Arabic country as customer than the Invoice gave strange characters for the state names like ?????/ or rectangles.
Are there no English Names for those states?
I know I have to look for the right font into the attached PDF invoice plugin. But there is no font which does have all the characters from all languages or can show them on the right way.
The only font which can do the most is kozgopomedium / -regulaer and hysmyeongjostdmedium.
But the character separation from the state names is very wide, see image.
Is there something we can do to reduce the letter spacing?
Maybe to add a class to the order / address_template.php
Like this:
And then add a CSS style to the invoice.php file like this?
.state {font:stsongstdlight;}
.state {letter-spacing:-5px;}
But none of them works.
Kind regards,