Small image div does not show

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12 years 4 months ago #74930


I'd basically like my product page to function thus:

The small image div is visible at all times, and when selecting a colour, the image will change to the corresponding colour (or any other characteristic that has a specific image).

Currently, the small image div shows only when i have multiple images added to the MAIN product, but no images associated with the VARIANT.

This would be OK, but I want the image to change colour when a colour is selected.

Please tell me what I need to alter in the code.

Thanks :)

PS - another thing. When attempting to configure the product page correctly, my Recently Viewed module has suddenly started displaying 12 products instead of 3. It did this before, and I believe it's to do with the changes I made to the pagination, so that it would show 12 by default instead of 20. However, before, I went to the module and made sure it was set to 'All sub elements' and 'Synchronize with currently displayed menu' was set to No. This fixed it. Now, it doesn't fix it, and I don't know which other settings could possibly have affected it. I also can't see how I did anything to affect it with the changes I made to the views. Very confusing

Last edit: 12 years 4 months ago by jen168. Reason: new problem

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12 years 4 months ago #74957


1. Can you give me a link to your web site ? it would help me to understand the problem and how to solve it.

2. Can you show me a screenshot of your module ?

Thank you.

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12 years 4 months ago #74968

Hmm, I just deleted the recently viewed module, as I couldn't get it working properly. I created a new one and I can get it to display as a module, but not under the product page. Here's the link to my site .

As I said, I deleted the module so I can't give you a screenshot, but I can give you a screenshot of the one I just made...


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12 years 3 months ago #75628

I think that the problem could be that you restricted your module to only display on some menus with the "menu assignment" option of the module and that your product pages display via another menu that the ones selected for it.

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12 years 3 months ago #79040

Thanks. I've got it looking right. Now, did you have any advice regarding the first question? I still can't get that small image div to display when i have images linked to variants. Take a look at the Defeet Neon Dura Glove for an example. Many thanks.

Last edit: 12 years 3 months ago by jen168.

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12 years 3 months ago #79071


When a I look at the product page of "Defeet Neon Dura Glove", I can see that each variant have a special colored picture.
You have configured one image for each variant. So, when you select a variant, you can only see the single image that this variant have.

So, I am not sure that I have understand your problem.


Jerome -
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12 years 3 months ago #79093

The "small image div" which displays the other colour options below the main image on the main product page. When I add multiple images to the main product, I see the small images below. As soon as I add an image to the variant, the small images below disappear. Look at the Defeet Dura Glove (NOT the neon this time) to see what I mean, it has images attached to the main product but not to the variant. I just want to keep that small image div. It's a question of aesthetics, I just think it looks better that way.

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12 years 3 months ago #79094


I don't want to repeat me but I don't see any bug.
A variant do overrides. It means that, if you include one image in your variants, it would override all images of the main product.


Jerome -
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12 years 3 months ago #79095

I'm not saying it's a bug. I'm saying, how can I make it behave as I want it to? I want to show the small images below EVEN WHEN I have a image attached to the variant. That can't be difficult. It must be a question of changing a small bit of code, I just want to know where this code can be found. Thanks

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12 years 3 months ago #79104



First I thought that it was not possible but, thinking twice about it, there might be a solution.
Using view override, it would be possible to get the main element images while displaying thumbnails for the variant images.
I have to check the code in order to see if it is really possible.


Jerome -
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12 years 3 months ago #79111

Yes, that sounds encouraging. Thanks, I look forward to hearing your thoughts :)

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11 years 3 days ago #147396

This topic is exactly the issue I am having right now. I need to be able to continue to show the small image thumbnails, while still having an image in the product variants. Was a solution for this? This is a must have for my customers website. Hopefully this gets seen as I didnt want to post a duplicate topic.

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11 years 2 days ago #147461


Can you please clarify what you want to have ?
This thread have more than one year and HikaShop evolve since the last post.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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11 years 22 hours ago #147598

From what I can see, if you have multiple images in a main product, the small image thumbnails appear. As soon as you create a variant/characteristic and assign an image to it. you loose the ability to have thumbnails of say something like colors and only see the main product image which changes depending on the selection made.

We could just not assign images to the variants and this would be a quick fix, but this would lead to a red product image showing on checkout when blue was selected. This is the default behavior as red would be the default image for the main product.

I need to be able to display the thumbnails for each variant, as well as the main image for the variant selected. The icing on the cake would be for the images to be tied to the main image like it is with a normal multi-image product with no variants, but to also be linked to the select box so the variant and main image change when a thumbnail is selected.


Hope I made sense

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11 years 13 hours ago #147613


As soon as you create a variant/characteristic and assign an image to it. you loose the ability to have thumbnails of say something like colors and only see the main product image which changes depending on the selection made.

Did you tried to attach more that one image through your product variant's configuration page ?

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11 years 10 hours ago #147640

Did you tried to attach more that one image through your product variant's configuration page ?

Yes I am aware this would be one solution, however many of the products have 15+ color variations. This would require 225 images for one product in order to display correctly.

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11 years 6 hours ago #147676

Found the following code in another thread that seams to be doing the trick. I am no php or javascript expert so i need some help getting this to work. Ive placed this code in show_block_img.php in the hikashop_small_image_div. I know need to change the javascript so that when hovered & clicked it updates/changes the main image and the select box for the product variants.


            foreach($this->element->variants as $variant){
            	foreach($variant->characteristics as $k => $characteristic){
            		$char_id = $characteristic->variant_characteristic_id;
            		$cat_id = $k;
            	foreach($variant->images as $image){
            		echo '<img class="hikashop_child_image" onClick="document.getElementById(\'hikashop_product_characteristic_'.$cat_id.'\').value = '.$char_id.'; document.getElementById(\'hikashop_product_characteristic_'.$cat_id.'\').focus();" style="height:100px;" src="' . $this->image->uploadFolder_url . $image->file_path . '" alt="' . $image->file_name . '"  />';
            echo '<input type="hidden" onFocus="return hikashopUpdateVariant(this);" id="hikashop_product_characteristic_'.$cat_id.'" value="">';

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11 years 11 minutes ago #147680


If what mohamed proposes isn't a good enough solution for your case, then you would have to edit the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/product.php and modify the _checkVariant function so that it adds the images of the main product to the images of the variants instead of doing nothing if the variant already has images.
I think that something like that should do the trick at the end of that function:

foreach($element->images as $image){
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