Hika Team, please read...

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11 years 11 months ago #94407


I bought the style for hikashop thinking it will help me style the shop with different templates.
Unfortunately, though these display correctly as they are suppose to, none of them integrates smoothly with the templates I have.
Hikastyles look sooo old in my templates, because I couldn't test any style I paid for a subscription I will not use! :(

Yes I also read "New fancy styles will be coming soon... "
Because I am quite new to Hikashop I don't know when this sentence was written.

What I mean is today's templates are responsive and also when your shop is multilingual the styles will match one language but not others.
Simple example in en-EN to de-DE (same is true for other languages):
add to cart - Zum Warenkorb hinzufüngen
Proceed to checkout - Zur Kasse
So when you choose to display e.g.: 3 columns it will not display correctly in multilingual mode (and falang has no option to modifiy the number of columns nor images, Falang is quite restricted :angry: )

We now have smartphones, tablets but also smart tv and responsive templates it would be very usefull to have a "responsive style " for Hikashop.
This new style could be added to the paid style subscription...

I am currently working on a multilingual shop in a responsive template.
If Hika Team wants to look at this website to clearly see what I mean I can send you the url by mail (site under construction is not accessible to public)

Last edit: 11 years 11 months ago by pprle.

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11 years 11 months ago #94417


HikaShop will be responsive with all the styles we propose on our website as long at your template is responsive and supports bootstrap. All templates for Joomla 3.x should support boostrap as it is included by default in Joomla, and some for Joomla 2.5 support it (you will need to turn on the bootstrap design option of the configuration for Joomla 2.5 templates). I suppose that either your template does not support bootstrap or that you didn't activate the boostrap design option of the configuration. We the responsive system is activated, the listings switch automatically from several columns to 1 column when the screen width becomes too narrow.

Our demo website uses the blue style that we provide and it works fine in all three languages that are setup on the demo website, even in Japanese. So I actually don't see the problem here ?

We are working on 3 more styles and they should be available in a few weeks/months.

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11 years 11 months ago #94499

Thank you very much for your response Nicolas.
I am using J!3.0, bootstrap, responsive template, bootstrap enabled in hikashop... the issue is not here.

nicolas wrote: We the responsive system is activated, the listings switch automatically from several columns to 1 column when the screen width becomes too narrow.

There is no issue when narrowing it does what it is supposed to do...my concern is on the full display.
My first post is clearly mmissing information you need and wil try to make you understand what I meant.

First I thought the div/div would adjust itself to the width of the "add to cart" button or to the product/category image when one is bigger than the other.
But this cannot be done because we "force" the number of columns.
The isssue is clearly related to the number of columns in the displays.
When e.g.: 5 columns can suit one language it will not fit for others.
When I wrote Falang is quited retricted I meant that very few options are available for the transation of hikashop extensive features.
One example is you cannot adjust the number of columns to match the witdt needed for the "add to cart" translation to "Zum Warenkorb hinzufüngen"

Maybe I did not post this issue in the correct website and should have contacted Faboba instead???
But I believe you guys are corresponding and maybe you can discuss the possibility to include more translation/configuration options in hikashop Falang translation?

I hope you now understand...;)


nicolas wrote: We are working on 3 more styles and they should be available in a few weeks/months.

Great! looking forward to them...

Last edit: 11 years 11 months ago by pprle.

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11 years 11 months ago #94500


I tested again the narrowing and responsive feature and I noticed the category images are resized but on the product page the product image is not resized...

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11 years 11 months ago #94512

Indeed, I hadn't understand that you were talking about that.

Indeed, the HikaShop options of modules cannot be modified based on the language directly in Falang as these options are not directly in the modules (too many options, etc) but in HikaShop.
But I believe that you can achieve what you want regardless by restricting your menu items or modules per language (that system in Joomla allows you to switch from one menu/module to another based on the current language). That way, you could have different settings for different modules/menus and thus different languages.

Another solution could be to actually add a content element file for the hikashop_config table and thus be able to redefine the configuration options as well as each menu/module option based on the language. You could even change the checkout workflow based on the language for example. The only thing with that is that some data is serialized in the database so you won't have the nice buttons and input fields like on our option pages but a textarea field for each one and it will be a bit complex if you don't know PHP and serialization. But that's the solution which has the most flexibility.

Also, other simpler solutions would be to either override your translations so that they fit where they need to fit, or allow more space in your layouts by reducing the number of columns for everyone.

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11 years 11 months ago #94514

Thnak you Nicolas,

Yes I know there are different solutions like the language and override options.
Hikashop uses already a lot of modules and I wanted to avoid duplicating them for all other languages (shop is supposed to be translated in nearly all EU languages and also asian languages... :blink: :S )
Options in falang would have been sooo helpful :blush:

Can you please check in a responsive template if the product image on product page is resizing (mines are not...)?

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11 years 11 months ago #94535

The images themselves can resize on listings. It depends how you configure your listings.
If you use the thumbnails border, it will use the thumbnails system of bootstrap which can resize the images on the fly when it gets too narrow.

On product page though it doesn't.

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11 years 10 months ago #100167

Nicolas, are you saying that the product image on product page will not resize/be responsive? This is a problem for me, since the product images will be large. I'm having trouble setting the optimum size for the product page image, and having it not be responsive makes it a bigger problem for me. Anyway I can override the Hika image config with a "max-width" "max-height" in my css? I tried doing that but the image came out grainy/low quality.

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11 years 10 months ago #100210

Well, by default the image on the product page is 100*100, and the layout itself is responsive (the right area goes below the image on small devices).
So you potentially have the full width of the screen for the thumbnail of the image. So in most cases it shouldn't have to be.
Now if you have a big thumbnail setup for the product page, then you will need to add custom CSS to reduce manually the size of the thumbnail in CSS on small devices. That won't impact the image quality as far as I can see. So maybe there is an issue with the way you did it but since I don't know what you did, I can't say much on that.

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