Order and Invoice numbers

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11 years 2 months ago #137065

I started with HS1.5 and I'm now with 2.2.1
When I started, Invoice and Orders nb were the same.
Now, they are configured with {automatic_code}

My customer told me that it's a mess between Orders and Invoice !
He is selling service and final customers give him their invoice number before he change the Order status to "delivered".
He told me that some orders are affected to wrong clients.
... and some clients try to profit of the situation to obtain service twice !

I thought to a DB mess, but after a check I realized that Orders and Invoices numbers are very close and HS allow only to search Orders.
So there is the risk that entering an Invoice nb for an Order he find a valid order for another client !!!!

In back-end, how to be able to search Invoice numbers directly and not only Orders ?

-- HikaShop version -- : 2.2.1
-- Joomla version -- : 2.5

Last edit: 11 years 2 months ago by codewarrior.

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11 years 2 months ago #137093


We actually already added that in newer versions of HikaShop.
With your version, You'll have to edit the line:

$searchMap = array('c.id','c.username','c.name','a.user_email','b.order_user_id','b.order_number','b.order_id','b.order_full_price');
of the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/views/order/view.html.php

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11 years 2 months ago #137338

Thanks for your reply.

Can you precise :
- if it's a correction relating to search Invoice and orders ?
- if newer version has an invoice menu ?
- do you recommend to upgrade ?


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11 years 2 months ago #137349

It's not a correction. It's just that the search wasn't done on the invoice id/number before. It's more like an improvment.
There is no invoice menu but I don't see the need for that ? You can already do that quite easily with the status filter of the order listing.
There is no need to upgrade if you don't need anything of the new features/fixes.

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11 years 2 months ago #137381

My client is a hairdresser.
His customers print their invoices (just mentionning Invoice number - not Order number) and come to have their service.
Once it's done, the hairdresser change Order status to "delivered" in the backend.

His problem is that he was not able to find the Order based on the Invoice. I will try your correction.
The other problem is that automatic numbers are based on same numeration and we have a confusion between Orders and Invoices numbers
I then prefixed Orders with "O-" and Invoices with "I-" for new Orders. Don't know what to do wit old Orders.

1) I looked for the code, but $searchMap is exactly as you suggested. I don't understand what to correct ?

2) would it be possible to add Order number to Invoices printed by customers ?

3) would it be possible to have a barcode or a QRcode printed in the invoice ?
Ideally, when hairdresser will scan it, the Order could be displayed or his Status would be changed to "delivered".

Thanks again for this great product !

Last edit: 11 years 2 months ago by codewarrior.

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11 years 2 months ago #137384

1. Yes. Simply use the tag {order_number} in your invoice number format field.

2. Something like that could be done with HikaSerial. The system would attribute a serial to each purchase with a corresponding barcode, and the scanner would consume the serial when scanning the barcode so that the barcode couldn't be used again. Here the status of the orders wouldn't change anymore but that would not be necessary. For more information on how to set that up, I would invite you to post in the HikaSerial forum.

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11 years 2 months ago #137391

1) Sorry, I'm lost !
I have an Order n2j84 and an Invoice n2j84
If typing n2j84 in the Filter box, I obtain the Order n2j84. BUT Invoice n2j84 correspond to order Q3L32 of another client.

==> 2 filters : one for Orders and the other for Invoices would perfectly do the job ( through an Invoice menu item) !

2) at page www.hikashop.com/extensions/hikaserial.html#features the link to documentation is broken
I don't see anything about barcodes.
Would it work with a smartphone instead of a dedicated hardware ?

3) I would like to add Order number to Invoices printed by customers ?
I found view / order / invoice.php but I'm not sure it's the good file and I need clues to add the order nb.
As i see where to add it in the code, what could be the syntax to get it ?


Last edit: 11 years 2 months ago by codewarrior.

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11 years 2 months ago #137397

1. What change did you make in the code ?

2. We'll fix that link thanks. The documentation of HikaSerial is available here:

3. Yes, it's that file. It's quite simple. You look at the code, get the code for the display of the order_invoice_number, copy/paste it next to it and change order_invoice_number to order_number and that's it.

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11 years 2 months ago #137399

1) nothing, my code is :

2) Sounds good !
As it's not obvious, I understand that it has a QRcode library embedded.
So a smartphone is ok for scanning and fire number when used ?
without more operation on Hikashop ?

On the other hand, is it possible to just insert a QRcode corresponding to the order number ?

3) I tried to add some text, but nothing is visible in backend invoice !
Any idea ?

Last edit: 11 years 2 months ago by codewarrior.

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11 years 2 months ago #137596

1. There is no code in your message. As I said in a previous message, you need to add the column order_invoice_id or order_invoice_number in there if you want the system to be able to search in them. Or you can also update to the latest version.

2. It's possible to insert a QRcode for the order number yes. And yes, you can use a smartphone to fire the number. Again, please post on the HikaSerial forum for more information on how to do all that.

3. If you don't see any difference, it's probably that you did the change in the file of another template that the template you're using in your backend.
If the invoice is blank, it means that you did an error. Turn on the debug mode and error reporting options of the joomla configuration and access the invoice again and you'll see the error message telling you where is the mistake.

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