Download of large files often but not always fails

  • Posts: 78
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  • Hikamarket Multivendor Hikashop Business
10 years 10 months ago #153067

Attached files to products sometimes fail to download.
Sometimes the download just hangs and stops for files larger 300MB.
It does NOT fail always !!

Server parameters should not be a problem, since other Joomla download components work fine like jdownloads etc.
The problem could only be seen in hikashop product file downloads.

Server php parameters:
Erlaubte Dateigröße (max_filesize): 2000M
Erlaubte POST Größe (post_max_size): 2001M
Speicherbeschränkung auf (memory_limit): 2500M
Maximale Scriptlaufzeit für Uploads (max_input_time): 3600
Maximale Scriptlaufzeit (max_execution_time): 3600

It is hosted on IIS with large timeout settings > 3600seconds.

What is the problem and could you tell me the php file handling the download of the product files.

Thanks and regards

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10 years 10 months ago #153089


I would have guessed at a server restriction actually. We have users selling download files of several GB with HikaShop (games, movies), so unless your web server has some kind of limitation, I don't see why it would be a problem on your end.
Or maybe you use a really old version of HikaShop which didn't contain the optimizations that we have added in the past regarding the download of big files.

The download is handled in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/file.php in the function sendFile.

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