Inventory and Status not updating correctly

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10 years 7 months ago #164761

I am attaching a document in a screen shot.
Two related issues. Inventory counts do not update correctly and the Dashboard Sales incorrectly displays.

See attached for my setup, I have tried many many alternative setups. I have 50+ tests over the last 3 days. My mind is nearly gone.

I have zero orders in the system.
I have one product with stock set at 10
After each test I delete the order and update the stock to 10. (so the starting number is always 10..

Scenario 1
Order Item stock 9 GOOD!
status Cancel or Refund Stock 10. GOOD
But if I look at the dashboard, the canceled order still is shown as a Sale BAD BAD... it is not a sale!

Scenario 2
I order an item, stock 9 GOOD
status Shipped stock 9 GOOD
Status Canceled stock 10 GOOD
Dashboard still counts the order as a sale BAD.. this happens no matter what, so I will not bother putting it in again.

I have added new statuses
contacted - we talked to customer (we do not take online payments)
Samples Shipped - We send sample packs
Order Shipped - I want to differentiate a sample ship from a normal ship.
Sample Returned - this should put items back into stock.
Payment Received

Senario 3
I did not take screens of this, but it works

Order Item stock 9
status Sample Returned stock 10 WORKS!

Senario 4 THIS is th BIG problem

order item stock 9 GOOD
status contacted stock 9 GOOD
Status Canceled, Refund, or Sample Return STOCK 9 VERY BAD!!

If I pick ANY status other that the default shipped, I cannot cancel!

I thought maybe the system will only allow orders to be canceled from confirmed status..
So I set the status to confirmed...


MAYBE this is something only available in the buisness version? IF so tell me, we were planning on purchasing to get reports eventually, after I tested and we see how our retail partners respond to it. BUT this is the last item I need to test, and it does no work.

We absolutely need to track a "sale" through the process.
and we cannot delete return orders to get the sales reports correct, because we would want to know who got samples who returned who is canceling etc. this is the only way to find a problem retailer and correct it.

Thank you in advance

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10 years 7 months ago #164774


1. By default the "sales" widget of the dashboard counts all orders, regardless of the status of the order. If you want to change that you can edit the widget options with the Business edition and select only the statuses which should be taken into account. I'll have plenty of options to control the different aspects of your widgets.

2. If you create new order statuses, you need to make sure that you also configure the options of the configuration in order to handle the new statuses properly.
So for example, if you have a new status to handle "sample returned", you want to add it in the option "Cancelled order statuses" so that it can be taken into account to give back the stock of the product when you set an order to this status if the previous status of the order was confirmed or shipped.

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10 years 7 months ago #164878

I did add them...

that was why I sent you the very detailed document so you could see that!

And I clearly said in the forum post and showed in the documents. THAT I can cancel an order using "sample returned" provided I do not select any other status than "confirmed" So that alone is an indication I did it correct.

ALSO if I select anyting other that Confirmed or Shipped... the default "return" and "cancel" status do not work.. so its not my new status.

default order - confirmed
paymen confirmed - confirmed
invoice order - ,Payment_Received,shipped,created
cancelled order - cancelled,refunded,Sample_Returned

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10 years 7 months ago #164883


I don't see the "detailed document" you're talking about. We only got the text that you put on your first and second messages, nothing else.
Your sentence " I can cancel an order using "sample returned" provided I do not select any other status than "confirmed"" is contradicting since "sample returned" is another status than "confirmed" and on top of that is not even one of the default statuses.

Your other sentence "if I select anything other that Confirmed or Shipped... the default "return" and "cancel" status do not work.." is normal. As I said "you want to add it in the option "Cancelled order statuses" so that it can be taken into account to give back the stock of the product when you set an order to this status if the previous status of the order was confirmed or shipped", so if you set another status than confirmed or shipped, it's normal that it doesn't work as per my sentence.
One thing we could improve on that end in a future version of HikaShop would be to take into account the option "invoice order statuses" instead of only "confirmed" and "shipped" for the decrementing of the stock when an order is cancelled/refunded.

I'm sorry but I'm only answering based on the information you provided and so far what I said match the information you provided.

PS: I see you like to emphasize your text with uppercase words. Note however that it is against the netiquette on public forums.

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10 years 7 months ago #165022

Sorry about using to many capitals no offense intending, its a lingering habit from the days of IRC and BBC before there was such a thing as bold and italics available. My Bad.

I am sorry this is getting confusing. I know I attached my document with screen shots on the first post, but obviously it did not make it. This sadly confused the issue and got us off on the wrong foot.

So I made a new document, it has shots of my setup and and example of what is happening.
I put the file in my dropbox in case the attachment fails again

In the one example.
I think I have the status categories setup per your instructions.

I then make an order for the test product. It deducts one, so now the stock is 9.
I then set the category to "sample_sent" stock still 9
I then set the category to "canceled" Stock is still 9.

It should return to 10

Now if I use the default "statuses" everything works well.

If an order is confirmed and canceled, it works
If an order is confirmed then shipped then canceled it works.
The status I created "sample_returned" and I put in the (Cancelled order statuses) works, as long as I use the other default statuses. ie..confimed, shipped, then "sample_returned"
But if I use any of the other statuses I created, ("contacts", "sample_shipped", etc) I cannot cancel or return the product. None of the statuses will return the product to stock. ie. "confirmed", then "contacted" then "canceled"

I have tried adding the extra statuses to the field "Invoice order statuses"
I have tried removing them for the field. "Invoice order statuses"
same result both ways.

I hope this makes it clear and you can show me where I made the mistake.

Thank you

ps.. i think I see why you did not get the file originally, I did not click the insert button. Did not notice it until just now. Sorry.

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10 years 7 months ago #165337

I have not gotten a new response in a couple days
Please don't let this drop. I have literally tried dozens of options for this client and yours is the best I could find.
I just need this one small issue resolved.


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10 years 7 months ago #165352


I believed I had already answered to your question in my previous message. Let me be more specific:

You didn't make any mistake.
What you're describing is the normal behavior.
What you're describing is that the stock is not returned if you don't go through either the "confirmed" or "shipped" statuses before selecting one of the "cancelled order statuses".
And that's what I said :

you want to add it in the option "Cancelled order statuses" so that it can be taken into account to give back the stock of the product when you set an order to this status if the previous status of the order was confirmed or shipped.
One thing we could improve on that end in a future version of HikaShop would be to take into account the option "invoice order statuses" instead of only "confirmed" and "shipped" for the decrementing of the stock when an order is cancelled/refunded.

So the solution you're looking for is that the system returns the stock not only when you change the status of orders from confirmed and shipped to a cancelled order status, but from all the "invoice order statuses". That's not the case at the moment and that will require modifications to the system in order to support that in the future.
A simple solution in the mean time, until we develop that, is that you change the status from "sample_sent" to "confirmed" and then to "cancelled" so that the stock will be returned instead of going directly from "sample_sent" to "cancelled".

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10 years 7 months ago #165442

now I understand... I had thought you were suggestion that I add the new status code I created to the "confirmed" category... and I could not see how to do that...

But you had meant that I should change the order status to confirmed, before changing it to canceled! THIS works perfectly! Its a simple procedure change and we can manage that very very easily!!

Thank you so much!

Now I will be able to show them how the process can track there current inventory, track what is out for sampling, how the full version will allow them to pull reports that will allow them to focus the production on what the customers actually like.

this is a huge relief!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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