no order creation email received by admin (only the user receives an email)

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7 years 6 months ago #276902

-- HikaShop version -- : 3.1.1
-- Joomla version -- : 3.7.3
-- PHP version -- : 5.6.31
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : no error message


I have hikashop starter 3.1.1
My problem is that when an order is created the user receives an order creation confirmation email but not the admin.
I do not understand why the admin does not receive the order creation email.
Has someone an idea what I am missing ?

Here is what I did:
- under hikashop -> system -> emails : "order administrator notification" is published
- under hikashop -> system -> configuration -> main -> emails I have entered at "from address", "reply-to address"," Payment notifications email address", "Order creation admin notifications email address" the admin email
"bounce address" is empty; I tried "add names" "yes" and "no"

- when a user creates a new account during the checkout process, the admin receives an account creation notification email (but still no order creation email); which means that there is no general problem with the admin email adress and that joomla is able to send an email to this address
- I checked the spams (empty)
- I tried entering in " Payment notifications email address" a different email addres (-> still not receiving order creation email)
- when on the orders list, I click on an order and then on "email" and I add as "CC" to the "to-address" the admin email, both the user and admin get the email (so this works fine) and shows that hikashop can send an email to the admin email.

So why when an order is created does the admin not receive the email ?
I will be very grateful for any help or suggestion.
Thank you very much in advance,

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7 years 5 months ago #276905


The first thing to check is the menu Customers>Emails history.
It lists all the emails sent by HikaShop.
Do you see it there ?
If yes, then HikaShop sent the email to the email server of your hosting to be sent to the receiver. Thus the problem is either that the email server of your hosting couldn't send the email for some reason or that it was rejected by the receive email server (they might be the same email server). In that case, do a screenshot of the details of the email in the email history and contact your hosting company and ask them why the email didn't arrive to the destination. They can look in their email server log to say what went wrong.
If no, then HikaSHop didn't sent the email. This usually comes from the email being deactivated in System>Emails or the order admin notification email address setting of the configuration being empty. It's also possible to modify the code of the email to not have it sent, but then you should know you wrote such custom code in the email so it's quite unlikely. There are also third party extensions like AcyMailing who can override the emails sent by HikaShop which could potentially discard the emails for some reason.

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7 years 5 months ago #276976


Thank you very much for your answer !

In the customers menu I do not see "emails history". I guess it is because I have starter version ? (I have another site with business version where I see the "emails history" menu)
But of course it would be very useful to see if the email has been sent by hikashop or not.
Is there another way to find that out ?

(I did not modify the code and the only third part extensions that are installed are "jce editor" and "akeeba backup")

Thank you very much for your help,

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7 years 5 months ago #276989


Yes, it's only with the Business edition.
Besides that feature, you can check the logs of your email server for that email...supposing you have access to these logs or ask your hosting company.

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7 years 5 months ago #277065


I asked the hosting company and they tell me that only one email has been sent (the one to the user) and they do not find any trace of a second email. But it seems that there was a call to a script but without any email sent. They explained me that possibly there was a call to a script to sent an email but with an empty email address (or something similar).

So it may be interesting to have a look at the code that should send the order creation admin email. Could you please tell me in which file this is ?

I also did a test in debug mode and with my hosting in development mode, so it displayed the database requests. I do not know if this is helpful, but I will sent you the file with the debug console and the database request in private message (I don't want to attach it here as it may contain informations that should not be public for security reasons).

Thank you very much in advance for your help !
(I am really very intrigued as it is a simple hikashop installation without anything special installed ...)

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7 years 5 months ago #277067

I just became aware that I can not send an attachment with private message.
So if you think that the database requests could be helpful, please tell me how I can send you the file.
Thank you,

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7 years 5 months ago #277095


The database requests won't help.
All the details of each email are displayed in the Customers>Email history so it would be easy to check what's missing through that interface.
Without that, and without the logs of the email server of your hosting company being able to provide clear information on what is the problem, the only thing left is to add custom coding in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/order.php to debug the situation in the save function.
Note however that it will potentially not be an easy task and impossible if you're not a developer...

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7 years 5 months ago #277124

I purchased and installed now the business edition.
Both the user ad admin emails appear under customer -> email history but only the user receives the email.
The hosting company tells me that they see the user email but do not find any trace of the admin email.
I will send you access to the site by private message so you can have a look at it.
Thank you in advance for your help.

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7 years 5 months ago #277131


Looking at your email history, the admin creation notification email has the same email address for the "from" and the "to" so I guess that's an issue for your email server:
Please try having different email addresses.
Also, send a screenshot of the email when you edit it there. That way, they'll have all the information about the email to be able to check their logs and tell you what's wrong.

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7 years 5 months ago #277227


After a lot of testing I found now out from where comes the problem (I also tested to change the "from" and "to" emails, but that didn't change anything):

- When under "System" -> "Emails" -> "Order administrator notification" -> "preload version" I remove the line 70 :
'ORDER_LINK' => HIKASHOP_LIVE.'administrator/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=edit&order_id='.$data->order_id,
then everything woks fine (the admin order creation notification is received)

Does this mean that the hosting company ( ovh ) blocks emails with this kind of links ? And this without giving any error ?
If this is the case, a lot of other people should have the same problem ? ...
I asked the question to the hosting company. Waiting for an answer.

But at least it works now, when removing this link.

Could you please tell me, if once my hikashop business version is expired ( in one year), if I want to keep the site update, without repaying the business edition, can I safely downgrade to starter version ?

Thank you for your answer,

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7 years 5 months ago #277234


If the fact that removing a link allow the email to be received, then it means that the link increases the spam level of your email and the email is either discarded by the email server sending the email or by the email server receiving the email because it is flagged as spam.
I would recommend to check your email with and fix what's necessary.

You can safely downgrade to the Starter edition in one year yes. The downgrade/upgrade between editions of a similar version won't impact the website (besides adding/removing the concerned features).

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7 years 5 months ago #277293


Thank you ! The link to the mail-tester is very useful.
I did a test:
- when "ORDER_LINK..." line is present, the email is not received by email tester
- when "ORDER_LINK..." is removed, I obtain 2.5/10
One of the "bad" points is that there is no DNS (MX record) on the domain name, or that I should use a different bounce address:
For the moment the "bounce address" is empty in hikashop configuration: should I add a bounce address and if yes which kind (same as "from-address" or not ?)
I also noticed that the email contains 2 reply-to addresses: the one entered under "reply-to" in hikashop and the customer email. Is it normal that the customer address is also under "reply-to" and if not how can I remove it ?
Thank you,

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7 years 5 months ago #277315


2.5/10 is already a poor result. I suppose that the email server is discarding the email because it is too much "spammy" with the link.
You need to add an MX record to the DNS. The best is to contact your provider for the domain name (which might be your hosting company) so that they can help you with that.
Having DKIM setup on the email server and a SPF would also help. And if your server is listed as a spam server, you'll have to see what you can do with your hosting too.
All in all, that's not linked to HikaShop here. It's linked to how the DNS and the joomla email settings are configured.

I'm not sure what you mean by 2 reply-to address. But for the order admin notification you should leave the reply-to field empty in the settings of the email. HikaShop will automatically fill it with the email address of the customer. That way, when you receive the email, you can hit reply to directly reply to the customer.

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7 years 5 months ago #277646


Thank you for your answer.

Yes, it seems that the emails are blocked by the email server, because considered as spam.
I am still checking with the hosting company : they tell me they don't find any trace of these emails (and so that the problem must come from the script). Quite frustrating, but in fact most probably not linked to Hikashop.

Concerning the reply-to address :
I realised that under hikashop -> system -> emails -> Order administrator notification, the reply-to address , is set by default (written in clear grey color) to the admin email.
As a result when I look at the code of the email I received, I see under "reply-to", two emails: the admin email and the customer email.
When I empty the reply-to addres under hikashop -> system -> emails -> Order administrator notification, then in the code of the received email only the customer email is after reply-to.
According to what you say this seems to be the expected behaviour : the reply-to is the customer email.
But it seems that this can contribute to be considered as spam as I get a "Freemail in Reply-To, but not From" message in, because then in fact the reply-to email is customer the customer email which often is Freemail and the from email is related to the domain name (and so not Freemail).
Wouldn't it be better to have the "reply-to" email set to the same email than "from". And if yes how to do it (because it is set automatically to the customer email) ?

Thank you in advance for your help,

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7 years 5 months ago #277649


It's not a problem to have the reply-to email address different than the from email address as far as I know. And I think it's best to leave it be the user email address. The goal of the reply-to field of emails is precisely to be able to do do that: when your website sends an automated email notifying you from something someone has done on your website so that you can easily reply to the user.

However, you need to provide a from email address, and that email address has to be originating from the email server sending the email.
For example, if you set the from email address of your email to contact AT hikashop DOT com your email will automatically be considered as spam because the only email server authorized to send emails with email addresses originating from is the email server on our own servers.

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7 years 5 months ago #277738


Thank you.

I understand that it is logic to have the reply-to email to be the user email.

But the problem is that when doing so I get -2.5 from SpamAssassin :
FREEMAIL_FORGED_REPLYTO Freemail in Reply-To, but not From
(because the from email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the reply-to is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Or do I misunderstand this ?

Thank you for your answer,

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7 years 5 months ago #277754


Sorry but I don't see the point and clearly don't see any relation with HikaShop and our support.

Please understand that your question is far beyond the e-commerce subject and outside the limits of our support.

But I'll give you a little information :
Yes, spamassassin is giving you a bad point because you're doing something that spams do ; the reply email is not in the same domain that the "from".
And if you read the Nicolas' message you'll see that he did not tell you to use another domain but he told you that you can use two different emails addresses ; specially because you never mentioned that and it's a common knowledge that it's not good to send email like spammers do.

It's not a problem to have the reply-to email address different than the from email address as far as I know

For example, no-reply@mydomain and joe@mydomain are two different emails addresses.
So yeah, you can use a different email address but if you do not want to loose point ; using the domain name of your server it far better !

Afterwards, I'm afraid that we won't be able to help you further for questions regarding spamassassin.

Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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7 years 5 months ago #277932


Thank you for your answer.
I am sorry if I misunderstood the answers or if I did not express myself well.
I understand that the question is out of the limits of the support and so we can close the question.

All that I wanted to say is that for the admin order notification email,
as the "from" address is usually a domain-name address
and the "reply-to" address is the address of the user that placed the order (so generally a freemail address)
the admin order notification email will thus get bad spam points. And I thought that to avoid getting this bad spam points, it could be a good idea to not set the "reply-to" address to the address of the user.

But maybe there is something that I do not understand well, I don't know, ... We can close the question.
Thank you for the time you took to answer me.

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