DL link missing in confirmation email

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  • Hikashop Essential
5 years 9 months ago #306456

-- HikaShop version -- : 4.1.0
-- Joomla version -- : 3.9.6
-- PHP version -- : 7.2.7
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Chrome 74.0.3729.131


Just updated to 4.1.0 and when I'm about to confirm a virtual order I notice there is no DL link in the email

previous order status notification:

and how it looks now:

This is the second ongoing issue with Hikashop; the past few days several customers have emailed me with messages similar to this: - Hi, I have bought a video from your website, but when I press the download link it says '' File / document not found ''. How can I download it?

So I first verify that the file actually exists in .../public_html/media/com_hikashop/upload/safe

If I open the order and click the link under Product list > files this happens

If I open the confirmation email (customers > email history) and click the link; a 0 byte file with the corresponding name is downloaded...

While trying to sort this I updated Hikashop from 4.0.3

Please take a look at this, thanks.




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5 years 9 months ago #306481

Hello Petter,

Download links will only be displayed for orders which are part of "downloadable" order status.

Can you check your order status and see if it's part of "downloadable" order statuses via "Hikashop->System->Order statuses" ?

Also regarding the "File not found" issue, can you show us screenshots of how you configured your product ? Thank you.

Kind regards,
Mohamed Thelji.

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5 years 9 months ago #306510

Hello Mohamed,

Thank you for input.

Please note my shop have been running for more than a year. I have not done any recent changes to my setup except updating Joomla, components and modules.

The shop is populated using csv and only after an order is placed I upload the related file to the safe folder: everything have been working just fine until maybe a week ago.




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5 years 9 months ago #306511


Checking your backend, I can see that most of your orders are in the status "completed".
However, in the System>Order statuses menu, under the "download" column, the "completed" status is not activated and thus the download is not allowed for the orders with that order status :
Could it be why you have that problem with the download links ?
Because if you use a link that was generated when the order was confirmed, it will not work once the status is changed to completed.

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5 years 9 months ago #306541

Because of the current error I have had to use Wetransfer.com to send the files; some of the latest orders are set directly to completed.
Normally this is how the orders are handled:
Order received - default status: created (DL not allowed)
I confirm the order- status: confirmed (DL allowed)
After files are downloaded I change status to: completed (DL not allowed)



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5 years 9 months ago #306542

Also I have to correct myself; the file /public_html/media/com_hikashop/css/font-awesome.css conflicted with the font-awesome.css in my template (JD Focus) so the content of this file was deleted. I have restored it again now just to see if that could be the cause.



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5 years 9 months ago #306548


Could you provide a FTP access and precise instructions to reproduce the different problems you have (links, instructions steps) so that we can properly look at them and debug them ?
You can provide that via our contact form along with a link to this thread:

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5 years 9 months ago #306568

FTP etc. sent

Other tings that may be good to know; this Post-installation Messages for Joomla CMS was applied:
Since version 3.9.3 by doing the recommended changes for .htaccess
Add the following lines before "## Mod_rewrite in use.":

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header always set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"

I have been in contact with my host as well, he said: "I changed some rules in Mod_security that could possibly help". After which I placed an order and found that HS is still not producing a DL link...



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5 years 9 months ago #306571


We got the FTP access and I wanted to look at the issue again thanks to it but once connected to the FTP the folder is empty. Could you double check that the FTP access you provided can allow us to access the files of the website please ?

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5 years 9 months ago #306597

My mistake; it should work now ('',)

please add @ and my domain to username

Also; the latest order (G-00288/05/2019) has not been touched and the corresponding file has been uploaded



Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Bouncer.

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5 years 9 months ago #306640


I was able to connect to the FTP server and do some debugging. Thanks to that, I was able to understand why the download link was not included in the order status notification email.
I've made the change and it's now included. We'll add that patch on our end too.
I was able to see however that the link didn't work with the "file not found" error.
I wanted to have a look at that problem but I wasn't able to connect to the FTP server anymore, getting this error:
Too many connections (8) from this IP
That's because each time I was doing downloading/uploading a file for my tests, I was being disconnected from the FTP server after 20 seconds (too low timeout).
So I wasn't able to move forward with any debugging on that second issue.
Could you do something about it so that I can do the rest of the debugging?

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5 years 9 months ago #306723

Hi Nicolas,

For some reason I did not receive a notification about your reply...

I've contacted my host to find the settings for the timeout.

Did a quick test and it's looking good now; what caused this?



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5 years 9 months ago #306739

So my host says:
"The error message your developer receives comes from server restriction; you can only connect 8 times (simultaneously) from the same IP. Typically, the problem is that in the FTP program allows too many simultaneous connections, so this must then be adjusted (preferably to 1 or 2).
He may also use FileManager for file access.
If there are still problems, after adjusting it in the FTP program, we need to know the IP address he is connecting to, so we can check further."



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5 years 9 months ago #306744


Well, I was only using FileZilla to connect to the FTP and even limiting to 2 connections was problematic. I was disconnected all the time with the error "Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity", and after a few times, I was getting the error "50 users (the maximum) are already logged in, sorry".
Luckily, I found that you had Phoca commander installed on your website, so I was able to edit the files from there to find the issue.
And quite astonishingly, the error "file not found" is totally normal.
It's just that the file referenced in the product had been deleted from the folder media/com_hikashop/upload/safe/
So it's not a bug in HikaShop.
I would recommend that you check the files that you uploaded in that upload folder to make sure that you didn't remove them if you're still selling them.

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5 years 9 months ago #306751

I'm not sure what you are saying here, but the error was absolutely real; ex. it also happened with the two pdf-files which are always present in the safe folder.

nicolas wrote: And quite astonishingly, the error "file not found" is totally normal.
It's just that the file referenced in the product had been deleted from the folder media/com_hikashop/upload/safe/



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5 years 9 months ago #306752


In my tests, I used the order with the id 288 ( G-00288/05/2019 ). That's the order you talked about in your message www.hikashop.com/forum/orders-management...on-email.html#306597
I changed the status of that order to "confirmed" temporarily to get the download link.
The download link of the product (8julGorsa17044) in that order points to the file 8jul17044g.mpg
Just look in the folder media/com_hikashop/upload/safe and you'll see that this file doesn't exist:
So it's normal that you get a "file not found" error when you use that download link.

If you have that error for another download link of another order, and that the file referenced in the product is in that upload folder, then please provide the necessary information so that we can reproduce the issue.

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5 years 9 months ago #306917

To avoid any confusion here; order #290 has not been processed and the file is definitely in the safe-folder: I'll leave the order untouched until you confirm the debugging is complete.

PS! I've sent the file to the customer outside of HikaShop, so there is no rush.



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5 years 9 months ago #306929


I don't see the problem with that order.
The order was in the status "created". That's because in the settings of your Stripe payment method, you selected the "created" status for the "verified status" option. So when the payment is done, the status of the order is not changed to "confirmed".
In the "created" state, the customer doesn't receives the download link ( as per your System>Order statuses menu, where the "created" status is not activated under the "download" column, which is normal ). So there is no wrong link as there is no link.
After I changed the status of the order to "confirmed", so that I could have the download link in the notification email, I tried using the download link and I was able to download the PDF file.
So I didn't get the "file not found" error.

Please provide precise instructions to reproduce the problem as I'm still not able to see a problem here.

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5 years 8 months ago #306959


nicolas wrote: The order was in the status "created". That's because in the settings of your Stripe payment method, you selected the "created" status for the "verified status" option. So when the payment is done, the status of the order is not changed to "confirmed".

This is exactly how we want it; the corresponding file must be uploaded before the order is confirmed.

nicolas wrote: In the "created" state, the customer doesn't receives the download link ( as per your System>Order statuses menu, where the "created" status is not activated under the "download" column, which is normal ). So there is no wrong link as there is no link.

The link was not wrong, it was missing (fixed now): I guess the changes you refer to in post #306640 did the trick.

nicolas wrote: Please provide precise instructions to reproduce the problem as I'm still not able to see a problem here.

I left this order untouched for you to further debug if needed; it seems everything is working as it should now.

Thanks ('',)



Last edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Bouncer.

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5 years 8 months ago #306966


No worries, I was just trying to describe precisely what I was doing in my tests and the results and why the results were like that so that you better understand what I'm testing and why I think that it's all ok now.
If you confirm that it's all good for you too, then we can close this subject :)

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