-- HikaShop version -- : 2.2.2
-- Joomla version -- : 3.1.5
-- PHP version -- : 5.4.14
We want to offer an interest-free credit option at checkout. I've created the form in RSForms for this, but I have a couple of questions.
After selection product options and clicking 'proceed to checkout, then after selecting a shipping/collection option (which is already set up), how do I add a button at that point that offers the user the option to 'Apply for interest-free credit'? as a payment option?
If they choose this Interest-free credit option, they have to complete the application form and submit it. When they've submitted the form, they need to pay 30% of the product price as a deposit. And the product order also needs to be submitted.
In addition to adding the 'Apply for interest-free credit' button, is there any way of taking the shopping cart total so that I can add it into the RSForm I've created (enabling the deposit and instalments to be calculated in the form fields). More specifically: where do I get the final cart total from within HikaShop, in order to import it into the form?
Then, how can HikaShop be configured to readjust the final payment required so that it's only 30% of the shopping cart total?
site is currently set up in test mode for payments, so feel free to explore. (Try:
If you want to, you can see how this works on the old (live) site, at www. juicybike.com. Add a product to the cart, then click the option at the bottom of the page for: 'Apply here for Credit' to see how it works. This site is live, so I wouldn't recommend going right through the payment process (unless you want a new electric bike, of course), but you can see how the shopping cart total has been calculated and inserted in the first few steps.
Thanks, Curtis