Error 15008 on check out.

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6 years 10 months ago #290693

-- url of the page with the problem -- :
-- HikaShop version -- : 3.3.0
-- Joomla version -- : 3.8.6

On check out we are getting a 15008 error. I turned on the debug in the PayPal Pro payment plugin and here's what I got. There is not order information captured in HikaShop or in PayPal. I've replaced all the sensitive info with XXXXX. Any idea what would be causing this?

Error 15008: This transaction has been completed, but the total of items in the cart did not match the total of all items.

Array ( [USER] => XXXXX [PWD] => XXXXX [SIGNATURE] => XXXXX [VERSION] => 51.0 [METHOD] => DoDirectPayment [PAYMENTACTION] => Authorization [AMT] => 32.91 [ACCT] => 4339931798171583 [EXPDATE] => 032023 [FIRSTNAME] => Roger [LASTNAME] => Hall [CURRENCYCODE] => USD => XXXXX [STREET] => XXXXX [STREET2] => [CITY] => Spring Branch [STATE] => Texas [COUNTRYCODE] => US [ZIP] => 78070 [BUTTONSOURCE] => HikariSoftware_Cart_DP [SHIPTONAME] => Roger Hall [SHIPTOSTREET] => XXXXX [SHIPTOSTREET2] => [SHIPTOCITY] => Spring Branch [SHIPTOSTATE] => TX [SHIPTOCOUNTRY] => US [SHIPTOZIP] => 78070 [SHIPTOPHONENUM] => [L_NAME1] => Nature House Purple Martin Vocalization CD [L_NUMBER1] => NH-CDV1 [L_AMT1] => 11.99 [L_QTY1] => 1 [L_TAXAMT1] => 0.99 [TAXAMT] => 2.51 [SHIPPINGAMT] => 19.93 [ITEMAMT] => 10.47 [CVV2] => 382 ) Array ( [TIMESTAMP] => 2018%2d04%2d02T21%3a10%3a45Z [CORRELATIONID] => e9b929b81171c [ACK] => FailureWithWarning [VERSION] => 51%2e0 [BUILD] => 39949200 [L_ERRORCODE0] => 15008 [L_ERRORCODE1] => 15005 [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid%20Data [L_SHORTMESSAGE1] => Processor%20Decline [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This%20transaction%20has%20been%20completed%2c%20but%20the%20total%20of%20items%20in%20the%20cart%20did%20not%20match%20the%20total%20of%20all%20items%2e [L_LONGMESSAGE1] => This%20transaction%20cannot%20be%20processed%2e [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Warning [L_SEVERITYCODE1] => Error [L_ERRORPARAMID1] => ProcessorResponse [L_ERRORPARAMVALUE1] => 0051 [AMT] => 32%2e91 [CURRENCYCODE] => USD [AVSCODE] => Z [CVV2MATCH] => M )[EMAIL] => XXXXX [STREET] => XXXXX [STREET2] => [CITY] => Spring Branch [STATE] => Texas [COUNTRYCODE] => US [ZIP] => 78070 [BUTTONSOURCE] => HikariSoftware_Cart_DP [SHIPTONAME] => Roger Hall [SHIPTOSTREET] => XXXXX [SHIPTOSTREET2] => [SHIPTOCITY] => Spring Branch [SHIPTOSTATE] => TX [SHIPTOCOUNTRY] => US [SHIPTOZIP] => 78070 [SHIPTOPHONENUM] => [L_NAME1] => Nature House Purple Martin Vocalization CD [L_NUMBER1] => NH-CDV1 [L_AMT1] => 11.99 [L_QTY1] => 1 [L_TAXAMT1] => 0.99 [TAXAMT] => 2.51 [SHIPPINGAMT] => 19.93 [ITEMAMT] => 10.47 [CVV2] => 382 ) Array ( [TIMESTAMP] => 2018%2d04%2d02T21%3a10%3a45Z [CORRELATIONID] => e9b929b81171c [ACK] => FailureWithWarning [VERSION] => 51%2e0 [BUILD] => 39949200 [L_ERRORCODE0] => 15008 [L_ERRORCODE1] => 15005 [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid%20Data [L_SHORTMESSAGE1] => Processor%20Decline [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This%20transaction%20has%20been%20completed%2c%20but%20the%20total%20of%20items%20in%20the%20cart%20did%20not%20match%20the%20total%20of%20all%20items%2e [L_LONGMESSAGE1] => This%20transaction%20cannot%20be%20processed%2e [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Warning [L_SEVERITYCODE1] => Error [L_ERRORPARAMID1] => ProcessorResponse [L_ERRORPARAMVALUE1] => 0051 [AMT] => 32%2e91 [CURRENCYCODE] => USD [AVSCODE] => Z [CVV2MATCH] => M )

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6 years 10 months ago #290702


You have the "send order details" option of the payment method activated.
However, PayPal calculates the total amount himself and finds a discrepency compared to the total sent by HikaShop because you configured HikaShop to calculate the prices differently.
So there are two things you can do:
- you can try changing the "round prices during calculations" setting of the HikaShop configuration. That will change the way HikaShop calculates.
- you can also turn off the send order details setting of the payment method so that HikaShop only gives the total to PayPal. In that case, there won't be a problem.

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6 years 10 months ago #290762

I thought I had already done your second option before I tested it again. Obviously, I hadn't. Thank you. I did another test now and it worked.

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