Paypal Checkout payment plugin

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1 year 7 months ago #352771

Suite à un message d'alerte indiquand que l'utilisation de "HikaShop Paypal payment plugin" devait prendre fin et qu'il fallait migrer vers "HikaShop Paypal Checkout payment plugin" nous avons réalisé le paramétrage du nouveau plugin.
Toutefois, nous avons un souci avec l'écran final :

Nous aimerions que cet écran ne soit pas présent et que l'utilisteur soit automatiquement redirigé vers paypal essentiellement car Le paiement par carte de crédit et bancontact est déjà assuré par Mollie qui a des marges bien plus raisonnables que Paypal.
(Egalement car nous aimerions éviter un clic inutile à nos utilisateurs).
Comment paramétrer le plugin "HikaShop Paypal Checkout payment plugin" pour ne pas avoir cet écran et être automatiquement redirigé vers la page de payement paypal comme pour "HikaShop Paypal payment plugin" ?

D'avance merci.


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1 year 7 months ago #352778

Suite à l'installation d'un nouveau paquet (pour un autre ticket) je vois qu'il y a plus d'options dans le plugin Paypal, on sait désactiver les options non voulue, toutefois on a encore l'écran intermédiaire avec un seul bouton paypal.

Ce serait super de pouvoir ignorer l'étape intermédiaire si il n'y a qu'un seul bouton activé :-)

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1 year 7 months ago #352772


Il n'y a pas de redirection avec PayPal Checkout. Le paiement ce fait directement sur cet écran. Lorsque vous cliquez sur "carte bancaire" par exemple, le formulaire de carte bancaire s'affiche directement là.

Il n'est pas possible d'avoir le même fonctionnement que l'ancien plugin car le plugin n'a aucun contrôle là dessus. C'est comme cela que l'API de PayPal Checkout fonctionne.

Il n'est également pas possible de déclencher automatiquement le clic lorsqu'il y a un seul bouton. J'aimerais aussi que cela soit possible.

Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by nicolas.

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1 year 7 months ago #352792

D'accord, je comprends merci quand même :-)

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1 year 7 months ago #353307

My customers tell me that the Paypal checkout does not start but hangs endlessly. In my tests it works but maybe only because I test with same IP? Do I need to activate Joomla CORS (Control-Allow-Origin-Headers) to activate Paypal checkout correctly?
My Website is with HikaShop Business: 4.7.4

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1 year 7 months ago #353310


I checked that website's checkout and the PayPal buttons worked for me too.
I don't think there is a problem here.
Maybe the customers that reported the issue have a popup blocker or something on their browser ?

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1 year 7 months ago #353324

Thank you. It looks like you are right but most customers tell me, that it does not work for them which is a big problem. Is there a way to configure the Paypal checkout plugin, so that there is no additional step
Now customers click on Finish and are sent to the next page where they need to choose between different Paypal options. Apparently the problem is in the next step: When they click on the Paypal button a window opens but Paypal does not start for them.
Maybe a misconfiguration on my side but in all the tests it works- including automatic confirmation after successful payment.
I'd expect most shops would like to configure this without the "middle step" because it reduces conversion rate significantly.

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1 year 7 months ago #353325


Is there a way to configure the Paypal checkout plugin, so that there is no additional step

There is no option for that.
It is necessary, to allow the user to select the payment method.
Before, with the old PayPal payment plugin, the selection of the payment method would happen after the redirection to PayPal, but you could only choose between PayPal and credit card for the payment methods.
Now, it can offer up to a dozen of payment methods to choose from in that selection page.

What you're describing in your last message with the popup might be this issue:

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1 year 7 months ago #353385

si c'est impossible d'éviter ce popup ca risque effectivement être un gros problème car il semble que pas mal de monde (moi inclus) ne veut pas de popup

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1 year 7 months ago #353387

Ce n'est pas une limitation du plugin. C'est comme cela que l'API de PayPal Checkout est faite.
Il existe bien sûr d'autres modes de fonctionnement, comme PayPal Pro, PayPal Advanced, etc et nous avons des plugins pour certains d'entre eux.

Sur notre site, depuis la migration vers le nouveau plugin de paiement, j'ai l'impression que les utilisateurs ont moins de souci pour payer avec PayPal par rapport à l'ancien plugin. Je constate moins de commandes annulées et moins de questions sur le paiement.

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1 year 7 months ago #353413

sur le site de mon client l'hecatombe continue, aucun PayPal ne finalise la commande , que ce soit car les gens bloquent les popup ou autres raisons le résultat est le meme, a ce stade il vaudrait meme mieux supprimer PayPal comme moyen de paiement ou alors un plugin PayPal qui enverrait un email aux gens pour payer en cliquant sur un lien dans leur email , ce qui serait sans doute la meilleure solution

Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by erickb.

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1 year 7 months ago #353421


N'auriez vous pas par hazard ce souci avec la popup:
Cela peut faire que la popup PayPal soit bloqué par le navigateur du client. Cela expliquerait peut être pourquoi vous voyez autant de soucis avec les commandes ?

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1 year 7 months ago #353425


Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by erickb.

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1 year 7 months ago #353585

Hi Nicolas,

I just was informed by Paypal about the problem with Hikashop: The invoice number is not transmitted correctly.. Only the last two digits are transferred to Paypal so that Paypal receives identical invoice numbers in many cases - and can't continue processing them.

I can't find out how to solve this in Hikashop. My invoice number format is:
ML-{date format="Ymd"}-{automatic_code}

Maybe the "-" causes the problem and I will try a different format.
Nevertheless this should not make any problems.
Can you check?

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1 year 7 months ago #353591

I found the solution myself:
ALTER TABLE hikashop_order AUTO_INCREMENT = 50000 does it. I was not aware that order id's are transmitted to Paypal.

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1 year 7 months ago #353589


I don't think changing the auto increment of the order_id will solve anything.

Could you provide the exact answer you received from PayPal ?

The invoice number of an order in HikaShop is generated after PayPal notified the website of the payment. So a payment issue cannot come from the fact that the invoice number of an order in HikaShop is invalid since that information is generated after this, and thus is not transmitted to PayPal.

HikaShop sends two different things which might be a potential problem:
- in purchase_units/[0]/invoice_id HikaShop provides the order_id of an order. This order_id is unique to each order in HikaShop.
- in purchase_units/[0]/description HikaShop provides the text "Order number xxx" where xxx is the order number of the order. This field is limited to 127 characters by PayPal so the PayPal Checkout plugin cut that value after 127 characters. So if you changed the translation key ORDER_NUMBER by a text which is something like 120 characters long, it's highly likely that the order number will be cut in the middle. Note also that characters in different languages might be counted differently by PayPal. For example, in PHP, if you use Chinese characters in UTF8, one character will be counted for 3 or 4 characters. So if you have a long text and a long order number it can potentially be cut off.
However, in the PayPal API documentation, there is no information about either of these having to be unique.
You can read more about the PayPal API here:

So ideally, it would be great to get more precise information from PayPal as to what exactly is wrong ? Which exact element of the create order API is impacted ?
Also, you can activate the "debug" setting of the PayPal Checkout payment method. That way, the data sent to PayPal will be logged in the "payment log file" of the HikaShop configuration, so we'll be able to study what's wrong when the next order comes with the same issue.

Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by nicolas.

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1 year 7 months ago #353597

Hi Nicolas, In my case only the order id is sent to Paypal. This is just the auto-increment number starting from 0,1,2,3,.... I restarted my shop after several years so I think there was a problem with old identical id's before shop restart.
I have increased the order-id to 50.000 to avoid identical order id's in Paypal. For new accepted orders I can see now invoice numbers 50000, 50001, 50002, ... in Paypal.
Before some orders were accepted with invoice number in Paypal (order id in the webshop) below 100 due to the restart from 0. I assume some of them have been used by my old webshop before- others not which was very confusing.
I hope my problem is solved now and will report if I should find other problems.
I also activated the Debug info and made a test but do not see additional information.

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1 year 7 months ago #353602


Ah yes, it explains the problem then. And changing the auto increment would indeed be the solution in that case.

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1 year 7 months ago #353605

I would recommend to add it to the documentation. I was not aware of this problem and did not have a look on the relevant invoice number in Paypal. Other's might have the same problem and you just don't find it because everything looks fine (in Hikashop and in Paypal) so really difficult to find the problem.

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