If you look at the CSS on that element on that page with your browser's developer tools, you can see that there is specific CSS code to force the font of that text to be the Roboto font.
And the developers tools, indicate that it comes from the file
So as you can see, that file is a compressed cached file of all the CSS files normally on the page:
However, that hikashop.css file from which that CSS code comes from is not a file from HikaShop.
So I checked your template files with the backend access you provided and I can see the file templates/lt_foodcourt/css/hikashop.css which contains that CSS:
body.com-hikashop h1 {
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;
So you need to modify that file.
I would also recommend you to contact your template provider to notify them about the problem.
If you check the code there, it has a comment which says:
/* By default, hikashop set special font for heading 1, this font is ugry, unfortunate I can't found this settings, so I set it with Roboto for better display.*/
But that's not true. HikaShop doesn't set the font for the h1 tag so that CSS code should not be necessary. I'm not sure why they thought it would be the case.