Thank you for the feedback.
Change the code:
$category_params = new HikaParameter( $menu->params );
$cids = $category_params->get('product_id');
if(method_exists($menu, 'getParams')) {
$cids = $menu->getParams()->get('product_id');
} else {
$category_params = new HikaParameter( $menu->params );
$cids = $category_params->get('product_id');
in the file components/com_hikashop/views/product/view.html.php and it will fix the problem.
The compare view is mainly used with the compare setting of the HikaShop configuration. When activated, you'll be able to select products on frotend product listings to compare them on a comparison page using this view.
However, we also added the possibility to create a menu item for that page where you can directly select the products to compare in the settings of the menu item, in order to build a static compare page (for example, to do things like the comparison page of HikaShop editions). This is not used much though and no one found about the issue so far on Joomla 4.
We'll include the patch on our end.