Thanks, almost there. If I set the field in each product, I can see either option which is great. However, if nothing is saved, the fallback is display nothing it seems. trying to read the PHP, it looks like the script doesn't work for me. I have added the following;
if(isset($this->element->main)) echo JText::_($this->element->main->pertype);
elseif(isset($this->row)) echo JText::_($this->row->pertype);
else echo JText::_($this->element->pertype);
Where 'pertype' is my column name in the Custom Field. this works but only if I have set the field in each product. Do I need to run a Mass Action over the products? where 'pertype' is null?
This is a product unsaved -
and this is a product with a defined 'pertype' -