Hi Nicolas, yes in the template css is the button only visuable with hover.
I have the same with an other LTheme template, Optik.
When i set in the Hikashop configuration, Button Link to Button the button id visuable.
Or do you know how so set the css rule in the template.
:root {
--background-color: currentColor;
--background: currentColor;
--text-color: currentColor;
.page-item.active .page-link, .sp-simpleportfolio .sp-simpleportfolio-filter > ul > li.active > a,
.slider-item .sppb-btn-success, .sp-simpleportfolio .sp-simpleportfolio-item .sp-simpleportfolio-info:hover,
.sp-simpleportfolio .sp-simpleportfolio-item .sp-simpleportfolio-overlay-wrapper .sp-simpleportfolio-overlay,
.btn, .video-text, .about .video a:before, a.hikabtn.hikacart {
background-color: var(--background-color) !important;
regards Marius