I can change the "Retail Price" to whatever I want. But it doesn't actually change the price.
The + plus price doesn't work. I am limited to some defaul;t values which appear as a dropdown when you try to enter a number into the price field..The system will accept no custom, values.
No, I've never experienced this before in using Hikashop.
The only way you will understand is to try it for yourself, using the credentials I gave you.
I can't take a screenshot of the dropdown values because as I mouse-exit the field the dropdowns retract.
All my customizations can be found at the end of the custom css file.
The only one not there is in the PHP files where I hid option price in the product options dropdown.
Thank you again,
-Jim G..
The default values which I am being shown in the Price field are 0 35 22 33 70 26. No idea where they are coming from.