The characteristics_text attribute is calculated dynamically based on the variant and product data.
When the cart is loaded, this variable is set but when the order data is generated from the cart data, it uses the standard variable to get the product name.
This is done with the line:
$orderProduct->order_product_name = $product->product_name;
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/order.php
You could change the line directly, but that mean you'll end up having to do the change after each release of HikaShop.
A cleaner solution would be to implement the onBeforeOrderCreate(&$order, &$do) event of HikaShop in a plugin of the group "hikashop" to override the order_product_name of each product in $order->products based on the data in $order->cart->products where you should find the characteristics_text attribute. But this requires some coding skills.
For "links from linked product names" I don't understand what you're talking about.
For the Joomla search, which search are you using ? The old Joomla search system ? The new smart search system ? Or HikaShop filters ? Each mode would require a different solution.