Yes, we limit the size of uploads with the settings available in the forum extension we're using in order to prevent abuse.
Thanks for the link via our contact form.
Now, I'm not sure why this error is happening.
Based on the error message, it basically says that the product data is not available on that page.
There are several ways this could happen:
- if the product has been deleted
- if the product has been unpublished
- if the product's "access level" setting doesn't allow access for the current user
- if the product's categories don't allow access for the current user (if the categories are unpublished, or with special access)
Ideally, the plugin should be updated to add a check
if(empty($viewObj->element)) return;
after the line:
private function processProductPage(&$viewObj) {
of the file plugins/hikashop/shippingestimation/shippingestimation_class.php
However, even without that modification, if you activate the "Skip virtual products" setting of the plugin, the error should not happen. And of course, this error is a consequence of a problem with the product settings. So, normally, it should not happen if the product is accessible. So I would recommend checking this.
On our end, we'll contact the developer of the plugin to recommend this modification.
Thanks for your feedback.