Issues with multiple shipping method

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1 year 1 month ago #358620

-- HikaShop version -- : 5.03
-- Joomla version -- : 4

I work for a manufacturer named White Water Marine. They make high-end stainless steel fittings for yachts. Many of their smaller products can ship UPS. But they also have some very large ones which need to be crated and shipped by truck. For 10 of the more popular oversized items, they want to sell them online instead of by order COD.
I largely solved this issue by creating a second manual shipping method called "Truck." It is set to apply only to weightless products. UPS shipping method is set to exclude any weightless products. This does work but I'm not totally happy.
If the customer just adds "truck" items to the cart, they see this. Using the shipping method description field, I am able to add a critical message to the customer, explaining what's going on.

But now, if the customer also adds a UPS item, we only see the UPS shipping method. The message to customer explaining "truck" shipping disappears. The one highly positive news is that system only charges for the UPS items. Customer can finish and pay. There are no calculation errors.

This situation obviously could be confusing to the customer. There are a lot of special considerations in shipping oversized items. Some of these White Water items take up as much space as a couch.
So I wondered if it is possible to display a custom content field somewhere at the top of cart or inside it at a strategic spot. It would explain to the customer that they can expect a separate freight charge for "truck" items; and that is why they are not being charged for shipping when they finish checking out.
I would like to display the message all the time, not conditionally. Right now it displays only when "truck" items alone are added to the cart. It disappears when UPS items are also added.
I hope I've explained this, it's gets complicated.
Thank you,
-Jim Gribble

Last edit: 1 year 1 month ago by jgribble.

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1 year 1 month ago #358651


I would recommend creating two warehouses.
Assign one warehouse to the UPS shipping method and to products shipped with UPS, and the other one to the truck shipping method and to products shipped by truck.
That way, during the checkout, if you have both types of products, you'll have both shipping methods displayed, one for each group of products.

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1 year 1 month ago #358652

Thank you, but I found this doesn't work.
Neither shipping method shows.
Customer can't progress to payment.
But, you gave me a clue and I may have come up with a workaround.
I created a warehouse called "truck shipping."
I assigned the "truck shipping" shipping method to the "truck shipping" warehouse.
Then at the top level of the truck-shipped products, I assigned them to the "truck shipping" warehouse.
Now the "truck shipping" shipping method with its helpful note to user stays on screen in the cart even after conflicting UPS-shipped items are added.
It disappears from the cart if I delete the "truck-shipped" item.
Only the UPS shipping method remains.
Customer can finish and pay as usual.
Does this sound right, have I got it?
-Jim G.

Last edit: 1 year 1 month ago by jgribble.

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1 year 1 month ago #358662

I think I have solved the problem with your help but one puzzling issue remains. A stern rail is a weightless "truck item." No shipping should be charged and its presence in the cart should not matter. Yet it does, in a way which baffles me.
Here we see a view of both a stanchion (a standard UPS) item and a stern rail.
We see that UPS ground costs $36.60.

Now I remove the oversized weightless item. The cart recalculates and we see what I believe to be the real shipping price for the stanchion. That price is $13.40. As you will see below.

So somehow the presence of the weightless item increases the shipping charge to customer by $23.20.
So the question I have is, why? Why, when the customer adds a weightless, shipping-free item to the cart, it increases shipping charge for standard UPS items. The increase is not always the same but seems to be in the range of $20 to $25. In scouring the settings, I could not discover any which would cause this. But obviously I am doing something wrong somewhere.
What would you advise?
Thank you.
-Jim G.

Last edit: 1 year 1 month ago by jgribble.

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1 year 1 month ago #358665


First, based on your screenshots, I can see that you have not configured the warehouses correctly. You should normally see both the truck and the UPS shipping methods during the checkout if you have products from both warehouses in the cart.

This would also prevent the UPS shipping method from taking into account the truck shipping products and thus automatically solve your latest question.

I guess it will be faster for both of us if you can just provide a backend access via our contact form so that I can check how you setup your warehouses in order to tell you what you're missing.

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1 year 1 month ago #358684

That would be great. I am creating a super admin account for you.

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1 year 1 month ago #358685


Thanks for the access.
Well, I checked your website but you had not selected the warehouse in each shipping method, nor in each product.
I've done it for you and I now see both shipping methods when both products are in the cart:

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1 year 1 month ago #358688

Yes, fantastic, that's exactly what we want! Thank you.
Now, please see my note about the other issue.
For some reason, when a weightless oversized item is added to the cart, it adds $20 to $30 to the shipping price for standard UPS items. I have it set up so that zero-weight items will not be charged shipping. But, they apparently are, for reasons which baffle me.
In your cart, if you remove the "truck" item and refresh, you will see this for yourself.
The shipping charge for the stanchion will change and will be showing about $13 - much less.
Very strange.
But I believe we are close.
-Jim G.

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1 year 1 month ago #358692

You seem to have fixed this?! The shipping prices all work.
I can't wait to learn where I messed up.

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1 year 1 month ago #358691


Thanks. The issue was linked to the "include price" setting of the UPS OAuth shipping plugin.
When activated, the plugin would, in some cases, use the full total of the cart instead of the total amount of the products of the warehouse for which the shipping method is being used.
This, in turned increased the shipping fee calculated by UPS as the pulputs would add a big amount.

I've made a patch which we've included on our end and which I've successfully applied and validated on your website.

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1 year 1 month ago #358693

Seems like I helped you fix a bug? It's always my pleasure.
My employer is going to be thrilled with this solution.
You just can't do these sophisticated things with cut-rate hosted e--commerce builders.
-Jim G

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1 year 1 month ago #358730

Entry deleted - issue resolved.

Last edit: 1 year 1 month ago by jgribble.

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1 year 1 month ago #358731

I see that in our test products, you seem to have selected the appropriate warehouse.
I believe that now needs to be done across-the-board, product by product?
Is that the key to making this work?
I believe so, based on my tests.
Assuming I do need to select warehouse per product, what about products with variants? Is it sufficient to designate warehouse for parent product? Must that also be done individually for child variant products? If I leave blank, do variant children inherit parent warehouse settings?
Similarly, if I have parent product which displays options via child products with variants, must warehouse be designated ONLY for parent product?
Am I on the right track?
Thanks again,
-Jim G.

Last edit: 1 year 1 month ago by jgribble.

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1 year 1 month ago #358738


Does that need to be done across-the-board, product by product?

Yes, that's what I wanted to say with my first message:

Assign one warehouse to the UPS shipping method and to products shipped with UPS, and the other one to the truck shipping method and to products shipped by truck.

The warehouses need to be configured in each shipping method AND in each product.

Assuming I do need to select warehouse per product, what about products with variants? Is it sufficient to designate warehouse for parent product? Must that also be done individually for child variant products? If I leave blank, do variant children inherit parent warehouse settings?

Variants automatically inherit the properties of their main product. So if you enter a description in a main product, and not in its variants, the variants will automatically use the description of the main product. It's the same for the warehouses.

Similarly, if I have parent product which displays options via child products with variants, must warehouse be designated ONLY for parent product?

Options are their own product. So you need to define the warehouse in the option product. But as I said above, you don't need to set it in each variant of the option product.

Last edit: 1 year 1 month ago by nicolas.

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1 year 1 month ago #358760

I had kind of arrived at these conclusions. Thanks for the full explanation. Seems to be working. I invite you to try it yourself here.
Pretty neat.
Add a pulpit and a stanchion from any of the demo products. Proceed to pay but DON'T pay because that gateway is live!
One thing I found when I purposely made an error inputting my customer info.
I used my real address from the state of Wisconsin but assigned state of Michigan as my state. The system gagged on that. But instead of producing an error message such as "invalid state selection," the system simply broke. When I tried to pay the checkout screen recycled and for each product showed an error message "no shipping method found."
Thought you might be interested.
-Jim G.

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1 year 1 month ago #358764


I don't see a problem with that behavior.

A message like "invalid state selection" would only be possible with something checking on the validity of the address.
While it's not exactly this, this plugin will help the user enter his address:
So that could be a nice addition.

Since there is no address validation system in place, the system will then continue, and when the UPS plugin tries to get the shipping methods for your address, since the address is invalid, it won't find any and thus display that error message.

What you could also do to improve the situation is to make a translation override of the default message "no shipping method found." in order to change it to something like "no shipping method found. Please check your shipping address is valid.":

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1 year 1 month ago #358772

I came up with, "It appears you entered an invalid shipping address. You must correct it before finishing and paying."
This will help a lot.
I appreciate learning that UPS is triggering that error message. Now what was seeing makes total sense.
Thank you,
-Jim G.

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