Tax calculated over price with tax already in it.

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10 years 10 months ago #155610

-- url of the page with the problem --
-- HikaShop version -- : 2.3.0. Business
-- Joomla version -- : 2.5.19
-- PHP version -- : 5.3.3
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Safari 7.0.3 (9537.75.14)
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : Error_message

Hello, going through the forum I could not find a message containing my problem that quick, so I decided to post it.
I try to sell subscriptions with a certain value.
The price set for each subscription is with tax, I have created four subscriptions with different rates, all including tax.

When I try to buy a subscription and select a payment method like bank transfer I get to see a message that tells me that I have to transfer an amount of money with taxes calculated again.

Subscription costs € 395,- tax included. Buy it by bank transfer, it will cost € 463,55.

Surely there must be something set wrong somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.

Maybe you can help me out here.

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10 years 10 months ago #155612

I just checked your website and the cost seems to be ok :
Total € 395,00
BTW € 68,55
Final total € 395,00

68.55 + 395.00 = 463.55

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10 years 10 months ago #155703

I have the same question. The total amount is € 17,95 including 6% tax.
I guess what ome jan is asking: the € 395,- is including the tax. So the retail price without tax should be € 326,45 and not € 463,55

So in general: Can I make a setting that I don't have to change all article prizes one by one, display with tax but only on the invoice separate the tax amount?

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10 years 9 months ago #155712

HikaShop only stores the price without tax in the database and then calculate dynamically the tax when needed based on your tax rules (menu System>Taxes).

If you want to enter the price with tax and that HikaShop calculate automatically the price without tax, you need to make sure that your backend user has an address which is taxable. Then, when you log on the backend, that address will be used for the calculation of the price without tax on the product edition page when you enter the price with tax.

If you want to change all the prices at once because you want to remove the tax that you already had in them, you need to go in the menu System>Mass actions, create a new mass action with an action "update the value" on the price_value column with a value price.price_value*0.943396 and finally cilck on the "process" button.

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10 years 9 months ago #156226

Sorry for not being able to understand this.

When I go to "products" in the backend, I have an option to add a price.
My price is in this case € 326,45

The tax in Holland is 21 %, which gives me a total, with tax, of € 395,-

When I place an order, tax is calculated over the € 395,-, which gives me a total of € 463,55.

Which is tax over an amount already with tax. Which is in my opinion not the way it should be. I want customers to pay me the € 395,- of course.

How can I solve this, and can you tell me what the reason is you built your application with this calculation, maybe I could understand better why things are the way they are when a reason behind it is more explained.

The way it is now, does not work for me, at least for now.

Thanks for looking into this !

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10 years 9 months ago #156231


If you enter 326.45 in the untaxed price of the product and that your tax is 21%, the final taxed price that will be calculated by HikaShop will be 395.
If you see another price on the frontend, it means that the untaxed price of the product is not 326.45 (maybe you're not looking at the correct field?), or that the tax is not 21% (for example if two 21% tax rules are cumulated because you configured your tax rules incorrectly), or that you have something else which increases the price (for example a negative discount).
Because there are so much possibilities, and I don't know exactly how you configured your products, discounts, taxes, etc, I can't tell you exactly what needs to be changed in order to fix the problem.
If you could check these different elements and provide screenshots of the options of these different elements that would help.

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10 years 9 months ago #156351

Indeed, I agree, somewhere the 21% tax is applied twice. But where....?

I provided you with some screenshots from the backend.

I do agree as well that one can have many ways of configuring the taxes.
But I am confident that together we will be able to solve the puzzle.

Looking forward to hear again from you.

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10 years 9 months ago #156381

Looking at your screenshots I can see that the final total in the checkout is 395, tax included.
And in the order, the product price is correct as well.
The only issue seems to come from the order_full_price field of your order which apparently adds the tax twice.
First, I would recommend to update HikaShop to the 2.3.1. Your never know, that could be a bug (although I don't think that it will change anything).
Second, I would recommend you to check whether you modified any code in HikaShop, overriding some views, or modifying directly the code somewhere ? Or if you added/enabled additional plugins which could affect the price (like the TaxCloud plugin, the donation plugin, the HikaShop tax calculations override plugin, etc) via the Joomla plugins manager.
Try to revert your changes, disable the plugins, and test with a new order to see if that helps.

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10 years 9 months ago #156617

As you indicated, I have updated Hikashop to 2.3.1.
And indeed, nothing so far has changed.
I have not modified any code in Hikashop.
I cannot recall that I have overridden some views (where could that have been done by the way ?).
I have not modified any code directly.
The plugins you mentioned are not published.

I have installed Hikashop Business and the only thing I have done is what you see in screenshots.

Am I the only one who has this kind of trouble ? Is it possible that it has something to do with the fact that I also work with Akeeba subs ?

Would it be a start of a solution if I gave you rights to examen the backend ?

Lets find the solution to this problem together.

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10 years 9 months ago #156776


If you have one the akeeba subscription hikashop integration plugins, thanks to try to disable and make a new order.
Or just try to create an order with a product without subscription to see if the problem come from the integration.

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10 years 9 months ago #157170

I have created a testproduct environment, apart from Akeeba Subs.

Now, as you can see in the attached screenshot, the price is calculated in the right way.
€25 + 21% = € 30,25

You should draw the conclusion that it has something to do with the connection with Akeeba Subs...

In Akeeba Subs there is a price for the subscriptions as well, along with tax rules...

I find it so strange that apparently no one has had this problem before, hard to believe as well though.


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10 years 9 months ago #157329


Which Akeeba subs plugin are you using ? The first one or the second one ?
Could you try to use the other one that the one you are using at this time ?

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10 years 9 months ago #157382

I used the akeebas plugin, and I changed it in the akeebasubs plugin.

Now the prices are calculated correct.
Moreover, in Akeeba Subs, one can have more than one subscription in one year, and that was the problem at first.

So far, so good, thank you for your assistance.

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