Feature request for Show taxed prices

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10 years 4 months ago #175697

Hi, we would like to suggest a very usefull feature that could help many of us (sure for Italy).

We need to show product prices with VAT but at the same time we need to show prices without VAT in invoices. In Italy a tipical invoice is made like this:

Product 1 description 100€ (price without VAT)
Product 2 description 200€ (price without VAT)
Discount -100€ (price without VAT)
Payment method costs 10€ (price without VAT)
Shipping method 10€ (price without VAT)
Taxable amount 220€
VAT (22%) 48,40€ (calculated over the taxable amount, also shipping and payments methods are taxated)
TOTAL 248,40€

So actually I must set "Show taxed prices" option in HikaShop configuration to With tax or Display both, then I edit the view files for invoices to display the prices without VAT (and also to compose an invoice like that).

Would you consider to implement a feature for 2 different "Show taxed prices": 1 for product display and another one for invoices ?

Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by crealiagroup.

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10 years 4 months ago #175748


If you set the "show taxed prices" option to "no tax", you"ll get exactly that display.
So I don't see why it would be useful to change the system ?
Why would you need to set the "show taxed prices" option to "with tax" in the HikaShop configuration if you don't want to display the prices with tax ? The taxes and the total with taxes will still be calculated and displayed if you set that option to "no tax".

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10 years 4 months ago #175776

Yes, as you said, if I set the option to "no tax" I get orders and invoices where prices are shown without tax.
BUT also the prices in the products pages are shown without taxes and I must show them with taxes in products pages meanwhile I need to show prices without taxes for invoices.

Actually If I set "not tax" on J! 3.3.6 and HikaShop 2.3.3 I have this scenario:
Product page > Price WITHOUT tax (not good in my case)
Invoices > Price WITHOUT tax (ok)

So what I need is:

Product page > Price WITH tax (in my case I also want to shot with both tax and no tax)
Invoices > Price WITHOUT tax

To obtain this scenario I must edit the view file for order/show.php this way:

<td class="hikashop_order_payment_value" >
										/**echo $this->currencyHelper->format($this->order->order_payment_price,$this->order->order_currency_id);
										echo $this->currencyHelper->format($this->order->order_payment_price-@$this->order->order_payment_tax,$this->order->order_currency_id);
									} ?>
I've commented those lines of code (/**echo...) to force product price with tax in general configuration of hikashop but to always display without tax in invoices.

That's why I asked for that feature. In Italy we need to show prices without taxes in invoices but at the same time I need to show prices with tax when user visit the product page or orders. So This feature would help me to don't edit the view file to obtain that scenario.

Hope I had been able to explain better.

Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by crealiagroup.

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10 years 4 months ago #175883


Now I see what you mean.
That however looks strange to me so have the products listing of an order to display differently between the order and the invoice.
And as Italy is also part of the European union, the same rules should apply to you: europa.eu/youreurope/business/vat-customs/buy-sell/index_en.htm
"Add the VAT to the price of the goods or services on your invoice."

Do you have any sources of information explaining the rule ?

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10 years 4 months ago #175920

Here you can see an example of a tipical italian invoice. As you can see, prices (Prezzo) are without VAT then another voice for the VAT (IVA in italy) report the amout of all the VAT for the goods/services.

Anyway orders and invoices could be the same in my feature request (prices WITHOUT VAT both orders and invoices) but I would show prices in product pages with and withouth VAT ("both" in hika configuration) at the same time.

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10 years 4 months ago #176203


We will talk about this kind of option.
What can be done now, is to set the option in Configuration > Main > Taxes to "no tax" then in the option of the menu / module set the tax display to "Display both" and then edit the view "product / show_default" and add the following line at the top of the view:


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10 years 4 months ago #176228

Thanks Xavier, I hope you'll add this feature. Thanks in advice!

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8 years 6 months ago #247539


I'm working on a Hikashop website now and have the same issue. In the Netherlands it's the same as in Italy I think.

On a website for consumers we should show prices including VAT. That is why I set the Hikashop tax configuration to show prices with tax.
On the invoice and also on checkout the lineitems should show the prices without VAT and after the addition of the line-items (subtotal without VAT) the VAT is added.

Is this an option in Hikashop that has already been implemented and that I overlooked?

If not, I would appreciate information how to achieve what I want for both checkout and invoice.

Last edit: 8 years 6 months ago by bp54.

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8 years 6 months ago #247559


The product page and the invoice are still using the same configuration setting to display price with or without taxes.
The product listing menu/modules have settings to override that setting but the other elements are using the configuration.

So you can configure your menus/modules to display the prices like you want and then use the technique described by Xavier in the post #17603


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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8 years 6 months ago #247585

Hi Jerome,

thanks so far. In the configuration>main>tax I changed to 'No VAT'. Now the checkout and invoice is okay.

In the Hikashop menues > Product options I changed 'Show prices'to With VAT. Now the price in the products listing is correct (VAT included).

On the product detail page however the price is still without VAT. So I tried to include the code from Xavier inthe file show_default (product view for my template / frontend). Dependant on where I put the code the details page throws an error or nothing changes in the way the price is displayed on the details page. I'm not much of a programmer so would you please give me a hint where in the file to put the folowing code and what to change further in this file to have the price with VAT presented like in the products listing.


Regards, Benny.

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8 years 6 months ago #247595


It looks like it has been solved, but I would like you to have a look in the solution and verify if this is okay. Just to be sure that I do not run into other problems with this change.

Besides the changes from my previous message I did add the following code in the top of the file product / listing_price php (not in product / show_default.php)


price_with_tax',1 in stead of price_with_tax',2

Thanks in advance.

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8 years 6 months ago #247602


Well, it depends which price display you want and which one you have configured by default in HikaShop.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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8 years 6 months ago #247623

Hi Jerome,

What I want, is to show only the price with VAT included everywhere on the product display (listing and details) and to show the price without VAT on the invoice detail lines.
What I did:
1. Hikashop Configuration > main > tax set to 'No VAT / BTW'.
2. Hikashop menu's in Joomla > Product options I changed 'Show prices'to With VAT / BTW.
3. Inserted the code showed below in product / show_default.php

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

/* Deze regel is toegevoegd om de prijs incl BTW te tonen op zowel de products listing als de products details. */

<div id="hikashop_product_top_part" class="hikashop_product_top_part">

This works for me.

Thanks and regards.

Last edit: 8 years 6 months ago by bp54.

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8 years 6 months ago #247624


That looks good for what you want to do.

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8 years 6 months ago #249398

nicolas wrote: Hi,

Now I see what you mean.
That however looks strange to me so have the products listing of an order to display differently between the order and the invoice.
And as Italy is also part of the European union, the same rules should apply to you: europa.eu/youreurope/business/vat-customs/buy-sell/index_en.htm
"Add the VAT to the price of the goods or services on your invoice."

Do you have any sources of information explaining the rule ?

I am now trying to solve such a problem with the VAT on the invoice. The VAT rules in the Netherlands are that you need to show the price on the invoice without VAT, then you need to show the VAT and then the total price. Like this:

Price without VAT
VAT amount
Total price with VAT

with shipping, ideally like this:

Price without VAT
Shipping without VAT
VAT amount total for product and shipping
Total price with VAT and shipping

On the other side, the products need to be showed with the VAT price everywhere on the page.

I have these settings on (btw is VAT in Dutch)

and my invoice looks like this:

The problem is that I am not able to make the Subtotal to display the price without the VAT. It only happens if I change the settings to no BTW display in hikashop settings, but that is useless, as I need to display the products with the BTW.

I tried to change the invoce.php file as suggested here: www.hikashop.com/forum/customers/867341-customization-bill.html but it did not work.

i.e. this part in the invoice.php, I tried the whole file suggested at the post I mentioned, but nothing works.
<?php echo JText::_( 'SUBTOTAL' ); ?>
		<td style="border-top:2px solid #B8B8B8;">
					echo $this->currencyHelper->format($this->order->order_subtotal,$this->order->order_currency_id);
					echo $this->currencyHelper->format($this->order->order_subtotal_no_vat,$this->order->order_currency_id);
				} ?>

Which view file and how do I need to change in order to make the Subtotal display the price without the VAT on the invoice, while the prices are displayed with the BTW in the settings?

Last edit: 8 years 6 months ago by Osindelka.

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8 years 6 months ago #249402

nicolas wrote: Hi,

That looks good for what you want to do.

It works partially for the front end as it allows for product display with VAT and invoice with Subtotal+VAT=TOTAL.


It doesn't solve the problem of the checkout flow, which now shows the prices without VAT, which is confusing for the client.
It doesn't solve the problem of the VAT on shipping.

And it complicates Backend price listing. Now all the products in the backend are listedn and showed with the price without the VAT, which is not handy. How can I change that?

The best would be a simple solution that would only change the display of one thing to without VAT, and that is the SUBTOTAL in the invoice instead of having to change displaying everything else.

Last edit: 8 years 6 months ago by Osindelka.

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8 years 6 months ago #249401


The view file to edit depends on which invoice you're talking about. The one in the backend when you click on the "invoice" button of an order comes from the file "invoice" of the view "order".
You can simply add:
<?php $this->config->set('price_with_tax',0); ?>
at the top of the file.

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