"Tax zones" not working

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9 years 4 months ago #218211

-- HikaShop version -- : 2.10
-- Joomla version -- : 2.5

The customer needs to charge Ohio residents 7 percent sales tax. So I set Ohio as the tax zone, created a 7 percent tax rate and assigned it to the Ohio zone. It worked for a long time. But now, customers residing outside of Ohio are being charged the tax. What is going on, what am I dong wrong? I have read the documentation many times and it simply is not very instructive. Maybe your documentation could include some very simple tutorials in answer to the kind of simple issues I am having persistently with the system. Please, step by step, how do I charge a special tax rate for residents only of one particular state?
Thanks as always,
-Jim G.

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9 years 4 months ago #218215


If you search a bit on our forum, you'll find plenty of threads talking about setting up a tax rate for one state.
For example:
It's actually quite simple to do.
In fact, if you setup a new HikaShop, you'll go through the wizard and just filling it with your state and the tax rate will set that up automatically for you so you won't even have to go in the menu System>Taxes at all. Thus, we didn't feel it would require a specific tutorial.

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9 years 4 months ago #218316

You keep saying update and all will be well. We want to put off updating because staff will have to re-learn everything, causing a lot of lost time and money for the customer. Working with our current version, what did I do wrong, and how can it be made to work? I did follow instructions to best of my ability, to no avail.
Thank you again,
-Jim G.

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9 years 4 months ago #218319


I didn't say that you should update in my previous message. Are you mistaking with something else ?
Actually, updating won't change anything for your tax rules so that's not a solution here.
If you had followed the steps on the link I gave you, you should have working taxes on your website.
If that's not the case, you're missing something. But it could come from a lot of things.
Without knowing how your tax rules, tax zones, tax settings are setup, it's hard to tell you what to do to make it work.
You could provide screenshots of all of these so that we could check on them, or you could provide a backend access so that we could directly check them on your website.

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9 years 4 months ago #218388

Thank you, Nicholas. Here is what I've got set up. Please see screen shots. Do the screen shots verify that I have done this right? The "main tax zone" is a bit confusing because I want to excuse the entire world outside the state of Ohio from paying tax. So the main tax zone is set as the United States. Also I see the customer created some new products without assigning Ohio as a tax zone. That's obviously part of the problem, which I will correct.
Your help is much appreciated,
-Jim G.

Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by jgribble.

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9 years 4 months ago #218458


If you don't select the "default tax category" in your products, then yes, the tax rate won't apply to your products.
So that's probably why it didn't work.
Note that this is one of the points of our FAQ on taxes not working on our taxes tutorial:

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9 years 4 months ago #218480

Nicholas, thanks. Products do select "default tax category." I have done a spot check. From my screenshots, is everything set up correctly? To only charge tax to Ohio residents? I don't know why some customers from outside Ohio were charged tax. But it doesn't seem to be a widespread problem. I suppose there could be a few products that don't select "default tax category."
Thanx again,
-Jim G.

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9 years 4 months ago #218487

The tax rule and the settings look good yes.
Now I don't know the details... For example, if you have two zones that you called both Ohio, I can't know if the correct one is selected or not with just these screenshots (I'm not saying that this is the case, but we had people do that before). So it's always possible that it comes from something else.

Your tax rule only apply to the Ohio, so if that's the same zone as the Ohio state zone of your other screenshot, I don't see how people with an address outside the Ohio state could be charged with taxes.

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9 years 4 months ago #218563

Thanks for looking at it. i don't have two zones, just "Ohio," which I picked from the available built-in zones. I will let the customer know that we are configured properly. Perhaps not all products select "default tax zone" (Ohio). We will have to go through and check product-by-product.
-Jim G.

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