Different Tax % Per Product

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9 years 4 months ago #219726

-- HikaShop version -- : 2.6.0
-- Joomla version -- : 3.3.6

Hi, we were wondering if it is possible to have 2 different tax values (20% and 0%) that can be applied to certain products?

Most of the product are going to need the standard UK tax rate of 20%, but a few products are tax exempt so need to be shown as 0% tax.

Is this possible? Or if not, can you think of a workable solution?

Thank you.

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9 years 4 months ago #219728


For sure it's possible !
When you create/edit a product, you can select the tax category.
So you just need to create these tax categories.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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9 years 4 months ago #220177

Thank you for your help, everything working as wanted now :)

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8 years 6 months ago #249191

About taxes.

We have a product with two different tax rates.
Sauna area with bathroom. It must be calculated different VAT rates.

The VAT of 19% is expected to be 55%.
A VAT rate of 7% is expected to be 45%.
The tax should be displayed according to the calculation.

Does anyone know a way to do this insert in HikaShop?
Appropriate programming is of course paid.


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8 years 6 months ago #249199

For complex VAT calculations you might want to consider using AvaTax: www.avalara.com/avalara-avatax-with-global-calculation/
(Avalara's service is paid)

We have a free plugin that connects HikaShop or HikaMarket to Avalara: polishedgeek.com/services/hikashop-ecommerce-tax-automation

As part of our partnership with Avalara, we offer free technical support for the plugin as well.

~ Deb Cinkus, CEO

Polished Geek: more with monday․com
eCommerce Business Process Automation Experts

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8 years 6 months ago #249195


No programming is required. Just configure your tax rules as necessary.
You first need to configure these two tax rates via the "manage tax rates" button of the System>Taxes menu.
Then, you might want to create a new tax category via the "manage tax category" button there and then assign this product to that tax category so that it gets these tax rates and not the ones you already have for the other products.
And finally, create two tax rules via the menu System>Taxes, one for each tax rate, with that tax category selected and the "cumulative tax" setting activated for both.
Then, both tax rates will be added to that product price(s) and displayed like in your screenshot.

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8 years 6 months ago #249289

Hi Nicolas,
Thank you so much! It is precisely this solution I was looking for.
The HikaShop is great!
Erwin :-)

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8 years 5 months ago #251341

@jerome write
When you create/edit a product, you can select the tax category.
So you just need to create these tax categories.

I need to create a 5,5% tax . Could i have a link to know howto create create tax categories ?
For me joomla component has category concept : article joomla has category , hikashop product has category but I don't find a tax component for configure a tax category !!! ( i am a newbie ) ....
i go to hikashop website search linksearch link below . But no links appear

If i go to taxe rule i have few choice for product taxe category and rate
product tax category => none , default tax category
rate => no choice
The documentation exist here here . So for create category we use the same hiearchy than when create product ctegory but the doc explain nothin about the root category name for create taxe category ? category concept in hikashop seem to be use for differents things !!

When create a product i can't select the Tax

Last edit: 8 years 5 months ago by lionel75.

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8 years 5 months ago #251361


If you have only one type of products then you don't need to create tax categories. You can just select the "default tax category" in your products and in your tax rules.
And if you need to create a new tax category, you can click on the "manage tax categories" button of the System>Taxes menu.
Similarily, if you need to create a new tax rate, you can click on the "manage tax rates" button of the System>Taxes menu.

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8 years 5 months ago #251394

Thank's for your reply ... my question make no sens since the information exist but not during edition mode .


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8 years 5 months ago #251944

if have a product configure like this :

A.) does it mean we have only ONE product and we can buy this product using euro OR dollar settings ? using Dollars ll cost more than euros .Whe n one of this item ll be buy ; the product ll be not available ( stock 0 ) .

B.) I can understand that set a tax category update the price or price with tax cell when one value is set to one of those cells refer to tax category value . Does it mean we can't define the 2 value cells but on ly one ( price or price with tax ) and we have to let hiskahop compute the 2nd cell value refer to select category tax ?
What is the logic of hikashop to behave like this ? I think i miss something here the french tva value for euro is apply automaticly to Dollars currency after save the product page !!

C.) I don't understand why in price and taxe there is a column for quantity !!! and how behave hikashop for product quantity , tax quantity and serial quantity . I i want a a product with quantity 1 so need I need 1 serial but tva can change refer to currency ?


Last edit: 8 years 5 months ago by lionel75.

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8 years 5 months ago #251957


1. That's right

2. I don't see any problem here. You have the main tax zone in France, or your current user address is in France, so it's the french taxes that apply, regardless of the currency. If you look at your tax rules, you can see that the taxes are linked to zones based on the user address, and not to currencies. And that's normal. What counts is the shipping address of your customers for the taxes, not the currency in which they pay.

3. The quantity field for the prices allow you to have different unit prices for different quantities of the product. For example, if you want that the price of the product is 100€ for one unit, but only 95€ per unit if you purchase at least two units.

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