EU VAT Number (+ restricted Country).

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8 years 5 months ago #250593

-- HikaShop version -- : HikaShop Business: 2.6.4

Hi guys,

i have a question about the Tax/EU Vat Number

is it possible, to calculate the EU Vat Number into the price (-vat) if someone add it.....
But restrict from that a country like Hungary ? (we need the tax in hungary) but outside of hungary people should be able to buy with EU VAT Number... (-VAT)

If yes how ?

i am a pretty new user, have no idea about that all. I am just happy that the shop works so far.

regards Pierre


Last edit: 8 years 5 months ago by Lilithay. Reason: Please move topic :) didnt got it that it is in the Install......

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8 years 5 months ago #250643


I don't see an way with the options available to have a field required only based on the value selected in another field.
In that case, it would require to set it to "not required" and then have some custom javascript run when the form is validated to check that the VAT number has been filled based on the value selected in the country field. If you're a developer, it should be fairly easy to add to the form such check.

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8 years 5 months ago #250716

was thinking about: what about when we remove Hungary as a main tax zone ---| change default address type to invidiual | and great third tax rule---> Hungary company with EU VAT 27% Hungary without EU VAT 27% | and the other countrys Company with EU Vat Number = 0 | company without 27%.....

will that work for the restriction ? (companys with EU Vat Number, still counts 27% in hungary) and still have the EU VAT number check ?

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8 years 5 months ago #250743


Yes, you can have the companies with VAT number within Hungary to pay VAT. That's not a problem.
That's how it works for example on our website.
We are based in France and the VAT number field is proposed for any company regardless from where they are and is checked for countries within the EU, but they are only taxed if within EU and outside our own country.

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8 years 5 months ago #250758

Great :)

so how should i go on ?

I am not good with that rules, even when i typed it how i want it :)

So Default Adress Type is Invidiual..... (as i mentioned it before in a another thread, field disapear).

And then ?

I want to have

Hungary is taxed, doesnt matter if they have a eu number or not.
And the rest of the Countrys in EU should have the Tax 27% or with EU VAT Number 0%

Possible to point me into the field where i have to do this ?

That would be the last thing more or less without cosmetics that we could release the shop :) So i really would appreciate if there is a kind of step by step.

Last edit: 8 years 5 months ago by Lilithay.

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8 years 5 months ago #250784


Then, you just have to create two tax rules:
- One for Hungary for your tax rate and the default tax category for all customer types
- One for the EU tax zone for your tax rate and the default tax category for the customer types individual and company without vat number

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8 years 5 months ago #250799


i have made this

2 Tax Rules

and 3 Categorys

do i am right or its wrong ?

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8 years 5 months ago #250802


The second rule you have is unnessecary (I didn't mention it), and in the third one, you only selected company without tax number, and didn't also select individual.
Also, in the Europe Tax zone, you'll want to remove Hungary via the menu System>Zones.

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