Wishlist and Cart es bugs

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  • Hikashop Business
8 years 8 months ago #245291

-- HikaShop version -- : 2.6.3

Hi !
I used google transle - so sorry

I found a few bugs, i need to fix them. Please explain how to?

1. I have enabled 2 functions in shop setup - add to cart and add to wishlist.

Bug #1

If i view a list of products from categories - There are 2 button: add to cart, add to wishlist
if the product stock is more than zero - pressing any button will add goods to cart only. But not to the wishlist in second case.

Bug #2
If you go to the product page - there are also two buttons - add to cart and add to wishlist
- Everything is working properly - except -
You cant choose product quantity more than it is on stock - so if you need to add product to wishlist you cant do it also you cant add to cart products more than on stock

Bug #3
3. In case products on stock is zero

When viewing the list of product categories - all displayed correctly

for the goods to the amount of stock to zero - we see only the button to add to your wishlist and product message to the
0 stock or available to order. It appears the first mistake - if you click Add to Wish List,
the items in the list is not added, and the message is displayed the goods reached the limit. You can not add that such goods

If you go to the page of the product itself we see
number of items in stock Zero - it is right, you have an input quantity of the goods it is also correct and there is a button to add
Wishlist - it is also correct. Fill quantity and add to the list of desires - everything is working properly

The following error or just remark

Go to the Dashboard and view our wishlists

see here - if the stock on hand is greater than zero, but the quantity is not enough - the message is displayed is not enough stock on hand
if the stock on zero, the message - Not on sale anymore - it is wrong - message should be displayed
not enough goods in stock, and if in fact goods withdrawn from the market - but I have not seen such a flag
the database and tables that refers to the fact that the product is no longer available for sale, except the tables products - but there are defaults product_sale_start product_sale_end zero

I have not tried to make an order if the product is not enough in stock. This is the next step.

Addressing these mistakes will greatly help the cause

If you want I will record video - which shows how it works

p.s. This system is basically designed correctly and in principle works for any purpose, I mean your store code
but some stores may sell products which are not yet available - is done very often.
In such cases it is convenient to apply the practice baskets for sale from the presence and the desired list of goods for custom goods,
in fact it would be better that they were identical functions - that is, if there is a permissive flag settings
shop - allow ordering not in stock goods, it should add to cart quantity any goods,
but in the basket should be deducted from the amount of available and is divided into two lines - the first product of the existence and the second
goods coming under the order, and the same function should work for the wish list.

Please, when that got to do - or where to look myself in any files - to fix these errors?
however desirable to be - if you are distracted from their main job and do patch - because this matter is very important.

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8 years 7 months ago #245313


1. Do you have any view override on the view "product / quantity" ?
What is the date of the 2.6.3 version you are using ?
Please try to update to the latest version available on our website, still 2.6.3 but with some fixes.

2. This is not a bug but a feature, the quantity is limited based on the product stock.

3. You definitively have an issue on the listings as for the bug #1

4. The text can be changed thanks to a translation override on the key "HIKA_NOT_SALE_ANYMORE".

5. We have that kind of demands sometimes, be able to sell products even if the stock is "0". A solution could be to set the product quantity to Unlimited and use a custom field to handle the product stock. That way, it allow to buy an out of stock product. This could require some custom code to fit your needs, or use the mass actions can be a good start.

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8 years 7 months ago #245361

Hi dear Xavier thank you for helping me

1. i have overrides of view product/quantity but overrides are insignificant - a few echos of text and comments
i use HikaShop Business 2.6.3 [1607012137] from subscribtion
2. It is not a bug but by my opinion it should be selectable feature - anyway it is possible to add unlimited quatities for non stock products and at the same time you cant add unlimited products if it on stock. Yesterday i set $max_quantities=999 in quatity.php but than i add quantity of product on stock to the cart more than it is on stock it adds only stock_quantity. I will try more about it. Because the best solution is
devide quantity on 2 part - 1 part products on stock and one part for future arrive - i mean - for example product #1 25 items on stock - you add 40 items of product #1 to cart and where would be 2 position in cart - Product #1 25 items from stock and the second 15 items for future arrive - my real shop data base do so

3. This is 100% bug - i use in hikashop setup = Quantity layout on product page=left and right, listing_div.php for product list
and show_tabular.php - also i have on my setup - allow to use wish lists and allow show add to wish list button to unathorized
users: here is 2 cases: 1st - i'm not logged in shop 2nt I'm logged in shop

1st case steps
1 - i choose category -
2 i see product list (some of them on stock some not)
3 - i see 2 buttont add to cart and add to wish list for products on stock and i see 1 button add to wish list for products non stock
4 - trying to add to cart - it work - product succefully added to cart
5- tring to add to wish list - it adds product to cart (product succefully addet to cart) - but it should not i shoul give a message - you
need to athorize befor use wishlist on this site - it is because
if(($config->get('hide_wishlist_guest', 1) && hikashop_loadUser() != null) || !$config->get('hide_wishlist_guest', 1))
in quantity.php
i dont know where bug exatcly is but chromium logged - Uncaught ReferenceError: hikashop_product_form is not defined
i think that is the reason

for the logged users - it works the same
it is all about listing_div.php

as i think show_tabular.php uses the same code and structure like except only one form on screen
<form action="/aketo-online-store/brands/product/updatecart" method="post" name="hikashop_product_form" onsubmit="return hikashop_product_form_check();" enctype="multipart/form-data">

and show_tabular.php works as should - it do not allow to use wishlist if i'm not logged in and it add to cart and to wish list correctly

here is web site www.aketo.org/aketo-online-store/brands/...gulyatory-2trm1-oven
you may try to see

4) it is . i can override HIKA_NOT_SALE_ANYMORE but i think it is defferent things - not sale any more and not on stock
so i asked. where to find this case

5) i know about this feature to set -1 or 999 to product quantity for order products non stock. but in this case it is not reasonable to use real product quantity on web site - i use automatic data exchange from outer db to synchronize hika db and real shop stock db
to give people ability to see and order products from stock and for future arrive. Now i searching the ways to do it
what do you mean - A solution could be to set the product quantity to Unlimited and use a custom field to handle the product stock.
tell me more about it ?

best wishes
p.s. sorry for my bad english - i understand you but I speak badly

Xavier wrote: Hi,

1. Do you have any view override on the view "product / quantity" ?
What is the date of the 2.6.3 version you are using ?
Please try to update to the latest version available on our website, still 2.6.3 but with some fixes.

2. This is not a bug but a feature, the quantity is limited based on the product stock.

3. You definitively have an issue on the listings as for the bug #1

4. The text can be changed thanks to a translation override on the key "HIKA_NOT_SALE_ANYMORE".

5. We have that kind of demands sometimes, be able to sell products even if the stock is "0". A solution could be to set the product quantity to Unlimited and use a custom field to handle the product stock. That way, it allow to buy an out of stock product. This could require some custom code to fit your needs, or use the mass actions can be a good start.

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8 years 7 months ago #245384


1 & 3. Please change the value of the option "Use AJAX when possible for add to cart buttons" in Configuration > Main > Advanced settings.
That should solve that add to wishlist issue on listings.

2 & 5. We are looking for improvements for this part. But for the moment it will require custom fields and some custom code.
Code in a plugin for example: www.hikashop.com/support/documentation/6...r-documentation.html
What you have to do is to create a custom product field, fill that field value with the real product quantity in the product edition pages or via custom code in a plugin.
Then edit some views to display the value of that field instead of the product quantity one. And for the product quantity field, set an unlimited stock.

If you don't want an unlimited stock, you can set the value of the current stock and the future stock for example.

4. I am not sure to understand which strings you want to translate, the best would be to edit the language file and use the search to find the string to edit

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8 years 7 months ago #245437

thank you - it is a good information

2&5 -i think multi stock feature in the shop engine will solve this part
it is better to have more tables in db - products, stocks and stock_quantities separately ( now they are all in one table)
and ability to order products from different stocks

thanks for help - good job

Xavier wrote: Hi,

1 & 3. Please change the value of the option "Use AJAX when possible for add to cart buttons" in Configuration > Main > Advanced settings.
That should solve that add to wishlist issue on listings.

2 & 5. We are looking for improvements for this part. But for the moment it will require custom fields and some custom code.
Code in a plugin for example: www.hikashop.com/support/documentation/6...r-documentation.html
What you have to do is to create a custom product field, fill that field value with the real product quantity in the product edition pages or via custom code in a plugin.
Then edit some views to display the value of that field instead of the product quantity one. And for the product quantity field, set an unlimited stock.

If you don't want an unlimited stock, you can set the value of the current stock and the future stock for example.

4. I am not sure to understand which strings you want to translate, the best would be to edit the language file and use the search to find the string to edit

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8 years 7 months ago #246844

2 step authorization of checkout page does not work

does switcher authorize/register need mootool library to work ?

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8 years 7 months ago #246856


I'm not following you. What is the "2 step authorization" you're talking about ?
There is no feature named like that in HikaShop.
Are you talking about the user account validation process ?
Could you describe what doesn't work on which page of the checkout and how it doesn't work ? You get an error ? It doesn't go to the next step when you click on "next" ? Something else ?

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8 years 7 months ago #246872

nicolas wrote: Hi,

I'm not following you. What is the "2 step authorization" you're talking about ?
There is no feature named like that in HikaShop.
Are you talking about the user account validation process ?
Could you describe what doesn't work on which page of the checkout and how it doesn't work ? You get an error ? It doesn't go to the next step when you click on "next" ? Something else ?

i mean 2 step verification www.google.com/landing/2step/
i have enabled 2 step verification in joomla - some of hikashop users on my shop using this feature
so if user not logged to shop from joomlas entrance but user may enter or register on shop on checkout page
there is a switcher on this page authorize/register - register works well but if you choose authorize and at the same time you
use 2 step verification and still not logged in - there is no field to enter secret code see link
i think the web form of authorization need to be update or use joomlas authorization form
also if i turn off mootools library in joomlas settings switcher do not work


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8 years 7 months ago #246887


Yes, the login form of the checkout of HikaShop doesn't support the 2 step verification of Joomla.
The main reason is that we didn't deem it necessary as it adds an extra thing for the customers making it more complex for them to purchase on your website, and usually that's not what you want.
For the time being, an easy alternative is to turn off the "login" option of the checkout tab of the HikaShop configuration and add the Joomla login module on the menu item of your checkout so that it would display on the page.

Regarding the switcher, it actually doesn't need mootools. So it can work without it.
However, if mootools is used by something else on the page, if you remove it, that will create a javascript error on the page. And because of that, the javascript of the switcher won't be run by the browser and thus it won't work either.

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8 years 7 months ago #246976

ok . thank you for explanation

nicolas wrote: Hi,

Yes, the login form of the checkout of HikaShop doesn't support the 2 step verification of Joomla.
The main reason is that we didn't deem it necessary as it adds an extra thing for the customers making it more complex for them to purchase on your website, and usually that's not what you want.
For the time being, an easy alternative is to turn off the "login" option of the checkout tab of the HikaShop configuration and add the Joomla login module on the menu item of your checkout so that it would display on the page.

Regarding the switcher, it actually doesn't need mootools. So it can work without it.
However, if mootools is used by something else on the page, if you remove it, that will create a javascript error on the page. And because of that, the javascript of the switcher won't be run by the browser and thus it won't work either.

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