Zones Groupe:
Name "Zone EUR" : Germany, France, Spain, Italia, Netherlands etc.
Name "Zone CHF" : Switzerland, Lichtenstein
Name "Zone USD" : USA, Japan, Canada
In Plugin: Name PayPal EUR => Restrictions => Zone => Select "Zone EUR" => Currency EUR & EUR
In Plugin: Name PayPal CHF => Restrictions => Zone => Select "Zone CHF" => Currency EUR & CHF
In Plugin: Name PayPal USD => Restrictions => Zone => Select "Zone USD" => Currency USD
and also
In Plugin: "Bank " Restrictions => Zone => Select "Zone CHF" & "Zone EUR"
In Plugin: "UBS Paymit " Restrictions => => Zone => Select "Zone CHF" and Currency => CHF
First Payment => Restrictions works fine => Countries
Customer from France pay in EUR > Payment Plugin: PayPal EUR and Bank activ (Perfect), if customer cancel on PayPal the Payment order => Order is open in customer menu
If the customer pay 2nd time (befor cancel order) the same order > he can select all Payment => PayPal EUR, PayPal CHF, PayPal USD, Bank, UBS Paymit
Why can not he choose the same payment as the first time?