I understand approach and the goal of your project.
It is always good to have people who can share or participate on open-source project and we understand that it's not easy to find the appropriate way sometimes.
Joomla for example is based on the GIT Pull Request system. It allows to fork, share patch and keep a track of the authors and their code.
Regarding the usage of Stripe V3 code, I saw (beside other parts) the function :
protected function getOrderCurrencyObj($dbOrder)
Which is a function I personally made for the Stripe V3 plugin. And it was a strict duplicate of that function.
That's why it triggered my attention since I recognized my own code and style.
The Stripe V3 plugin could have an option to handle the webhook as the confirmation method for the payment.
One goal of the new implementation is to have the payment form directly in the checkout payment selection, thus the customer won't have an "end" page and the payment will be done directly between your server and the Stripe platform (using the "token" from the customer)