for solving the the problem of Sophie11 and Bouncer with the Stripe Dashboard description being the (rather unreadable) payment intent ID instead of the order number you could add the "description" field like in the free Stripe V2. Modifying the following function of your plugin should do the job:
private function createPaymentIntent(&$dbOrder, $payment_method_id)
Before creating the intent, insert:
$desc = JText::sprintf('ORDER_NUMBER').' : '.$dbOrder->order_number;
then later in the payment data for the intent add the "description" field:
$paymentData = array(
'amount' => $amount,
'currency' => $currency->currency_code,
'payment_method_types' => ['card'],
'payment_method' => $payment_method_id,
'confirmation_method' => 'manual', // Need: confirm();
'description' => $desc
The Stripe dashboard text should now be the text "Order number:" followed by the letter/digit order code of the corresponding order in the Hikashop Backend.
In the $paymentData array you also may integrate the "receipt_email" field that Sophie11 might need for sending receipts from the Stripe backend.
Best regards