Selling Videos

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7 years 9 months ago #270755

Hey there,

I have made a new Menu in the shop called My Videos, i have made a new hikashop category Video Traning, now...

I want that people, if they buy, a Video Training that the (bought) video training is seenable in My Videos.

If i do a User Group, and say to hikashop after he/she bought the Video, he can get into the new user group.

Then this video would be seen able in My Videos, BUT, if i add more videos into this user group.
People will see all other videos too ?

They should only see those videos what they bought.

Any suggestion ? or a Idea how i can realize that ?

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7 years 9 months ago #270761


If you want to sell videos, the simplest is to add them as files in your products.
HikaShop will automatically provide a download link after the purchase. And you can have a menu item of the type "Customer download space" where the customer can see a list of all the downloads he already purchased through HikaShop.
So there is no need to mess with user groups if you do it like that.

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7 years 9 months ago #270825

We dont need and dont want those videos.

We are a partner of vimeo, and want to have a page where they can just watch it.
Viemo Video it self is protected by token.

we would like to have it like here:

Thats why i think i need user groups / ACL...

But how do i creat a Menu which shows the bought product to the user Group ?
That i didnt got .


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7 years 9 months ago #270889


Then you can use such extension to allow/remove part of a joomla article based on user groups:
So you create a menu item linking to that Joomla article where you have all the videos inside such user group restriction tags and that should do what you want.

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7 years 9 months ago #270895

Think i dont get it,

how should i make a menue...

to have boughted videos inside ? What does this Plugin do ?

or i do not understand this.

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7 years 9 months ago #270902


how can i say hikashop to display only bought products on a new menu (article) what the user bought ?

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7 years 9 months ago #270904


You can configure menu items via the Joomla menu manager of Joomla.

You can add the HTML of the video player in the Joomla article inside restriction tags of this plugin so that the videos will only be available on that menu if the user is in the correct user group.

Please understand that the setup of videos restricted by user groups in Joomla is not related to HikaShop itself.

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7 years 9 months ago #270945

You are correct, its not related with Hikashop to put the videos on a page.

But its related, when i ask, how to do it with Hikashop, that when someone bought a Product (article, videos, cosumable whatever...) which is (hikashop). that the product itself which was bought with Hikashop appears on a single page, article or wherever which i can do on a extra menu with group access, acl....

How can i do it ?

As a example,

Costumer a) select a product (hikashop) and buys it, costumer a) paid it and NOW costumer a) should see his bought product on a extra page.

in our Case with Videos its in the Menu (My Videos, its a Menu) whatever i do hikashop dont display the sepcific bought product on a extra page which it should.

Like here see example and this is shop related, cause there could be anything... not only videos, shop should creat or how ever... (what i dont know) these from the bought products from hikashop.

In the screenshot, its as well from a shop, i have bought this product from the shop, went to (my downloads in that case) and i get this Page to see. Which is as well from the shop generated.

Its correct as you told me, putting extra stuffs whatever which havent to do with the shop system there you cant help, or lets say it isnt shop related.

But this is Shop related :(

May my question was defind wrong then i am sorry i am not a native enlish speaker and writer :(

Highly appreciate your answer and have a good day


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7 years 9 months ago #270947


My first message already explains that you can add these to your products directly without using user groups:

Just enter the URL of the page you want to be provided to the customer after the purchase and HikaShop will give to the customer a link which will lead him to that URL.
The link provided by HikaShop will only work if the customer has paid for the product.
Of course the URL you give needs to be available for the customer either with a user group restriction (with the user group after purchase setting) or to everyone.

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7 years 9 months ago #270986

As a dumb question, where should i put the link in ? I only see that i can add files, but we dont want to provide this files as a download.

Where should i put the link ?

How to get the extra page? Where hikashop provide the bought links.

I am not a developer :(

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7 years 9 months ago #270991


Inside the Files area of your product edition page, there is a + icon on the top right side. That icon will open a popup where you can enter the URL to the page where you have your video that the customer can see. I suppose you want to either give the URL to the vimeo video on their website, or a page on your website where the vimeo video is displayed with some HTML vimeo gave you and that you inserted in a joomla extension, or a third party extension or even a Joomla article. The method to have that page depends on what you want and what method you decide to use so I can't say exactly what you should do.

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7 years 9 months ago #271053

Think i got it,

now how does Hikashop list the sold Video on a Menu from a specific buyer ?

As a example i do a main menu like (My Videos) on the main page (home) when they click my videos how does Hikashop can display the sold Videos to the specfic person which bought a Video ? Best would be as a list (left Picture of the product on the right the description of the product). (like i have posted before on a screenshot).

Sorry for those thousands newbie questions.



Think found a not the nicest way solution. Have designed one article where are all Video Themes are inside (linked to a new full article)....
And with your plugin recommendation to restrict i have added 2 Usergroups (got only at the moment 2 Videos)....

And when a user buy one of these 2 it is shown....

think like this i can work with it, but with may 10 Videos and more it will be confuse with the usergroups, actually with 2 its not a big deal.

Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Lilithay. Reason: have found a small solution and added the infos to it.

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7 years 9 months ago #271083


Via the Joomla menu manager you can have a menu item of the type "Customer download space" where the customer can see a list of all the downloads he already purchased through HikaShop.

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7 years 9 months ago #271168

Yeah have found this,

but it doesnt look nice, and it shows as well all other sold products.
The list of this doesnt fit to the design which i would like to follow. So for the start i got a solution!

Thanks for all, wished me i would be able to have it like i posted it before, the prodct picture, description and the Watch button (which, is linked to a new article).

but i cant wish me all.

for 10-15 videos this solution which i got should be ok for later ill need to find a another solution, a developer or a new shop :( cause its for me as a beginner not beginner friendly.

Now i got the problem, but with that i can life, is that the menu which i have created shows for all registrated members, but it should be only seenable for those which bought the video. But its not a big deal. And i think its not more as well hikashop related :(

Thanks for your help and your postings.

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4 years 6 months ago #323672

Hi guys,
not always by adding user to a usergroup after a product / subscription buying can be used, a simple way is a must thinking on a lot of cases using the Frontend and HikaMarket...
So, Has changed anything about HikaShop / HikaSubscription Conditional Content ?

Would be really good to have a way to restrict content depending on HikaShop product (if I bought a product) and/or on HikaSubscription (if I bought a subscription = "a product with an expiration date").
An example of use would for example all the product guides/documentation, the sale of courses, etc...

As far as I know nothing is changed and there is still no a direct HikaShop Conditional Content plugin to do it, but we could use the Custom PHP feature where "if the logged user has bought the product id ..." OR "if the logged has a valid subscription id ..."

Please, Can you help with the right Custom PHP code to use ?
Please, Can you consider to send the info to Peter (the Conditional Content plugin developer) asking him to add it directly to the plugin ? Adding it to the free plugin version would be really a very good improvement for HikaShop...

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4 years 6 months ago #323681


Nothing has changed on that end yet.
I think the best would be to add that capability directly to the content tag plugin already available in HikaShop:
Since it's already processing tags in Joomla content, it could be adapted to support {show} {hide} tags with such conditions "if the logged user has bought the product id ..." or "if the logged has a valid subscription id ..."

Regarding the custom PHP code to use with the "custom PHP feature" of that content tag plugin, it would require around 10 / 20 lines of code with 1 or two mysql queries to do it. It's something that would take me a bit of time to do and not something I can come up with on the spot so I can't give you a ready-made solution for that.

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4 years 6 months ago #323722

Hi nicolas,
really many thanks for your quick answer.

I understand and, as you know, I always write here with a collaborative spirit. So, many thanks and I stay tuned here.
I'm agree with you about to add it to the HikaShop content tag plugin, more logic.
Anyway, having the Conditional Content plugin a lot of "Multiple Conditions" (quite infinite), I'm going to ask Peter if he will can to add an HikaShop integration (calling the HikaShop content tag plugin)...

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4 years 5 months ago #324115

Hi Nicolas,

nicolas wrote: I think the best would be to add that capability directly to the content tag plugin already available in HikaShop:
Since it's already processing tags in Joomla content, it could be adapted to support {show} {hide} tags with such conditions "if the logged user has bought the product id ..." or "if the logged has a valid subscription id ..."

Sorry, I'm not sure I understood. Please, Are you going to add it into the Content Tag plugin on the upcoming update ?

Last edit: 4 years 5 months ago by joomleb.

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4 years 5 months ago #324125


No we won't.
The upcoming release has already its features frozen.
I've added that to the todo list on our end. But please understand that there are hundreds of items on that list and we can't do them all for the next release.

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4 years 4 months ago #325858

Hi Nicolas,
for sure I understand, I hope my question didn't offend you, it wasn't my intention.

HikaShop 4.4.0 has been released with success few weeks ago.
Please, Do you have a clearer plan idea for this small improvement add ?

Last edit: 4 years 3 months ago by joomleb.

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