Category: Orders management
I'm not able to access your link. I'm getting redirected to the page
which requires to login, but I don't have an account on that website.
The order number is added as the sales order id:
The order invoice number is added as the invoice id:
So I don't think there is a problem there. Please double check.
Please note that the plugin output invoices for orders already paid, so it is normal that the payment data is empty and the amount due is 0 since the customer already paid on your website with a normal payment method like PayPal.
Similarly, it's normal the due date is not set since the order is supposed to be already paid.
If you wish to have the customer purchase your products through payment methods included in the UBL file, then it would require the development of a payment plugin, where you could provide the payment details, which would trigger the generation of the UBL file at the end of the checkout with the payment details from the payment method, etc. In that case, it would make sense for the amount due to be the total amount, etc in the generated UBL.
Regarding the product codes, please note that you need to fill in the setting "Tax category code field" of the plugin with the column name of a custom field of the table "product", and that in each product, you provide the tax category code in that custom field.
Regarding the company name and email missing for the supplier, please note that you have corresponding fields in the settings of the plugin that you need to fill in so that they can be present in the UBL file.
Please review the settings of the plugin. You can click on the "toggle inline help" button at the top to get to see the instructions for each field of the plugin. That might help you fill in the settings properly.