I noticed just now that the e-mails that the system send, are without the bank information.
I'm on business version of Hikashop.
So i cecked the e-mail file (ORDER_CREATION_NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT) and it is correct, i mean it still has the line:
<a href="<?php echo $pay_url; ?>"><?php JText::_('PAY_NOW'); ?></a>
$paymentClass = hikashop_get('class.payment');
$payment = $paymentClass->get($data->order_payment_id);
$payment->payment_params = unserialize($payment->payment_params);
echo $payment->payment_params->information;
} ?>
<?php echo JText::sprintf('THANK_YOU_FOR_YOUR_ORDER',HIKASHOP_LIVE);
Also, that worked fine i think until the latest update.
What happened?
What can i do to have the bank transfer information on my email?