Invoice for vendor and customer

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12 years 2 months ago #81284

This is a fiscal problem. Who generate invoice to buyer. I have talk today wih my fiscal consulent (for italy) and he says that I should create an invoice for the vendor for every payment I do to him (according to fees) and not to buyer. So vendor should generate an invoice for the buyer.
Now, how hikamarket works?

I dont want generate invoices to buyers. Can I disable invoices generation to buyers?

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12 years 2 months ago #81285


The buyer would not have access to such invoice. He would still have same HikaShop invoices.
HikaMarket proposed the invoice and the shipping invoice from the front-end. It is more for the "main vendor" than for the other vendors.
But vendors could print "shipping invoices" for shippings. They do not required the classical "invoice". Maybe we could deactivate the button for all vendors (other than the main vendor).


Jerome -
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12 years 2 months ago #81288

Jerome wrote: Hi,

The buyer would not have access to such invoice. He would still have same HikaShop invoices.
HikaMarket proposed the invoice and the shipping invoice from the front-end. It is more for the "main vendor" than for the other vendors.
But vendors could print "shipping invoices" for shippings. They do not required the classical "invoice". Maybe we could deactivate the button for all vendors (other than the main vendor).


Ok, so, vendors just need shipping address, and also the invoice address in the case they want to create an invoice to buyer ( manually in this case, not by the system).

Now, I need to create an invoice to my vendors when I pay them. It sound strange bu that's it, because vendor pay me the fee and I give it back the rest of the fee.

Is it clear? And is that possible?

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12 years 2 months ago #81325

UP to previous post.

In the case I just sell virtual goods on the marketplace, also shipping button invoice should be deactivated.

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12 years 2 months ago #81374


The button have now ACL, so you would be able to activate/deactivate them.


Jerome -
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12 years 2 months ago #81385

Thank you.

Now, can I generate invoices to vendors when I pay them? Also store those invoices in their account?

So, in this case, buyers do not have invoices (vendors must provide invoices to them, manually, reporting to them the whole price+tax); then I would automatically create invoices to vendors everytime I pay them.
This seems possible already, but not sure about it's working correct. When I click the pay button for vendors, then I see the invoice button in the backend, when I click on the invoice button it give me the invoice form but I see that I manually have to add the vendor address, why that's not already compiled with vendors data?

Am I missing something or confusing something?

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12 years 2 months ago #81505

Add to previous post.

After fixed a bug, now I see that I can manage invoices for vendors.

Anyway, when I click the invoice button, after I pay them, I cannot see the vendor address in the invoice. How can I add it automatically?

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12 years 2 months ago #81533


The vendor does not have address in the table "hikashop address", so for the moment it's not possible to use the vendor address.
It could be possible to use the default address for the administrator, but it could be a wrong address.


Jerome -
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12 years 2 months ago #81556

Ok, so thats not the way I thought this could be work.

I need this: when I pay vendors I want to create an invoice for them. Who sell in my legal- fiscal case are vendors, that sell their products to buyers. I just do an intermediation between them and earn a fee.
So my role, with hikamarket is to manage money for the vendor.
Now, vendor pay this service with a fee. So, when I "pay" vendors I must submit an invoice to them, because in reality they are paying to me. It is like if I give 100% of money to vendor and then he pay me back my fee.
So, in reality, my customer is the vendor and not the buyer, and I must provide an invoice to vendors.
That s why I thought I could solve this problem using that invoice system but thats not possible, first 'cause I would store automatically an addess and VAT for vendor and also, most important, because I need to report in the invoice the exact value that vendor "pay" to me with the fee. So, if he receive 70% on every sales, and I receive 30%, I must provide to him an invoice with a voice of 30%.
Also, this voice should not be the product item voice but something like "intermediation for selling product xx with order yyy".

Hope I explaned what I need and really hope this could be done. Otherway I should do it manually for every "paymen".


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12 years 2 months ago #81614

Add to previous post.

How are invoice numbers managed in this case?

I need to create only invoices for what I sale as "main vendor" and for vendors as described in previous post.
Now, it seems that invoices are generated also for every transaction between customer and vendor, and I don't want this 'cause my invoice number order must be sequential for Italian laws (and also must restart from "1" at the beginning of every new year; I know you are working on this on hikashop anyway).

So, I would have this if possible, otherway I cannot use invoicing system:

- invoices generated only from main vendor (my website) for what I sale to buyers (buyers can also be vendors when they buy on my site);
- invoices generated by my website to vendors when I pay them (as drescribed in previous post);
- those invoices would be available in the user (buyer) and vendor panel; also PDF invoicing plugin should attach those 2 type of invoices only;
- those 2 invoices type have a unique sequential numeration (1,2,3...etc...), so no invoices should be created for payments between buyer and other vendors (NO main vendor), otherway my incoincing numeration will fail, 'cause I'll manage only those 2 kind of invoice in my accounting;
- finally I need to manage tax and zones when I pay vendors (not sure this is possible yet...);

Last edit: 12 years 2 months ago by deltafidesign.

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12 years 2 months ago #83501

Any news about this?

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12 years 2 months ago #83514


You feature request was added in our TODO list but it's still something that I don't really understand or maybe you didn't understand the invoice system of HikaMarket.

Even if you don't matter of sub-orders, it's a really important thing if you want to track sales and separates who have gain what.
Each sub-orders have a total price and a vendor price (price - fees). You can tweak the HikaMarket views in order to not display the vendor price but the total price.
You don't have to pay a sub-order to a vendor, you have to generate an invoice which would aggregate all unpaied sub-orders to a single one invoice.
This invoice have a total price which is the sum of the vendor prices. In you case, it's the price that your vendors would have to pay you.

You can remove the "order show" right if you don't want that vendor access to the orders.
The invoice PDF plugin would be update in order to be compatible with HikaMarket, it is already planned.
The invoice numeration is already a sequential numeration that you can configure in HikaShop and HikaMarket.
Vendor tax was added in the TODO list.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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12 years 2 months ago #83569

Hi Jerome.

I'm quite sure I understood the hikamarket invoice system (I hope so). And actually this cannot work in my case.

That's why:

When someone buy on my site, who sell in my case is the vendor and not me (my site). So I don't have to submit an invoice to the buyer. The vendor must provide an invoice to the buyer and I don't mind if he do it or not (if he want to do, he can do it manually by himself).

But I need to submit an invoice to the vendor everytime I "pay" him. That could sounds strange but in the fact is the correct way.
Infact the vendor use my service (the marketplace) and he pay me (with a fee) so when he pay my fee I need to submit him an invoice.

Now, when the vendor pay me? He pay me when I pay him; when I give him his money. That's what I do: just an intermediation, I don't sell goods. Vendor sell goods and he submit invoices to buyers. I just offer an intermediation service and vendor pay me for this service (with the fee). My role is to give him back part of his money while I keep a part (the fee): so I must provide him an invoice when I give him back the money and I need to report the vendor address and the fees for the services I provided to him during time over the invoice.

That's all. I hope I had explained better. Please tell me if not. this is very important, otherway I cannot use hikamarket...

Then, invoicing numberation is sequential, yes, but as in Spain, also in Italy we need to restart the numberation from 1 every new year and I know you are working on this on hikashop.

Actually the problem for numberation invoice is that an invoice is generated everytime a buyer buy from a vendor, and I don't really want this! I don't want that this happen! I don't have to generate an invoice, I do not sell, vendor sell, not me.

I just want to generate an invoice when I "pay" the vendor or when I directly sell goods as website (main vendor).

So, when I generate a payment to vendor I need and invoice that reports:

- My company address;
- Vendor address and VAT;
- the list of the fees he payed me for every product.

Please tell me if that's now clear.


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12 years 2 months ago #83571


Yes the reset of the invoice number is on our TODO list for the next HikaShop release.

So, you need to deactivate the invoices for your customers (they can't show them).
After that, if you put reverse fees, the vendor invoice would be correct. So the invoice would not the "price - fees" but "price - reversed fees = fees".
So, if your fees are 30%, you just have to configured it with 70%.
price - (70% price) => 30% price

Right ?


Jerome -
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12 years 2 months ago #83574

Yes, I need to deactivate the generation of invoices for customers, 'cause they are not my customers, but they are vendors's customers. They are my customers only if they buy my goods as main vendor. In this case I need to generate an invoice for buyers, not if they buy from other vendors.

Then yes, I need reverse the actual fee system, right!

Finally the PDF invoice plugin should send only invoices to my direct customers (as main vendor only) and to vendors when I pay them, and both vendors and direct customers can find those invoices in their account but NO invoices between my site and vendors' buyers had to be generated.


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12 years 1 month ago #86857

Any news about this? I really need this future, otherway Hikamarket cannot work in my case.

Thanks in advice.

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12 years 1 month ago #87081


In the next release of HikaMarket, an option for "reverse fee / commission" would be added.
At this moment, the fee options would be commission options and the "pay" button would be a "invoice" button.

Invoices could be deactivated in HikaShop by modifying the email content of overriding some views.
You can deactivate the invoice in the front-end by overriding the "invoice" view and remove the button in the user control panel.


Jerome -
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12 years 1 month ago #87091

Jerome wrote: In the next release of HikaMarket

Thanks Jerome.

Any idee about when next release will be out?

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12 years 1 month ago #87193


HikaMarket 1.1.0 would require HikaShop 2.1.0
The release of HikaShop is planned for the end of the month, the team is currently working on the last features and we are testing the product.
HikaMarket would be release few days after HikaShop 2.1.0. I think that I will wait for the validation of the HikaShop package before validate mine.


Jerome -
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12 years 2 weeks ago #90170

Hi Jerome,

I saw that hikashop 2.1.0 had been released. Is now hikamarket 1.1.0 ready for my needs?

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