Invoice for vendor and customer

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12 years 2 weeks ago #90173


Yes, HikaMarket 1.1.x have the "commission" mode feature.
You can change the "market mode" to "commission" and do not "pay" anymore your vendors, but create invoices for your commission.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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12 years 2 weeks ago #90179

Thanks Jerome, I'll test it and let you know!

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12 years 1 week ago #90298

Jerome wrote: ... but create invoices for your commission

How can I create invoices? Can I use hikashop/hikamarket or should I do them manually?

I'm testing it, but I cannot understand how it works. I can see only the invoice button that generate the invoice for the buyer while I need to generate the invoice for the vendor.

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12 years 1 week ago #90304


I've found how I can generate invoices to vendors. I need to go to vendor list in hikamarket and I see "Orders ready to pay".

Now, how those orders will be payed to vendors? Do they automatically receive their commission over paypal account?

Also, if I want to earn the 30% for every order I must set the commission to 70% for vendors, right? It looks like this now, I must do that to generate an invoice with 30% for vendors.

Now, I click over the vendor link who as got "Orders ready to pay" and I can see the "generate invoice" button on top menu, also I can see all the orders for that vendor, but the "invoices" tab is always empty even after invoices generated.

I click over the "Generate invoice" button and I see the order list, then I select the order and click again over the generate invoice button. Now another page opens... now I can click over the "Invoice" button on top.

Now the popup that allow me to generate the invoice comes out and I can see the invoice, but no vendors data about vendor address, vat etc.. are reported! I must report those data over the invoice.

Is that a bug or something misconfigurated?

Also, suppose that now I close the browser for any reason, and I didn't print the invoice. I need to print that invoice so I come back to admin backend. Do the same long procedure to arrive to that point... but... there are no orders ready to be payed now!!! also the invoice tab for the vendor profile do not report any invoice and I cannot generate the invoice again!

Is that a bug, or something wrong?

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12 years 1 week ago #90319

This thread is VERY interesting !
I've been waiting for sooo long for a component handling a marketplace complying with legal obligations and it seems Hikamarket comes very close to succeding in the correct configuration B)

I will follow this topic and once I see it is fully operational I will immediately buy the complete hika-suite :woohoo:

THANK YOU deltafidesign for pushing the features requests and another BIG thank you to the Hika team for being such efficient (and customer orientated) developers.

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12 years 1 week ago #90323

According to this topic, I've just opened another topic to discuss another important question that is partially related to this topic:

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12 years 1 week ago #90373


An customer order which is "valid" (Valid order statuses: confirmed, shipped) could be payed.
In fee mode, you would pay the vendor the full price minus the fees.
In commission mode, you would generate an invoice in order to be paid.

For both, you have to select manually the orders that you want to compile for the vendor (to pay it or to request a payment).

The generation of the Vendor billing address would be fix in the next release like a sum problem in the pay function.
The billing address in the order would use the vendor custom fields which have the same names of the address fields.
* address_name <=> vendor_address_name
* address_street <=> vendor_address_street
* etc...
If you want to fix, I could send you the two modified files by email.

The "invoice" is attached to the admin user and is a classical "sale" for HikaShop. So you can see it in the order listing of HikaShop.
I update the vendor form in order to display the invoices too.

As explain in the other post, HikaShop does not have multiple payment system so HikaMarket could not have yet the "direct vendor payment".
We are working on this "multiple shipping" and "multiple payment" features in HikaShop.

You can check the progression of the next release in the HikaMarket change log


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.
Last edit: 12 years 1 week ago by Jerome. Reason: change-log information

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12 years 1 week ago #90414

Jerome wrote: In commission mode, you would generate an invoice in order to be paid.

For both, you have to select manually the orders that you want to compile for the vendor (to pay it or to request a payment).

Sorry, I dont understand exactly this. Please help me understand it. In the commission mode I receive the complete payment from the buyer. I earn a commission or fee in this amount and then I must give back to vendor his money. How do I send money to him? Manually? Or when I generate the invoice for him also a "payment" ( meaning I give him his money) is done?

If you want to fix, I could send you the two modified files by email.

Yes please, I want to test it.

The "invoice" is attached to the admin user and is a classical "sale" for HikaShop. So you can see it in the order listing of HikaShop.
I update the vendor form in order to display the invoices too.

Ok, thanks

As explain in the other post, HikaShop does not have multiple payment system so HikaMarket could not have yet the "direct vendor payment".
We are working on this "multiple shipping" and "multiple payment" features in HikaShop.

You can check the progression of the next release in the HikaMarket change log


Cant wait for it. :) thanks for the nice job!

Last edit: 12 years 1 week ago by deltafidesign.

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12 years 1 week ago #90441

deltafidesign wrote:

Jerome wrote: In commission mode, you would generate an invoice in order to be paid.
For both, you have to select manually the orders that you want to compile for the vendor (to pay it or to request a payment).

Sorry, I dont understand exactly this. Please help me understand it. In the commission mode I receive the complete payment from the buyer. I earn a commission or fee in this amount and then I must give back to vendor his money. How do I send money to him? Manually? Or when I generate the invoice for him also a "payment" ( meaning I give him his money) is done?

I also would like to understand better...
Payment with Paypal means we have to pay 2 commisions to PayPal, the first time when the customers buys in the shop then a second time when the vendors pays to the marketplace.

What are the options for the vendors to send the fee/commission to the marketplace owner?
Are they the ones available and published for customers or can we select different payment options like bank transfer and once the transfer is done and confirmed there is a possibility to select the payment status for vendor in the Hikamarket admin?

Last edit: 12 years 1 week ago by pprle.

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12 years 1 week ago #90442

pprle wrote: What are the options for the vendors to send the fee/commission to the marketplace owner?

I think that vendors shold not have to send something because you took the money for him as marketplace. You must give him is money subtracting your commission. But how? I see only the generate invoice button, dont see a button to send him his money subtracted about the commission.

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12 years 1 week ago #90445


I am sorry but it is you who asked for this commission mode...
The default process of HikaMarket is fee mode : The store receive the money and send the money to the vendors afterwards.

Paypal is not the only payment plugin in HikaShop and it is not the only payment system in the world.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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12 years 1 week ago #90466

Jerome wrote: The default process of HikaMarket is fee mode : The store receive the money and send the money to the vendors afterwards.

That means that in commission mode I cannot send money to vendors like in fee mode? Right?

If yes. Could be possible to implement a feature to send money and generate the invoices at same time for vendors? I mean, when I generate invoices for vendors, can they automatically receive the corrispondent payment (total-commission)?

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12 years 1 week ago #90767


I don't understand why so I want to say no.
Transferring 3 times the money is not logical for me so, I don't see why using such commission mode if the fee mode do the same with less transactions.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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12 years 1 week ago #90802

Jerome wrote: 3 times

Maybe I did not understand how commission mode works actually. Really sorry, please try to explain me better.

At moment I understod that commission mode works like this ( correct me if I am wrong):

Buyer buy from the marketplace
Marketplace receive money (100%): first money transaction.
I can generate an invoice for the vendor for the commission ( example 30%)

Now I must give back to vendor the 70% of the money that marketplace received (100%): isnt that the second transfer of money? Why you speak about 3 times of money transaction? Do I confused something?

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12 years 1 week ago #91001


1/ Customer => The store (full price)
2/ The store => The vendor (full price)
3/ The vendor => The store (commission)

I understand if the customer could be directly the vendor it would be easier but for the moment, it is not possible.
As explain in another post in the forum, it would require the "multi payment" system in HikaShop, feature which is currently in development.
After that, HikaMarket would be able to use the "multi payment" (as the "multi shipping") in order to make a payment directly to the final vendor and so, use the commission mode with 2 transactions

1/ The customer => The vendor (full price)
2/ The vendor => The store (commission)

But for the moment it's not possible, so the fee mode works like this:

1/ The customer => The store (full price)
2/ The store => The vendor (Fees = full price - commission)

The "multi payment" would be great for HikaMarket and the payment to the vendor but it would add a restriction.
A customer won't be able to buy products from several vendor in the same time.
That's why we have another linked development: Paypal adaptive.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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12 years 1 week ago #91004

Ok, thanks for explain me. So, in commission mode I can just generate the invoice to vendor ( invoice for commission) and then manually I must send him money (total-commission). Right?

Last edit: 12 years 1 week ago by deltafidesign.

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12 years 1 week ago #91099


I don't know what you want to do.

But in "commission" mode, you generates a invoice which should be paid by the vendor, as you asked in the first page of this thread.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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12 years 1 week ago #91110

Jerome wrote: Hi,

I don't know what you want to do.

But in "commission" mode, you generates a invoice which should be paid by the vendor, as you asked in the first page of this thread.

I would pay the vendor as I do in "fee mode" but at same time generate an invoice for the vendor and not for the buyer.

This could seems illogical but isn't it. I try to explain why that the only solution till hikamarket cannot work using paypal adaptive plugin and so vendors will be directly payed by customers and store only receive a fee from the vendor.

The correct fiscal path for me should be this: customer pay vendor then vendor pay me. I do not sell, vendor sell, I just earn something from the vendor.

That's impossible at the moment, so the only solution is that customer pay the store, then the store give money to vendor. This is the fee mode. ok.

Than, I must take a fee (commission) from the vendor. This is like if vendor pay me for this service, so I must generate and invoice for the vendor about this fee (commission).

That's why I asked you to implement a feature to generate an invoice when I "pay" the vendor, 'cause in reality I do not pay the vendor, is the vendor that pay me my fee. I just send him his money, I do not pay him! He pays me. So I must generate an invoice to him.

Now, the only solution is to use the fee mode (paypal adaptive not possible yet) and when I "pay" (meaning I send money to vendor minus the fee) I want to generate an invoice to the vendor for the fee he payed me.

Actually the fee mode works fine for me. I just need to generate an invoice to vendor and not to customer. If I generate the invoice for the customer it means that I sell something, but I do not sell something, is the vendor that sell (and he will generate manually an invoice to customer if he wants...) the store do not sell in my case so I just want to send money to vendor taking my fee and generate an invoice to him for the fee.

customer => pay using the store => I send money (total price minus fee) to vendor clicking on the "Pay Vendor" button => store keep a fee: that's equivalent to vendor pay me => I must generate and invoice to vendor for this fee he payed me.

Hope you can "fuse" the fee mode and the commission mode to generate a fee mode that can generate the invoice to vendor.


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12 years 1 week ago #91136


You can update the class vendor (administrator/components/com_hikamarket/classes/vendor.php) and add the indicated code.

		$status = $shopOrderClass->save($order);

		if($status) {

			$query = 'UPDATE ' . hikamarket::table('shop.order') . ' SET order_vendor_paid = ' . $status . ' WHERE order_id IN ('.$status.','.implode(',',$orders).')';

			// Add the code below...
			if($feeMode && $config->get('fee_generate_invoice', 1)) {
				$order->order_status = $confirmedStatus;
				$order->order_type = 'sale';
				$order->history->history_notified = 1;
				$order->order_billing_address_id = $this->getAddressId($vendor);
				$order->cart->products = array();
				foreach($pay_orders as $o) {
					$product = new stdClass();
					$product->product_id = 0;
					$product->order_product_name = JText::sprintf('VENDOR_ORDER_PAYMENT', $o->order_number, $currencyClass->format($o->order_full_price, $o->order_currency_id));
					$product->order_product_code = '#' . $o->order_id;
					$product->order_product_price = $currencyClass->convertUniquePrice($o->order_full_price - $o->order_vendor_price, $o->order_currency_id, $vendor->vendor_currency_id);
					$product->order_product_quantity = 1;
					$product->order_product_tax = 0;
					$product->order_product_options = '';
					$order->cart->products[] = $product;
				$shopOrderClass->recalculateFullPrice($order, $order->cart->products);
It should create an invoice in the same time that the vendor payment has been created.

If the modification right for you, we could insert it into HikaMarket and add an option in the configuration.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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12 years 1 week ago #91178

I got a blank page when I try to pay the order after added your code. Anyway seems that the order is payed and the invoice for the vendor is generated, but the invoice do not report the fee value that vendor payed me but the amout that I sent to him.

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