Invoice for vendor and customer

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11 years 11 months ago #94671

Ok thanks.

I've doing some tests now. I see that if I delete this: "- $o->order_payment_price" nothing happens, always the same value in the invoice. Is that right?

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11 years 11 months ago #94707


"$o->order_payment_price" is the payment price for the vendor order and not the main order.
The payment price and the shipping price are equal to zero for the vendor orders because the multiple payment/shipping feature is not finished yet (but the development is growing good).
This feature would allow to have a specific shipping price per vendor.

The payment price of the main order is not copied into the vendor order because we didn't want to let the vendor see a price which could give more information on the complete order.
We are implementing a new option in order to process the payment & shipping prices to the vendor orders (according to the percentage).


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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11 years 11 months ago #94786

Jerome wrote: We are implementing a new option in order to process the payment & shipping prices to the vendor orders (according to the percentage).

Ok, so it's better I wait this new option? Or can I try doing something anyway adding the actual payment price of the main order variable for my tests? Which is the variable for the payment price of the main order, if this exists...

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11 years 11 months ago #95089


I am working on the option.
I guess I will post here the modifications after finishing all my tests.


Jerome -
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11 years 8 months ago #108524

I discuss in this topic about the question of paypal adaptive plugin and invoice as you suggested in the other topic .

Jerome wrote: The custom still pay but it is just that the money is send directly to the vendors.

100% of money are completly sent to vendor from the customer? Then my fee is automatically sent by vendor's paypal account to my paypal account? Right?

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11 years 8 months ago #108526

Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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11 years 8 months ago #108532

Can I consider a chained payment (as described in the link you gave me) where the primary receiver is the vendor in our case?

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11 years 8 months ago #108572


In my implementation, I want to propose parallel and chained payments.
But, in chained payments, the first receiver (the primary) will be the store vendor.

I don't see how we can another vendor as the primary one because it is not logical and an order can have several vendors.
But for the fees and the payments, there is no impact on the values.


Jerome -
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11 years 8 months ago #108602

Thanks Jerome, that's the answer I was looking for. And it's not a good news for us. :) :(
You are right, in this case the are no differences between "now" and after "PayPal Adaptive plugin".

I thought that with PayPal Adaptive plugin, finally we could solve this problem. But it don't look like this, 'cause we do not sell, vendors sell in our case so the correct process would be the one I thought could be possible implementing PayPal Adaptive plugin (that's why in the meanwhile you developed it, I asked. I imagined that would have been something that couldn't work as supposed...).

So, if payment process would have been developed in this way, it could work:

customer pay > money (100%) goes to vendor > vendor pay us commission for using the marketplace > I generate an invoice to vendor for the commission he payed us.

That's why I asked if the primary receiver could be the vendor instead the store. That's the logical process in the case we do not sell but just offer the store, as platform, marketplace, where vendors can sell.

It's like a real shopping-mall in my case, where I just own the place and the vendors pay me the "rent" of every shop. So they sell, earn money, then pay me the "rent" (commission, fee) and I only need to generate invoice to them for this payment.

At this point I think that there's nothing else to do... :(

Cannot use Hikamarket at 100% for our needs.

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11 years 8 months ago #108609


I still don't understand what you want to say.
And I still don't understand why you do not understand that it does not matter that the store vendor is in the first position or not.

Everybody will gain his money, it does not impact the prices.
I think it is better to always show the same address to the customer during the paypal payment.


Jerome -
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11 years 8 months ago #108610

Jerome wrote: And I still don't understand why you do not understand that it does not matter that the store vendor is in the first position or not.

It really matters. If someone pay me, I must generate an invoice for him. So if the customer pay me, I have to generate an invoice for him, but if the vendor pay me, I must generate an invoice for the vendor and not for the customer. I want that the customer pay directly the vendor so the vendor have to generate an invoice for the customer, not me! The the vendor have to pay me my fee (commission) and in this case I generate the invoice for him.

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11 years 8 months ago #108669

You're not getting the point Jerome is making I think.

Payment is one thing. Invoice is another.
Regarding the payments with the paypal adaptive plugin, regardless of which vendor is the first one or not, the same money will go to the same accounts. That's why Jerome is saying that the implementation of the paypal adaptive won't matter for what you want to do.

On the other end, invoices would be generated like you want and I think that you already created overrides/plugins to modify the invoices to work like you want.

So in short there is nothing to worry as you will be able to do what you want with the paypal adaptive plugin that we will do.

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11 years 8 months ago #108688

What will be written in my paypal transaction? Who pays me? What would be reported in the items about payments in my paypal account? I must reconstruct money movements from who pays me in my paypal account and then to my bank. So, I should have a payment in my paypal account from the vendor about the fee he payed me because I will generate an invoice to him. So payments have to corresponds with invoices. Thats why the correct process in my case is that customer pay vendor (and not me) then vendor pay me my fee or commission.

So, what would be reported in the paypal payment? Would be reported that customer payed me a fee? Or will be reported that vendor payed me a fee?

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11 years 8 months ago #108758


What I can tell you is that, you don't want to use Paypal Adaptive.

Like we said, it is a system which allow the customer to pay several accounts at the same time.
Being the first receiver is just having his email address displayed.
But there is no difference between the "parallel" and the "chained" payments. Each time, it is transactions between the customer, and the vendors.

So it does not fit to your needs.


Jerome -
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11 years 8 months ago #108825

Ok, thanks.
So at this point the only solution is to completly manage 100% of money as store, using or not PayPal Adaptive plugin, send moneys to vendors, as I can do now with actual version of Hikamarket also using the plugin you developed to generate an invoice for the vendor when he "pay" me my fee.

Now, I'm trying to configure the system to let it work with my needs. In this case, customer pay, I receive money, then I send money to vendors and I generate an invoice with your plugin for them.

This invoice is not usable for me at the moment. It correctly reports the store address and VAT as I configured in hikashop, then it should also report the address and VAT of the vendor for whom I'm generating that invoice, but nothing is reported.

How can I add vendor address and VAT?

Also the tab for items, prices, total etc., just report the fee value as total including VAT and taxes for shipment and payment meanwhile I need to split this value in:

- quantity and description for every fee with price and number for those fees; (already done)
- discounts;
- the payment costs (example paypal fee); (at moment I don't see it also in the total price but maybe this is 'cause I do my test paying manual)
- the shipping cost;
- total amount where I apply VAT;
- VAT price over this amount;
- total of invoice.

Is that possible?

Also, invoicing number is a big problem in my tests.

Italy, as Spain and maybe other Countries require a unique invoicing numeration sequential starting from the first day of the Year and reset every new year and must be always sequential... 1, 2, 3 etc...

Now you have done this system but in my case I see that for every order an invoice number is generated and so this become a problem 'cause I don't want an invoice for every order but just for the "orders" for vendor that reports my fee.

So, I would generate an invoice only when the vendor "pay" me and not any time a customer buy something, those are not invoices for me and I will hide them to customers in their profile 'cause vendors sell, so vendors must provide invoices to customers, not me. I just need to generate invoices to vendors.

That means that if someone buy something the invoice number 1 for the customer is generated as I see, and this is not an invoice for me 'cause I consider invoices only the ones made for vendors. So when I go generate the invoice for the vendor for the fee he "payed" me this reports the number 2 instead of number 1 and so on. That's not possible in my Country (as Spain or others...).

Any solution for this?

Last but not least, can the PDF plugin just send the invoices that I generate for vendors instead of every kind of invoice generated for customers that in my case are not considered invoices?

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11 years 8 months ago #108948


With the trigger "onAfterVendorPay" you can create a customized order with what you want in the product.
So you can split the prices in different products in order to have your detail.
But it requires some PHP/development skills.

The original plugin that I made set the "order_billing_address_id" with the vendor address id.
So it uses the vendor admin address and if you have a VAT custom field, this field will be added.

About the invoicing number, I am not sure that it will be possible.
It is HikaMarket which generate the invoiceid for the subsales but there is no trigger in HikaShop or HikaMarket to set dynamically this invoice number.
The resetting will be supported in HikaMarket like it is supported in HikaShop.
I guess that, the subsale should be modified with the trigger "onAfterOrderUpdate" in order to change the "invoice_number" (but not the invoice_id, otherwise, the invoice_id will be re-generate next time).

For the PDF plugin, it would be possible but it require some modifications in the plugin itself in order to add your specific filtering rules.
Because the plugin is independent of HikaShop/HikaMarket, you can modify it (but if you update it or reinstall it, you will loose your modifications).


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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11 years 8 months ago #109005

Thanks so much Jerome for your answer.

At this point I see that Hikamarket do not match owr needs and maybe will not match them in future.

So, I would ask you if you accept a quote request for developing what we need so that we can correctly manage a system like this that we've discussed in this topic several times.

If you accept quote requests, let me know and I'll sent you a PM.

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11 years 8 months ago #109035


You can send me an email, it will be easier than PM.

We accept quote requests but in your case, I want to be sure of what you want.
This thread have not four full pages and I already implement features in HikaMarket for your needs but it seams that you change your mind or want other things.
Finally, I am not sure of want you want so I will not accept to implement something if I am not completely sure that it will feet to your needs.

Today, I am sure that I do not understand what you want to do and I am sure that you do not understand what is possible to do.

We are highly working on HikaShop 2.2 which will have a multi-shipping and multi-payment system.
I already talk about it several times.

With this feature, it will be possible to have one payment system per vendor. So, with a "vendor limitation", only products from one vendor can be added in the cart and the custom will pay directly the vendor using his payment methods.
So, each vendor could configure his own paypal method, or use another payment methods which implement the "multiple" feature (and we migrate all official payment methods).

So, this is one feature which could help you.
But I am not sure, I still do not understand what you want. This thread is becoming too big, there is too many message and too many different explanation of what you want.

We do not need big explanation. We need clear explanation, with example. Something easy to understand, summarized as possible.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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11 years 8 months ago #109045

Jerome wrote: We do not need big explanation. We need clear explanation, with example. Something easy to understand, summarized as possible.

Completly agree with you, will send you an e-mail to discuss owr requests.

Thanks in advice.

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11 years 7 months ago #115458

Hi Jerome,

we do not forget about you. We are studying as better as possible everything to understand what will be doable and what not according to our needs.

At moment we are evaluating the commission mode. I would ask you something about that.

1) In commission mode the customer directly pay the 100% of the price + taxes + payments costs + taxes to the vendor? I mean, in commission mode nothing will pass over my PayPal account but directly go to vendors, or money pass over my paypal account, but no trascation is stored into my PayPal account transactions list? Then I ask vendors to pay me my fee generating an invoice to them. Right?

2) In commission mode I see that I can generate an invoice for the vendor about the fee he have to pay me. I see that the invoice reports the order number instead of the invoice number as soon as I generate the invoice. Then when I go to see the invoice looking at the order generated for the vendor about the fee he have to pay me, it reports the vendor invoice number that I assigned to vendor. What's wrong? Something misconfigured or a bug?

I would like that for the invoices I generate only to vendors for the fees they have to pay me I can have a unique progressive numeration for my company without holes (1,2,3,4,5,6,....). Is that possible? How to?
Also, can every vendor have his unique progressive numeration for invoices for his customers?

Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by deltafidesign.

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